Title: Upsetting The Average II/VI (NC-17)
Author's: Evil Hands of Akasha and Seabreeze
Email: AngelsChilde@aol.com and LornesGirl@hotmail.com
Rating: NC-17 for graphic sex and some violence in the UTA series R for Chapter One
Pairing: Mainly Aus/C, but also some Aus/B in the UTA series
Spoilers: ATS up to Double or Nothing, BTVS up to Gone.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to ME and 20th Century Fox. No profit has been made.
Feedback: Yes, please, we crave for it!!!!!
Summary: Alternative ending of Double or Nothing in a slightly altered universe. Angel lost his soul in a card game. Cordelia didn't have the heart to obey Angel's advice and stake him. Crossover.
Chapter Two
Cordelia remembered why she thought a shower would bring her back to her senses, but what she hadn't considered was that this was Angel's house. Angel's bathroom, his soap, his shampoo.
"Oh great" she mumbled while the hot water was caressing her shoulders. "I'm adding his physical scent to the damage he has already done to my mind!"
Lathering her body with what was now Angel's scent to her suddenly felt so wrong. Why had she never thought to leave toiletries here? How come everything she had ever brought was in the downstairs former public restroom? She realized there was nothing she could do about that at the moment and concentrated on getting all the sweat and grime of the past couple of hours off her body.
At least the hot water had the desired effect on her, she could feel her muscles relaxing. She let the water stream cover her head until all she could hear was the rushing water and her mind was completely blank. It only worked for a couple of minutes though and Cordy realized she couldn't hide any longer. She had to come up with a plan until she had help to handle Angelus.
When Cordelia didn't return immediately after he had heard the end of her conversation, Angelus figured he'd have some time to examine the strength of his restraints a little further. Keeping his vampiric sense of hearing focused on anything resembling steps nearing the basement door, he gently pulled on the chain holding his right wrist. Some more plaster came loose. When he twisted and pulled, he realized he could pull it free with one strong tug. The left bracing was an entirely different matter though. It didn't move an inch; no loose plaster, no sign of weakness.
Cursing under his non-existing breath, Angelus realized he couldn't free himself. He could only hope for a chance to use his one free hand, chain attached, thank you very much, to threaten his captor. Or captors, if what Cordelia had said was true and Buffy was on her way. Buffy. Now why would he even try to escape before an encounter with the slayer? A cocky grin swept over his face. If things worked out in his favor, he would have major fun before the day was over and both girls were at his mercy.
He stopped pulling on the right restraint to keep up the appearance of being completely tied. He could wait, the right moment would come. It always did.
Sighing, Cordelia turned off the shower and readied herself to face the inevitable. She grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped herself in it. The steam from the shower had turned the bathroom foggy, but also warm. She wished she could just stay here and wait for it all to blow over or wake up, either way was fine with her.
One look at her dirty clothes piled on the bathroom floor told her that they were no longer an option. She thanked her lucky stars she always kept a change of clothes in the office, in case the team pulled another all-nighter and she didn't have the time to go home and change.
She wrapped herself in Angel's bathrobe, and wondered briefly why she had never quite realized the "Angel Smell" before, a scent so manly, powerful, sandalwood maybe? She didn't know what exactly it was, only that she had to get away from it before she completely lost her mind.
She dried her hair a little now grateful that she had let the Mexican stylist persuade her to go short and hurried downstairs. She took her clothes from the cabinet in the office and changed in the bathroom adjacent to the lobby.
At least she felt clean now, and for Cordelia, that had always gone a long way toward feeling good.
Her growling stomach reminded her that she hadn't put anything solid in it since breakfast and since she had no idea when she would find the time in the coming hours, she decided to quickly make herself a sandwich. It took her quite a while to gather all the ingredients, she should have known since Angel was on a strictly liquid diet and Fred kept her beloved tacos in her room.
Nothing was in its place, and what she could finally feast on was merely thrown together leftovers, but it would have to do. She would not leave Angelus alone at this point.
She finished her meal and allowed her mind to wander, reflecting on the past 24 hours and how her whole world had basically changed. Cordelia was deep in her thoughts when she heard the front door open.
Walking into the lobby, Cordelia saw Buffy and another girl enter.
Buffy must have broken all speed records on the way over here, unless Cordelia had lost all sense of time.
"Buffy, you here! I don't care how you got here so fast, thank God you made it!"
Cordelia was suddenly so relieved to see the slayer that she hugged her before remembering that she didn't hug Buffy on a regular basis. That explained Buffy's slightly perplexed expression.
"Yeah, well, Cordelia your voice didn't exactly sound calm on the phone so I figured the sooner we got here the better. And I had the help of an experienced driver. Cordelia, this is Tara."
Buffy gestured at the tall girl who had entered the hotel behind her.
Cordelia gave the girl a quick once-over, trying to place her, and quickly realized that she either didn't know her or, if she was from Sunnydale, had never given her a second look.
"Willow couldn't come." Buffy continued to explain "She, err, is on a self-finding trip in London right now, trying to get over her magic addiction."
Self-finding trip, huh? A lot of that going around, Cordelia mused, still not being able to place the shy-looking blonde.
"Tara is experienced in witchcraft. She's a friend of…" Buffy hesitated for a moment and then opted for the truth "She's Willow's girlfriend."
"Oh, right," Cordelia offered, "Willow is recently gay! So you're Willow's magically inclined lesbian side kick!"
"Cordelia, let's just skip the pleasantries, why don't you tell me what happened and why you think Angelus is loose."
Buffy hadn't liked the hurt look on Tara's face who had just started to mumble a greeting, so she thought it was best to get back to the matter at hand before Cordelia could go all, well, Cordelia on her friend.
"Right.", Cordelia agreed, "But I think we better sit down first, this is going to take a while"
She led the girls over to the couch, took a deep breath and started from the beginning. She went all the way back to Darla's resurrection, Angel's betrayal, Wolfram & Hart's involvement, she went into as much detail as necessary to somewhat explain the inexplicable.
"Whoa. Back up", Buffy interrupted. "Did you say Angel's *son*??"
She jumped up from the couch.
"Are you trying to tell me Angel had sex with the revamped Darla and she got *pregnant* and gave birth to their *son*??"
That's what Cordy had been afraid of. Buffy had been out of the loop for so long now that it must all seem like the plot of a lame soap opera to her at this point. But she needed to understand the recent past in order to grasp the present.
"Well, not so much as gave birth as dusted herself leaving their son behind, yes." she tried to explain.
Now another thought hit her! Buffy was probably not as upset about the son part as about the having sex with another woman part. After all, they were talking about the love of her life here!
"I know, I was freaking, too, I mean *Darla*?"
"No, I mean..." Buffy clearly didn't know what she meant.
Tara had listened through Cordelia's explanations, everything being even newer to her than to Buffy, who at least was in on the past. Now the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them: "B-but Buffy, I thought vampires couldn't father or have children. Have you always been careful?"
She had meant to voice her concern but from the surprised look she got from Cordelia she knew she had said too much. Buffy raised her hands, trying to get everyone, including herself to calm down.
"Vampires can't father children" she confirmed. She really didn't want to waste any more time on the subject of vampire fertility or sex in general.
"Let's not lose focus of the issue at hand here. Angel has lost his son and is Angelus again because he lost his soul at a card game?" She raised a questioning eyebrow at Cordelia, who quickly confirmed and filled in the rest of the blank concerning Gunn, the soul-trade, and Jenoff.
"OK, I'll say we get started then," Buffy said, mentally rolling up her sleeves "Where is he now?"
But Cordy wasn't finished, "He's in the basement", she replied while putting a halting hand on Buffy's arm, "But he's not going anywhere, all chained up and nowhere to go. We have some time."
Cordy wasn't eager to go downstairs again and object herself to Angelus' intensive eyes.
"Let's all just take a deep breath and not rush things." She remembered the...tightness in Angelus' pants and wasn't sure how said condition would react to Buffy's presence.
"Buffy, why don't you tell me about you, the last I heard, you were dead and then back among the living yourself."
