Title: Three Little Words
Author: Christine
Email: Xanderette43@hotmail.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns everything, I just made up the demon's name.
Rating: R - NC-17
Spoilers: 'The Gift'... this is a future fic 2 years from now.
Dedication: To Reginie and Bree who wanted a shower scene. :)

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Part Two

Spike flicked on the light to his apartment and closed the door behind Dawn. He had upgraded his living style in the past year and Dawn had to admit it looked great. She took her jacket off and accidentally dropped it on the floor. As she bent over to pick it up, Spike couldn't help but stare. Dawn quickly picked it up and tossed it over the couch. She turned around and caught Spike looking at her. "What?" Her face scrunched up. "Do I have demon stuff on me?"

Spike shook his head. "Nothing Nibbet, you look great."

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I'm Miss America all right."

Spike walked closer to her. "Miss America wouldn't have a chance against you."

Dawn could feel the red creep into her cheeks. "You don't have to say that stuff to make me feel better Spike, I know I'm nothing special."

Spike took Dawn's hand and led her into the bathroom. He pointed at the mirror. "See that face there? That is a beautiful face, so don't you dare say you're nothing special Dawn."

Dawn turned towards Spike. "You called me Dawn."

"That's because it's your name."

Dawn shook her head. "But you never call me by my name, its always 'Nibblin or Nibblet or Ducks or Bit', you never called me Dawn before."

Spike took a half step backwards. "It was just a slip of the tongue."

"No it was more then that," she inched closer to him until he was up against the wall. "Tell me."

“You don’t want to know.”

Dawn rolled her eyes. “Of *course* I want to know. Just tell me, we share practically everything with each other don’t we?”

Spike sighed in defeat. He lowered his head and mumbled something incomprehensible.

“Spike, I can’t understand you.” She put her hand on his shoulder and he looked up into her eyes. “Just say it, you can tell me anything.”

“I love you.”

Dawn’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “Wha- what did you say?”

Spike’s frowned. He knew she wouldn’t feel the same way, just like Buffy hadn’t. “I said I love you.”

Dawn could feel the tears well up in her eyes. She stood there frozen in place, not knowing what to do. She never had much experience in the guy department, not with lusting after Spike for three years. Now though, he had just confessed to her what she wanted to hear for so long. “I... I love you too, I tried not to, I mean I always thought you loved Buffy so I knew you’d never feel the same about me. I’m just Little Dawnie, the kid sister who’s a key and always in the way of everything. I wasn’t going to tell you because I thought it would ruin our friendship, and if I didn’t have you as my best friend-” Dawn’s lip trembled. “I’d be so lost,” she whispered as her tears ran down her cheeks.

Spike gathered her in his arms and rested his chin on her soft brown hair. “You’ll never be lost Dawn, not with me.” She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “I love you Dawn, not Buffy... I’ll always remember her and what she meant to me, but I don’t love her... what I felt for her is nothing compared to what I feel for you.” He leaned down and kissed her tears away.

She sighed happily, and reached up to kiss him. “You’ll never be lost with me either.” Dawn shivered suddenly, the cool night air gusting in through the open window in the bathroom.

Spike held her closer to his body. “You’re shivering, you should get changed before you catch a cold.”

Dawn shook her head slightly. “I’m still gross and smelly.”

He laughed. “We both are Nibblet.”

Dawn opened the shower curtain a little. “Here, you get clean first, I’ll wait out there.” She pointed to the kitchen and was about to walk out the door when Spike’s hand gently grabbed her arm. She turned around to question him, but when she saw the look in his eyes, his reason’s suddenly became clear to her. She nodded her head slightly and he leaned in and kissed her softly.

Spike slowly lifted her shirt up over her head and took in the sight of her. She was utterly flawless, even with the scars on her upper stomach from the battle with Glory a few years back. “God Dawn, you’re bloody immaculate.” She blushed and brushed her lips against his cheek. She tugged his black shirt up and over his head and dropped it on the floor with her shirt. Spike quickly realized what was about to happen and stopped her from unbuckling his belt. “Dawn, are you sure you want this?”

Dawn nodded her head, tears forming in her eyes again. “I’ve never wanted anything else in my life as much as I’ve wanted you Spike.”

Spike’s eyes misted over as she took his hands in hers and leaned up to kiss him. “I love you.” She let go of his hands and bent over to turn the shower on. “Come on, let’s get clean.”

Spike smiled and slowly began unbuttoning Dawn’s pants while she unzipped his jeans. She let his jeans drop to the floor and let her own pool around her feet. Spike’s arms encircled her waist as he brought her lips up to meet his own and slowly pushed her underwear down. Her knees grew weak as his hands slowly traveled their way up and down her body rubbing her back slowly. He stepped into the shower and picked her up, her underwear falling to the floor. She reached down, pulled his black silk boxers down and tossed them out of the shower. She unconsciously looked down and her eyes grew wide. Spike noticed the look and grinned cockily. “Don’t be nervous, I won’t hurt you.”

She blushed slightly and moved towards him more, the water splashing over their bodies. She drank in the site of him completely naked with the water soaking his bleached blonde hair. The sight itself nearly made her knees go out. He held on to her so she wouldn’t slip and brushed his lips against hers, gently parting them with his tongue. She returned the kiss with just as much desire and ran her hands along the curves of his back, moaning slightly when he moved his lips from her mouth to her neck, running his tongue along her jugular. Dawn’s breath caught, she could feel his ragged breath on her neck, feel his need to taste her. She nodded her head slightly and Spike lowered his head again and gently sank his fangs into her throat. She gasped and arched into his body, her legs instinctively wrapping around his hips. He purred softly and slowly entered her, gently easing in, as not to hurt her. Dawn’s legs tightened around him and slowly started moving against the shower wall when the pain subsided. Spike retracted his fangs from her throat and looked into her eyes. “Are you all right Luv?”

Dawn nodded her head, tears of joy filling her eyes, “More then anything.”

Spike captured her lips with his again, and rested his forehead against hers, their tears mixing together. “Good cause I’m never letting you go.”