Title: The Favor - Part 1
Author: SpiderQueen
Email: spiderqueen@ivebeenframed.com
Rating: PG
Classfication: Willow/Spike
Spoilers: Implied 4th season...Spoilers up to The Initiative
Distribution: Just ask me first. I'd love to know where it's going. Don't even ask me...just tell me..."Hey, I'm putting your story on my site."
Disclaimer: I don't own Willow, Spike, or anyone else used in this story. They belong to Joss. I never owned them and I never will own them. I am simply borrowing them for a moment so I can have my fun. I'll give them back as soon as I finish and I'm not making any sort of crazy profit on this story...just for fun.
Feedback: Yes! I love feedback. Any kind at all. Gimme, gimme.
Part 1
"I'm so proud, Wills!" Buffy exclaimed to her friend once Willow had hung up the phone. "Your very own Stalker."
Willow groaned. "Buffy, don't start. He's not a stalker. He's just...a little overzealous."
"Stalker." Buffy confirmed with a nod of her head. "I just don't believe you made that deal with him."
The witch shoved her face in her hands and fell over on the bed. "Me neither." She mumbled through her fingers.
"You neither what?" Xander said, entering the dorm room and shutting the door behind him.
"Don't you knock?" Buffy asked.
"Don't you lock your door?" Xander retorted as he crashed onto the end of Buffy's bed. "Anyway, what are we talking about?"
"Willow made a deal with her personal stalker-guy."
"What?" Xander glanced at Buffy in confusion. The Slayer simply shrugged her shoulders and nodded in Willow's direction.
"Now, Will. I've heard of making a deal with the devil and while living on the Hellmouth puts a whole new spin on that, I've never heard of making a deal with a stalker. And since when have you had a stalker?"
Willow sighed and gave into her friend's badgering. "Todd. His name is Todd. I met him in my Contemporary America class."
"He really digs our Wills." Buffy cut in, raising her eyebrows when Willow shot her an annoyed look.
"Anyway." Willow continued. "We had coffee after class. Well, I had apple juice, but you know what I mean. That was four days ago. He hasn't stopped calling me. He walks me to class everyday and keeps asking me out."
"So, go out with said stalk-guy." Xander replied simply.
Willow crinkled her nose. "I'm not up to the date-thing just yet. Plus, he's kinda freaky. At first he was completely sweet and I was flattered, but now I'm a little scared."
"You want me to tell him to back off?" Buffy asked.
"No. No, it's ok. That might make things worse."
"Woah. Hold up." Xander interrupted. "What's the deal you made with this guy?"
"Ah ha!" Buffy sat up straight and pointed her index finger in the air. "You've just hit upon Willow's dilemma!"
"So?" Xander prompted as he looked to Willow for an explanation.
"You know the party we're all going to tomorrow? Well, he asked me to go with him. I told him that I already have a date. So, he said that if my date canceled that I had to go with him. He's gonna be waiting at the party. I just know it." Willow finished, dread in her voice.
"So? What's the big? Just don't let your date bail on you." Xander shrugged.
Willow groaned in frustration and threw a pillow at him. "I don't have a date."
Buffy grinned. "You lied. Bad girl."
"Well, Will. I'd go with him, but Anya would kill you...and then me. Brutally. Very brutally."
"And I'd take you, but I just don't swing that way. Plus, Riley's coming with me."
Willow smiled weakly. "Thanks guys."
"Just find somebody to go with." Buffy waved her hand through the air, as if indicating all the single college guys crawling around the campus.
Willow looked mortified and quickly shook her head. "Oh, no. I couldn't. I'm not good at asking guys out. Besides it's tomorrow. There's no way..."
"I'm sure there are plenty of guys who'd love the chance to spend the evening with our amazing Wills." Buffy said, sitting down next to Willow and throwing her arm over the witch's shoulder.
"Right." Willow's voice dripped with sarcasm.
"Xander, think of someone of the single persuasion to go with Will to the party."
Xander thought for a moment. "I don't have any male friends, remember? Just you, Will, and Anya. If you could call Anya a friend."
"An orgasm friend." Buffy teased.
"Hey. Shut up." Xander threw the pillow Willow had chucked his way and hit Buffy in the head with it.
"Bastard." Buffy half muttered and half giggled. She dropped the pillow to the floor and lay back on the bed. "Why don't you just let me get Riley to hook you up with a frat hottie?"
"No way." Willow's resolve face kicked in and Buffy sighed, giving up on that idea.
"Alright. Who do you know that is single?" Buffy asked, poking Willow's arm.
"Me." The witch answered with a touch of sadness and a touch of humor.
"There's a new concept. Be your own date."
"Shut up, Xander." Buffy retorted. "You're not helping."
Willow sighed and shifted around, looking worried and embarrassed. She didn't want someone's evening to be ruined because they had to take her to a party. However, she couldn't think of any other way to get Todd to leave her alone.
Buffy perked up. "Spike. What about Spike? He's single and very non-busy Friday night. He'd probably die to get out...uh, wrong choice of words. He'd probably kill to get...ok, another bad choice. He'd probably really like to get out of Giles' house."
"No. No, he wouldn't want to go." Willow answered, quickly shaking her head.
"Why not?"
"Because...because he's Spike."
"I couldn't ask him to go with me." Willow's face was flushed and she was trying not to stutter.
"I never said anything about asking. Just tell him that if he doesn't go with you, then I'll stake him."
"Buffy. No...I can't blackmail him like that. He'll think I'm mean and really pathetic for not being able to get a date."
"He's a vampire. Why do you care what he thinks about you?" Xander said, getting up to answer the ringing telephone since neither girl made a move to get it.
"Will, he's the only option if you won't let Riley set you up with somebody." Buffy tried to reason with her friend "So, it's either the vamp or the stalker. You pick."
"Gotta go." Xander interrupted as he hung up the phone. "Anya awaits."
"You're so whipped." Buffy mused, watching him leave.
"Let me know about the million dollar question. Spike or stalker?"
"I'll do that." Buffy nodded as he left.
"So, Will? What'll it be?"
"Buffy, he's not going to go with me."
"Why not?" Buffy sat up. "You're the only one he ever talks to. You vamp sit him all the time and you're even nice to him when you do. He owes you and he knows it."
Willow was still unsure.
"Just ask him if he'll help you out. See what he says."
"Ok." The witch answered in a small voice after a long pause of hesitation.
Next Chapter