This was her chance to finally find out what had happened in Sunnydale when Angel had gone to see the Slayer after Willow's phone call. She wasn't going to let this opportunity get away. After her last brooding spell, she had to find out what Buffy's true feelings towards Angel were now. Buffy sat back down and with a sarcastic grin, she conceded:
"Well, it sure seems like no woman Angel has sex with stays dead for long. Sooner or later we all come back. Here's your chance Cordelia, if you want your shot at immortality you should bone him. It's as if his penis has revitalizing powers."
Her sarcasm was lost on Cordelia though. Her look changed to one of surprise and confusion when she realized Buffy had just suggested she should have sex with Angel - Buffy's Angel!
"But don't you, I mean you and Angel..." she stuttered.
Buffy quickly called her mind back from the images that flashed before her inner eye now, how sex with Spike had been able to revitalize her to some extend, how it had been the only way to make her feel anything. She caught Cordy's look and uttered another sarcastic laugh:
"Cordy, we have been Ex's for three years now, I have moved on! I had a relationship with a very handsome demon fighting US Soldier for over a year! Angel is free to sleep with whomever he wants, well, Darla wouldn't have been my first choice, because Darla, but hey." She took a deep breath, actually trying to convince Cordelia and not herself, "He's a big boy. And I'm not the innocent schoolgirl with butterflies in her belly anymore. I'm so over jealousy!"
"Wow", was all that Cordelia could think, finally closing her mouth. That was not what she had expected and certainly not how she had viewed Angel's relationship with Buffy.
"OK then", she gathered herself. "Let's go downstairs, so you can see for yourself. Just remember: Not Angel!" she got up.
"Cordy", Buffy reminded her "I know the drill OK?" she seemed to be as anxious as Cordelia to get the whole thing over with. The three women crossed the lobby and Cordelia held the door to the basement open for them, bracing herself for show time.
The look on Angelus' face left no doubt that he had been expecting them, "Damn those vampire senses!" Cordelia muttered to herself.
As she had almost expected, judging from their earlier encounter, Angel was not eyeing them with fear or suspicion but with lust and battle fever in his eyes. He straightened himself a little and let a grin spread all over his face.
"Awww, Cor, you could have told me you were setting up an orgy! I would have gotten more rest last night to be prepared."
Cordelia was too tired to avoid the trap, "Phh! Don't flatter yourself, you couldn't take all three of us on your best day!" she spat at him.
"Cordelia", Buffy hissed "I really don't think we should lower ourselves to his level!" Was anything for private ears anymore?
"Oh, but Buff, " Angelus countered as he had obviously picked up that remark as well, "In my experience, a lot of good can come out of three sluts lowering themselves..." his voice took a sensuous tone and he was looking at them through lowered lashes.
Cordelia knew she should be furious, but somehow her knees threatened to buckle right under her. Tara hadn't said a word, but standing at the bottom of the stairs now, her face had blushed into a deep red and she looked utterly uncomfortable, well, even more than before.
"So, what's it going to be, Buffy," Cordelia interrupted the uncomfortable silence and looked at Buffy "The stake or the sword?" she was hoping she had managed to add a serious tone to her voice.
Angelus looked at her, "Now ladies, " his gaze wandered over to Tara "I'd be offended if you referred to it merely as a stake", now fixing his eyes on Buffy and raising an eyebrow "Come on, Buff, it hasn't been that long, I'm sure I left a more lasting impression than that."
Buffy's sharp intake of breath was all the confirmation Angelus needed to know his blow had hit home. Good old Buff, he mused, some things never changed. Now he focused his attention back on the stranger in the room, as unacquainted with Tara as Cordelia had been before. None of her gestures or facial expressions at their earlier conversation had escaped him. She must be a newer addition to Buffy's inner circle and since she clearly wasn't here for the muscle, there was only one other reason he could think of.
"What's the matter? Couldn't find my favorite little redhead to put the whammy back on me?" Again, he knew he had guessed right by just the tiniest expression on Cordelia's face. On a hunch, he pressed it a little further, his eyes firmly fixed on Tara. He spoke to her, but also to all of them, "Aww, too bad, now that witch is HOT - aaand knows how to wear her leather in all the right ways!" `Bingo!'
