Title: Thou Shalt Not Suffer a Witch to Live
Author: Angelina
Email: angelina2006@hotmail.com
The Sunnydalers had stayed on another night in San Francisco to allow Willow time to recuperate and to avoid questions about why their field trip had been cut short. Many interesting conversations had taken place. Prue and Buffy had discussed their feelings of responsibility, Phoebe had shown Giles points of interest in the Book of Shadows and Leo had told Willow more about the work of Whitelighters. Xander had spent most of his time in the kitchen marvelling at Piper’s culinary skills which she was only too pleased to bestow on someone who appreciated them.
But the time came to say goodbye. Promises to write and call were exchanged. Phoebe and Willow agreed to meet in a Wiccan chat-room. Phoebe’s computer alias - SxyWtch - had caused some amusement.
As the visitors stood on the front porch Willow turned to Piper.
“Isn’t Leo coming to see us off?” she asked, disappointed.
Piper shrugged. “Who knows, that’s the trouble with supernatural boyfriends.”
“Tell me about it” said Buffy and Willow at the same time. At that moment, the now familiar spheres appeared, followed shortly by Leo.
“Couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye” he said hugging Willow. He shook Giles and Xander by the hand. Then he turned to Buffy and gave her a small box and a hug.
“What’s this?” she asked, puzzled.
“Open it later” was all Leo would say.
Finally everyone was piled onto Giles car and they waved and called goodbye until the house was out of sight then they settled down for the journey home.
Back at the manor, once the door was closed, Piper couldn’t hold back any longer.
“So? Should I be jealous or what?”
“What did you give Buffy?”
Leo chuckled. “Just a little bit of recognition.
In the back of Giles’ car Buffy reached into her bag and retrieved the box Leo had given her.
“I wonder what that is.” Willow said, peering over Buffy’s shoulder.
“Beats me.” said Buffy. She opened the box carefully. When she saw what it contained she smiled. It was a silver lapel badge with one word engraved on it: