Title: The Reinfield
Author: Carol A. Clarke
Email: Carol.Clarke@mail.state.ky.us
Rating: NC- 17. Smut Warning not for the squeamish
Disclaimer: All BTVS characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Summary: Buffy has a lot of secrets. This is one of them
Feed Back: YES!
Thanks: Kimber for just being Kimber. Shadowlander for the inspiration for this story.
Kimber and Cheryl Hill for Beta.

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Chapter 4
The Shopping

The two witches had driven like bats out of hell to get to Sunnydale’s one and only mall. Neither knew why they were in such a great hurry to get to Toys R Us. It wasn’t exactly like there was a sale on 12 inch Xena Dolls or something. But they made it. And they were now sitting in the parking lot out side one of America’s favorite toy stores without a clue what to do next.

“Ok, so what now?” The redhead asked.

“I was hoping you would know.” Tara answered.

Looking around Willow noticed a piece of paper sticking out of her mother’s range rovers glove compartment. “Hey that wasn’t there a minute ago.”

Leaning over Tara and taking a minute or two to squeeze her leg Willow open the box and took out the paper. The Goddess had given them a clue. It was a temporary invisibility spell.

Completing the spell the two lovers’ had just started to get out of the car when they spotted Giles’ clunker pull into the lot. Slipping out they made their way to stand by the car.

Buffy was the first out, but instead of shutting the door she flipped the seat up and helped a slightly younger looking girl out of the car. The younger girl looked to be somewhere between 16 and 20; Black hair, olive skin, and a slightly smaller frame then Buffys. She was about two inches shorter the Buffy with the hint of Asian features to her face. But her eyes were her true beauty. They were a stunning green, which almost glowed.

Once the girl was out of the car Buffy began to fuss with her clothes, straightening her shirt. “Ok before we go in, tell me what you are supposed to do?” Buffy said patiently.

“Wa-wa-wa-walk ……………up….upri ..up. Walk up.” Duncan managed.

“Walk upright. That’s right. What else?”

“N…n-n-n-no ….b-b-bb-bite”


“Be Good get toy.” Duncan stated excitedly. Buffy just laughed and wound her arm through Duncan’s.

“I think you’ve got it.” The slayer replied happily.

“W.. were to first.” Giles asked.

“Victoria Secrets, I have pretty much shredded all of Duncan’s underwear.”

Tara and Willow followed Buffy, Duncan and Giles through the mall. On three different occasions Buffy had commented to Giles that she felt like she was being followed but neither slayer nor watcher took it very seriously.

The two witches watched as Buffy bought matching underwear, teddies and other nighttime wear for Duncan at different stores in the mall. They also purchased jeans in the Gap, shirts in the Limited and shoes, well lets just say Buffy really knew how to shop. After sending Giles back out to the car laden with merchandise for the third time, Buffy took Duncan into the main goal of there trip: Toys R Us.

Tara and Willow couldn’t stop themselves from laughing. The girl was clearly very excited and it took all of Buffys slayer strength to keep the girl from running into the store.

“Ok, Duncan you have fifty dollars to spend in here as long as you continue to be good. Do you understand?” said a very stern slayer with an amused grin.

“Understand” Duncan replied.

Buffy then released the girl and began to move directly toward the invisible witches. Not knowing what to do the two lovers just stood still.

“Ok Will, Tara I know you’re here, come on out.” With that the spell was broken.

“What gave it away?” Willow asked.

“Mostly your scent. Slayer thing, but come on Will, the laugh. You really shouldn’t laugh at people when you're doing the whole Hollow man thing. It was a spell right.”

“It was a spell, I take it you are dually impressed?” Willow asked

“Very, have to remember that next time we have a big bad to spy on.”

“S.s…so, going to introduce us to your friend.” Tara asked while staring at the girl.

“Not just yet, when she is toy shopping she has a one track mind. To be honest she always amazes me when she shops.” Buffy answered as she moved to a new vantage point to watch her slave looking at toys.

“Ok spill Summers.” Willow said.