"Shut your dirty mouth!!", Tara exclaimed.
Angelus chuckled, his instincts were never wrong. He figured this new girl knew nothing about Willow's episode with her doppelganger and wouldn't get the analogy. The jealousy in her voice also confirmed his other suspicion. He knew she would rise to his bait.
"Hey, had I known she would switch from stick shift so soon after dog boy, I would've shown her a lot more tricks." Lowering his voice dangerously he continued, "Would've shown her how to please the three of us equally and she wouldn't even have to beg like the last time I held her."
Only Buffy knew he was referring to a situation that was, while dangerous, about as far removed from sex as one could get, but she realized too late that Tara didn't know how to handle the situation.
"You take that back! You are not worthy of even speaking her name out loud you, you..." searching for the right insult, she took a few steps towards Angelus, "Y-you, the likes of you would never get close enough to her to even..."
"Tara, NOOOO!" Buffy's scream interrupted her a split second too late.
In her rage, Tara hadn't realized just how close she had come to Angelus, and with blurring speed, he had yanked the anchoring chain out of the ceiling and had tightened his right hand around her throat, spinning her around and holding her tight to him, her horrified look finding Buffy's equally terrified eyes. Cordy gasped in total surprise. The situation was getting out of hand a lot faster than she had feared. Angelus had pinned Tara to his chest and Cordelia couldn't think of any way to help the witch. The vampire pressed his cheek next to Tara's, his voice now barely above a whisper, but no less dangerous.
"Maybe I should just snap her neck", he tightened his grip around her throat to emphasize his words, "I really never get tired of that."
His eyes found Buffy's, "It just seems like such a waste to kill her before she was let in on all the secrets of real pleasure, don't you think?" He now pretended to study her, then his tongue darted out and slid across Tara's jaw. Angelus made sure he had both girls' attention when he let his tongue slowly caress her cheek.
"Now let me go or she's gone!" he barked suddenly.
Buffy was just as helpless as Cordelia, she couldn't think of any moves that wouldn't endanger Tara, she knew what Angelus was capable of, and how fast. Her only hope was Tara herself, but she knew she couldn't give the girl any other instructions other than her pleading eyes, hoping she would get the hint.
"Come on, Tar", she pleaded silently "I've seen you do it, use the magic!" As if Tara had heard her, understanding was showing in her eyes. She closed her eyes and opened them again while looking at Buffy to show her she had understood. Now closing her eyes to concentrate, her mouth was forming the words to a spell. Before Angelus could realize what was happening, Tara's spell had loosened a brick in the opposite wall, which was now flying across the room. It hit Angelus' head with a sickening thud, in his surprise, his grip around Tara's throat loosened. Pulling herself all the way free, she shoved the vampire away from her with all her strength. His body slammed against a wooden crate leaning against the wall behind him, which shattered under the impact. Loosing consciousness because of the brick's damage, Angelus was unable to stop the large splinter that buried itself into his side. With a last moan, he went limp and would have collapsed on the floor, if not for the clattering restraint still holding his left wrist.
He was dangling unconsciously, as Tara rushed into Buffy's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Buffy held Tara for a moment, assuring her that all would be well, when she had no clue how exactly to help the situation. Releasing the witch, Buffy cocked her head at Cordelia.
"So Cordy," she taunted, "Angelus is safely restrained, huh? Any other surprises you have for us, while we're at it?"
Cordelia didn't have a come back. She still couldn't force her eyes away from Angelus, now once again unconscious. She was glad she hadn't allowed herself time to think about all the possibilities when she had been alone with him. She was just about to give in to a hell shattering scream when she remembered how quickly Angel had come to the last time.
"You can criticize me later, for now, I think we need to come up with a way to really tie him up before he awakes, and then put our heads together to come up with a plan!"
Buffy couldn't really argue with that. While checking Angelus for any signs of returning life, she took the offered key from Cordelia's hand and unchained him.
"This is his place, right?" Buffy questioned Cordelia "I'm sure we can tie him up somewhere above ground where we can really keep an eye on him." "And", she added after a close look at him "stop him from bleeding to death."
