Title: The Spike Experience
Author: Blue Zen
Email: i.love.spike@bloodyhell.co.uk
Distribution: Any archives that want it, take it! I’d love an e-mail with your site address though…
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Willow casts a spell, Spike has to suffer
Notes: Thanks to everyone who’s responded to this fic. Like every fanfic writer, I live off feedback so drop me a line.

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Buffy found Willow where she had collapsed, a few yards from the dorm’s one and only door. She bent over her friend, gently shaking her back into consciousness.

“Willow, what happened?” she asked, helping her sit up.

As Willow opened her eyes, the image of Giles moving around his apartment was superimposed on one of Buffy. She was sitting beside her on the floor, holding her shoulders, a look of concern resting on her soft features.

“I’m so sorry,” she started, feeling tears prick at the corners of her eyes. “I thought it was a good idea then all of a sudden…”

“Giles explained-” Buffy began but she was cut off by Willow.

“Yes, I heard everything and he’s right. I’m a stupid, immature girl.” Tears worked their way down her cheeks. “You don’t know what it’s like - seeing and hearing people you love through someone else’s mind. He hates you so much, Buffy, and even as we speak, he’s lashing out at Giles, saying how much of an idiot I am and that you can’t be blameless. I can see Giles through his eyes, Buffy.” She gulped a couple of lungfuls of air, “I’m so afraid… and so is Spike.”

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“You stupid bint, what have you done to me?” Spike shouted above the conversation Buffy was having with Willow in his head.

Giles removed his glasses and started to rub his eyes. “Spike, I know you’re confused at the moment. It’s understandable. I know you’re upset but shouting at Willow isn’t going to help. This connection you now have can be reversed, although not right now.”

“Why the hell not?” Spike spat.

“Because both of you aren’t in a particularly stable state of mind. The spell may not separate all the memories properly - in fact, to be truthful, I have no idea how any of it works.”

The vampire glared at him. “And now I’m filled with a warm fuzzy feeling of confidence.”

“We’ll have a wait until the spell is complete and a… an equilibrium has been reached. Then I think it can be safely reversed.”

“So, what do I do now?” Spike raised an eyebrow. “Just wait around until I have the complete set of 18 year old girl’s memories then give you a call?”

“Well, exactly.”

“You could untie me, y’know.”

“Oh, oh, right.”

Next Chapter