“You can give Duncan any dollar amount and if it is humanly possible she will spend it to the last cent. I mean she figures tax and everything. It takes her a little time but she is just amazing when it comes to math.”

“Funny I didn’t read anything about Reinfields being gifted like that.” Willow stated frankly as she studied the girl.

Buffy’s whole body language changed. Her face paled, her muscles stiffen and prepared for war, The slayers' eyes were huge and her face showed the shock. “How did you know she’s a Reinfield Will?”

“Didn’t really, just took a wild guess. Buffy, if you want me to research something in future it might be easier if you just tell me or write me a note or something. I tripped over Mina Harkers journal 7 times and I stubbed my toe and it hurt and I really really am babbling now aren’t I?”

“A little, I was that obvious? Huh?” Buffy asked as she moved to follow Duncan through the store.

“So are you planning on telling me what is going on now?” Willow asked as patiently as she could. She still didn’t get it. She knew there was something she was meant to get. She knew a lot of people; one succubus and at least one prime evil goddess were trying to help her get it. She just didn’t know what it was. Or more importantly if she really wanted to get it. What she had read to date just didn’t sound like “it” and Buffy belonged in the same sentence.

Reinfields were somekind of non-evil demon bread for the purpose of slavery. Most precisely, they were bread to be a special kind of sex slave. One capable of handing large quantities of magically charged sexual energy. As a witch, Willow understood just how important sexual magic could be. The most powerful spells she and Tara did used sexual magic. Nor was Willow naive to the truth behind tales of witch’s orgies at Sabbath.

Still it was hard to understand exactly why sweet innocent Buffy would need a demon however “Non-evil”. And even if Willow could see why Buffy might need help with making sexual magic, why a slave. That was really the bottom line as to what was puzzling the hell out of her. Why would Buffy want or need a slave. The Buffy she knew would normally just set the girl free if she had gotten her by mistake. If that were possible. But Mina hadn’t been willing to let her Reinfield go. Mina took great pride in tormenting her Reinfields. Mina in fact had several, both boys and girls, usually at the same time.

And from what she read, it was not a case of letting them go. Reinfields had to be inslaved after they were bounded. In short from what Willow could guess, the journal of Mina Harker was a "how to" book on the proper care and ethical treatment of Reinfields. Not a journal on “Oh I was so wrong, I should have never enslaved them."

“I have wanted to tell you for a while, it’s just hard. And once I tell you I don’t know if I can face losing you. Face what you’ll think of me.” Buffy replied with so much fear in her voice it nearly broke Willow’s heart.

Willow pulled her best friend in to a hug and held her, letting the slayer cry. Or at least she would have if she hadn’t been pinned to the ground by a very angry Reinfield.

“Willow stop make Buffy cry.” The girl said between growls though she made no move to harm Willow.

“Duncan get off of her now.”

“Make cry, hurt Buffy.” The girl tried to explain as she crawled off of the redhead and moved beside Buffys leg still on all fours.

“Oh god is everyone ok” Rupert Giles said surveying the situation.

“Everything is fine, Giles she was just trying to protect me. You are fine Will, aren’t you?”

“Bruised but fine. She really is very protective.” Willow said as Tara helped her up.

“To be honest that is the first time she has ever done anything like that out side of the time she bit Angelus.”

“So we are not counting the times she has growled at me. Buffy I told you something like this would happen bringing her out in public.”

“Giles she growled, she didn’t hurt you. And I don’t think she meant to hurt Willow either.”

“I agree Giles, she didn’t mean to hurt me. She really bite Angel?”

“Oh yeah” Buffy stopped and looked around at the parents watching them in the story and continued, “ but that is a story for a non public, other than a toy store time.”

Giles suddenly realized that Willow and Tara were not meant to know about Duncan and he decided to try and lie to cover. Giles was a terrible liar. "I see you have met my niece, Buffy was just helping.”

“Giles they know” Buffy said pulling Duncan to her feet.

“They do? A aa about?” he added pointing at the girl.

“Reinfield, old story.” Willow said to throw the poor watcher off balance.

“So are you going to shop or what Dunc…?”