Cordelia followed Buffy's gaze and only now realized the big piece of wood protruding through Angelus' pants right below his belt.
"Oh fabu, " she groaned "more blood." She joined Buffy on Angel's other side and they held him up together, "Let's get him up to his room."
The two girls half carried, half dragged the unmoving vampire up the steps while Tara was holding the door and making sure nothing else stood in their way. They maneuvered him up the staircase towards his bedroom, then dropped his body unceremoniously onto his bed. Cordelia needed a moment to catch her breath. Thank God Angel had thisweird, yet sexy,fascination for handcuffs, chains and stuff. He always tried to keep it a secret but Cordy knew. He kept the stuff in an old wooden coffer in the most unapproachable placeof his closet. She told Buffy where to find it and the Slayer went to work.
Cordy would have never imagined how handy the iron posters of Angel's bed would come in. As it was, they were perfect for holding him in place. Buffy securely fastened both his wrists, then his feet to the four corners of the bed.
"I think this will hold", she reassured them as she was checking her work. "It's not the first time I tied up a vampire."
Tara had recovered from the earlier scare. "Buffy, I think we better get a move on the restoration spell. I don't know how much more of this I can take" she reminded her friends.
Buffy agreed, but hesitated when she realized they hadn't bothered removing the large splinter from his body and the wound was still bleeding.
This situation was oddly familiar to Cordelia. "Don't worry. I'll patch him up. We have first aid stuff here and it's not the first time I stop his bleeding.", she reassured the other two.
Buffy raised an eyebrow at Cordelia. Just how familiar had the two gotten with each other in the two plus years they had known each other in LA? But she was grateful Cordelia had offered to save time, they really should split up. She wasn't any more eager then Tara to spend time in Angelus' presence.
"Cordelia, we will need a magic shop and the 411 on this Jenoff guy" she instructed.
Cordelia gave them directions to the magic shop Angel had sent her to on more than one occasion and told them what she knew about Jenoff, which wasn't much. She knew Gunn had somehow owed him his soul, and he was able to literally suck it out of people, judging from what she had witnessed in the casino. Buffy decided she would drive to the magic shop with Tara, hoping they'd be able to find more on Jenoff there, but not until Cordelia had reassured her one more time that she would be fine. They left Angel's room for the downstairs, each girl checking that all four of Angelus' limbs were securely held, way outside the reach of the vampire, should he awaken while they were out of the room.
Buffy recited the directions one more time and wished Cordelia good luck before she left the hotel with Tara in tow. Cordelia's reassuring smile left her face when the door slammed shut behind the two girls and instead of grabbing the first aid kit from under the counter, she went straight for her newest Mexican friend again. Once more, the tequila spread its calming warmth inside her. She allowed herself a second shot before straightening her shoulders and taking a few deep breaths. She was trying not to think of the fact that she was once again alone with Angelus.
Barely able to keep her hands from trembling, she rushed into the bathroom, took a few towels from the rack and filled a bowl with hot water before adding a washcloth. Back in the lobby, she grabbed the well-filled medic kit and headed back upstairs. She would have rather stayed downstairs out of harm's way until her friends returned, but concern over Angelus' wound forced her back into the lion's den. Bracing herself with another calming breath, she pushed his bedroom door open, noticing to her great relief that Angelus was still out cold. That gave Cordelia the time to assess the damage. There was no way she could remove the wooden stick through his clothing without causing even more damage. Better safe than sorry, she decided. But how was she going to undress him all tied up? Since freeing him was not an option, she decided to just cut it all off. Finding the scissors in the kit, she grabbed them and approached the bed. All she had to do to free him of his shirt was cut the collar, ripped as it already was. Her fashion sense curtly winced as she realized she was cutting into a $400 pair of pants as she now focused on them, but she shoved the unneeded thought away. Carefully cutting on both sides of the wound, it came apart easily enough, but Angel was still lying on it. She held on to both sides and quickly yanked the strips of leather towards her, almost jumping in shock when a deep moan escaped the vampire's mouth. Cordelia mumbled an apology under her breath, sorry for causing him pain, albeit necessary to help him.
