Title: The End of the World
Author: Mandy C
Email: amanda@beingdrowned.com
Summary: What would you do during your last moments on Earth?
Spoilers: Through "The Zeppo" (mid-season 3)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I've noticed this theme where I do not write stories where I would have to come up with my own plot. I sort of do in this one, a little, maybe. No, never mind. In "The Zeppo," the Hellmouth opens. In this story, it didn't get shut. So the characters and the backstory are Joss's. Hooray.
Distribution: My site at http://beingdrowned.com/fanfic, Land of Denial, fanfiction.net, and the Slayer Fanfic Archives...um, if you want it, take it, just let me know.
Notes: OK, Hellmouth is open, the Scoobs have been split up. My only excuse for this is that I've been reading too much Vonnegut. I wanted to put the quote about there being nothing intelligent to say about a massacre, but I think that's beside the point of this story. Assuming, of course, that there is a point to this story.
Feedback: Please, please, please, to amanda@beingdrowned.com

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Three: Giles

He sat perched on the roof, cradling his chin in his hands. "So this is the way the world ends," he said softly. Laughed a little, to himself. After all this time and all this effort...it would all fade. The work of all of his extraordinary young people would be for naught.

The fight hadn't lasted long. They had all known going in that if Willow's spell didn't work, the battle would be futile. Willow was a brave girl and held promise as a witch, but she was too young, incapable of harnessing the necessary forces. Giles had known going in that the battle would futile.

Still, they fought. Giles raced to his home in search of another spell, a simpler one. But the ground broke open, spitting demons and fire out across the town, and he knew that it was lost. He was separated from the Slayer and her friends--from his family--and there was no hope.

Giles poured himself another shot of whiskey and mulled over the fates of his young friends.

Xander was a foolish child on his way to becoming a clever, kind man. He would have been a wonderful father someday. Giles could see him coaching his daughter's football team, reading bedtime stories to his sons. The boy had made a great many mistakes, it was certain, but he had a great capacity for love.

No matter, now.

Willow was special in her own right. Such a bright girl, and so loyal. She possessed an entirely natural sort of magic without even trying--her manner put him at ease, her shy smile reminded him of all the good things in the world. She had blossomed in the last few months. She had faced a great deal, and come through much stronger.

And Buffy. Of course, Buffy.

Giles felt honored to have been granted, for even this short time, the chance to aid and love such a remarkable girl. He had watched her grow from an insolent teenager with some potential to a capable, passionate young woman who more than fulfilled her promise. For that, he would always be grateful.

No, he decided, there were no finer people in all the world.

He looked around and smiled as he saw them, their faces cheery and glowing. They sat around him along with Faith, Cordelia and Oz. Angel joined them, by and by, his face begging forgiveness. Giles had never been ready to offer it before, but here at the end of the world, there was no one Giles would deny. The two men shook hands and locked eyes, affirming that Angel's transgressions were not forgotten, only forgiven. Finally Jenny appeared, as she always did, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Giles poured himself another shot.

He watched the world collapse beneath him and heard, in the back of his mind, the screaming of a million voices. It would be over quickly. They would not feel much pain.

He looked around at his friends.

"I've quite enjoyed my time here, all of you. Thank you for that."

Giles lifted the glass into the air.