“Duncan not bad?” The confused girl asked. He scolded puppy doggy expression was adorable.

“Yes Duncan was bad but I will forgive you for now or at least until we get home, so shop.”

“Duncan get whoosh?” The confused girl asked again not really believing it wasn’t a trick.

“If Duncan wants whoosh then Duncan had better shop.”

The little Reinfield practically ran through the store. Well actually she did run through the store. It didn’t take her more then 15 minutes to pick out her new toys and pay for them.

After the store the four humans and the little demon regrouped at Giles' for pizza and talk. Only the talk wasn’t fast coming, no one knew how to begin. So Tara slid off her chair and on to the floor beside Duncan who was guarding her Toys R Us bag like it was filled with gold.

“You want to show me what you got at the store Duncan?” Tara asked patiently

Duncan just nodded her head yes.

“Duncan remember what I said, use words.” Buffy corrected her. “You have to remind her to talk otherwise she won’t” The slayer explained.

“Y… y… yes” Duncan whispered quietly.

Tara got comfortable and waited for Duncan to open her bag. The first thing the girl handed Tara was a new box of crayons.

“Crayons, I see” Tara said. Duncan just nodded her head again.

“Great, more crayons.” Giles murmured unhappily.

“Giles hates the fact she eats her old crayons when ever she gets new ones.” Buffy explained.

Duncan then pulled out several coloring books.

“Well those work well with crayons. “ Willow said as she sat down beside Tara and the girl.

“Like color, pretty.” Duncan explained

“So what else have you got in there.” Tara asked

Duncan pulled three classic illustrated books out.

“20000 Leagues under the sea, Frankenstein and The Time Machine. Someone likes Science Fiction. Does Buffy read to you?” Willow asked.

“When good girl.” Duncan said happily, if she had a tail it would have been waging.

“Don’t let her convince you she is retarded, it is a nice act but I am pretty sure she can read by herself.” Buffy said proudly.

“You’ve taught her to Read!” A shocked Giles almost screamed.

“Actually she taught herself. She really is pretty smart.” Buffy said with pride. Seeing the unbelieving faces Buffy added “Ok so I read to her and she started catching on. It is amazing what One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish leads to.” The slayer said to the adults in the room.

Duncan scared that Giles would make Buffy take her books away pulled out her new Lego toys and shoved them in front of Tara to change the subject.

“Star Wars Lego sets, again with the science Fiction.” Willow noted

“I think you have a point there Will, she does seem to love the fantasy theme.” Buffy answered.

Duncan reached into the bag and pulled out the last item, the one she loved the most. “Whoosh Whoosh” Duncan said proudly as she handed Tara her 12 inch Gabrielle doll. “Whoosh”

“It’s the sound Xena's round killing thing makes.” Buffy said in explanation.

“I though we discussed not letting her watch television.” Giles asked in a very miffed tone.

“We didn’t discuss, you ordered, I pretended not to hear you. Same old same old.” Buffy answered her watcher. “Giles it’s not like I let her watch that much TV. Her chain doesn’t react the living room remember, so she only watches TV with me. I can’t fuck her every minute we are together.” Realizing what she had just said Buffy blushed and waited for Willows reaction.

Willow got up and moved over to Buffy and started to hug her but stopped herself when she remembered Duncan was in the room. “I want to hug you but I don’t want a repeat of earlier today.”

“Duncan, I think Buffy wants you and I to go play with your new toys up stairs.” Tara said, Duncan just looked at Buffy waiting for orders.

“Thanks Tara, Duncan you go upstairs with Tara and do what she says and no trouble right.”

“Be Good.” Duncan said quickly putting her toys back in the bag.

Once Duncan and Tara were safely in Giles bedroom and Giles was safely drinking Scotch. Willow hugged her best friend.

“I take it you do sleep with the girl.” Willow asked

“Fuck her brains out, would be polite for what I do to her.” Buffy answered with a hint of self-loathing as she wondered why she so desperately wanted Willow to know the truth.

“How long have you two been together?” Willow asked

“Since I was called. Duncan was the third slaying tool I received from Merrick. First I got a stake and cross, then a leather jacket, and final my own fuck toy. Just what every slayer needs."

“How… You’ve been hiding her from us all this time.” Willow was amazed.

“It’s not like it’s something that comes up in normal conversation. Oh yes and how is your demon sex slave doing today and while we are at it what about those Mets. Willow I was in high school, I had no way of bringing that one up. And if I did, what was the likely hood you would understand. Especially back then. I needed you. I needed you and Xander. Hell I even needed Cordellia Chase.” Buffy said the pain in her voice coming through.

“So what has changed now?” Willow asked patiently not really understanding everything but damn willing to listen.

“Me I think, Duncan too. I remember more of what we do together. When the lust comes over me, I mostly don’t remember much. And Duncan has changed so much. She’s smarter, knows more of what is going on. You saw how she tried to protect me. The girl honestly likes me. With the way I treat her I can’t imagine why but she does. But it is more then that. It’s like Duncan is no where near enough to stop the lust. I feel it growing. That is why I gave you the journal.

“Ok that is the part I need you to explain…. that and the lust part. Mina mentioned Slayers lust like it was a disease but I am not really sure what it is?” Willow asked. Both girls looked at the drinking Giles for the answer.

Two hours later and one lecture stronger, Willow now knew that Slayers lust was indeed a disease. Buffy had said disease. Duncan or rather Rienfields were the only known medicine to help it. There was no cure. Buffy felt the disease growing out of control just as Mina Harker had but unlike Mina Harker Buffy didn’t want a fleet of Reinfields to cure it. She liked Duncan but one was enough, just not enough for her lust.

Willow had also learned a small amount about some of the other things in Buffy’s life she had hidden. First she learned about Beth. It had angered Willow a lot until Buffy pointed out that Beth was also a slave. Beth had only done what the counsel had wanted. Beth had been one of the big things she lost when Angulus was running amok. As punishment for losing her virginity the counsel had taken Beth away. They would have taken Duncan as well but Duncan had been blood bonded with Buffy and that made Duncan Buffy’s Problem.

And Duncan had been a problem without Beth. While Buffy was at school pretending to be the typical angst teen, Beth had watched and cared for Duncan. Even now Duncan was only 5 years old. Her species may have been sexually active at 6 weeks but she was really unable to care for herself completely until she was at least 3 years old. And even then her slave nature prevented total self-reliance. Losing Beth but keeping Duncan really had been a problem. Giles was hopeless with the girl. Other then chaining her down, Giles really didn’t know how to handle her or more accurately didn’t want to handle her.

The Lust sickened him. He never blamed Buffy or Duncan and Beth for that matter. He understood all to well they were pawns in the game of the counsel but he didn’t have to like it. When Buffy had be over come with lust and tried to seduce him, grabbing him, fondling him through his pants, he had pushed her away. Even now he was not really sure if Buffy could remember doing it, she was so far gone at the time. But Buffy had been easy. She had taken no for an answer. Even in the deepest spells of lust Buffy thankfully took no.

Faith on the other had had not. She had almost choked him twice when she was over come with the early stages of lust. He had hidden the marks from the children. He had never been so thankful for his tweed suits and tie, they hid a lot of bruises. He should been dead, but Buffy had saved him, had drag Faith from him and then allowed Faith to use her body. Giles had tried to make Buffy see reason, he was so afraid Faith would really hurt her. He had pleaded with Buffy to let Faith use Duncan instead of her own body but Buffy had been adamant. She did not want Duncan harmed.

Xander had been the last straw. It was one thing to rough her up, but not her friends. Buffy could have forgiven Faith killing Alan, even her time with the mayor but Buffy could not forgive Faith for hurting Xander. Buffy would have killed Faith right then and there if she had hurt Willow.

Willow took all this information in. It was like seeing the last 5 years of her life in a completely new light. Buffy held nothing back. Once the truth reached her lips it poured out and Willow just felt numb.

Bottomline Buffy had Slayers lust and Duncan was no longer able to keep it in check.