Unfortunately, she wasn't done yet. Angel was still wearing his underwear, a pair of black boxers, now wet with blood, and also impaled by the wood. She quickly snipped them away, too, careful as to not cause any more pain. All clothing cleaned away and carelessly thrown on the floor, she took a look at the wound. She couldn't help but realize how lucky Angelus had been: A few inches lower and to his right, and the vampire would have been a true eunuch, the irony not lost on Cordelia. But now her eyes wandered further, it suddenly hit her that she had never seen Angel naked.
"Well, yeah, obviously!" she reminded herself. Up until Buffy's sudden revelation, she had only thought of him as Buffy's man. With his firmly toned muscles, all tensed now due to his position, and his impressive built, he certainly was a feast for the eyes. Well, apart from the ugly piece of wood she really should be concentrating on. And she was about to when her eyes fell on his crotch. Impressed by the size of his dick even in its limp state, she couldn't help comparing it to Groo's.
"Well, that's one thing I couldn't alter, I guess", she thought, shocked when the truth of Angelus' earlier words hit her. "That's enough!!" she urged herself back to concentrate on his wound - too late.
"You can touch him if you want, he certainly won't bite."
It had escaped her that Angelus had woken up when she had yanked the pants from under him and he was now looking at her with mocking eyes, he had apparently watched her the whole time she had been studying him. But this time, she kept her cool.
"Oh, please, disgusting much? If you want that thing out of you and not pushed into your heart, you better shut up," she quickly countered.
"Well", he teased, "I can think of something you could get out without endangering my unbeating heart."
Although Cordelia avoided looking at him, she could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Just hold still and let me pretend I am not here and doing this!" she advised, not really expecting he would oblige. Grateful for the momentary silence though, she lowered herself onto the bed and, holding on to the stake with two fingers, pulled. The wood moved, but didn't come free. She tried again, this time steadying herself with her right hand next to his hip to give her a better angle. She pulled hard and the stake came free, accompanied with a loud moan from Angelus. Imagining the pain she must have caused him and feeling guilty for it, she could only interpret his moan as a cry of pain, not noticing how her hand had brushed against his cock in its pulling motion and not knowing she had started one of Angelus' favorite games of pain and pleasure. Apparently, the stick had been the only thing keeping a major artery closed because now blood gushed out of the open wound, quickly covered Angelus' lower body and ran between his thighs.
"Ewww!!!" Cordy exclaimed at the sight of it and, realizing what she had done, she panicked, "Oh, my God, Angel, I'm so sorry! You're bleeding and I...oh my ?God?!!!!"
"Honey", Angelus scolded calmly, "If you call His name one more time, I'm afraid He's going to interrupt what could easily be a good time for both of us. You're not going to let this good blood go to waste, are you? Granted, it's only a pig's, but blood is still blood." A promising grin spread over his face.
Cordelia willed herself to calm down, she grabbed one of the towels with her left hand, while taking gauze out of the first aid kit with her right. She rolled the towel into a ball and pressed it onto the still bleeding wound, while mopping up the blood from around it.
"I can so do this!", she tried to convince herself, ignoring her violently trembling hands. Focused on stopping the bleeding, she didn't' noticed how Angelus threw his head back into the pillows, his eyes closed, trying not to moan out in pleasure of the sensation. Cordy was never let in into the ways of vampiric sexuality, she was completely clueless that pain and pleasure are kindred in their sexual ways, that there was every chance, that whatever pain she might have caused him, only turned him on. She grabbed another towel from the pile next to her and swiftly threw it over his private parts, more to protect herself than Angelus, then pressed the other to the wound again. Angelus' moans convinced her that she was hurting him, and while she wouldn't mind hurting the monster in him, she still wasn't ready to think of him solely as Angelus, he was also her best friend, obviously hurting. She could almost feel his pain. With her right hand, she was still trying to clean up the spilled blood when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught movement.
Momentarily shocked, it took her a moment to take what she was seeing for what it was: the towel covering Angel's crotch seemed to have come alive. There was no mistaking the big bulge that had formed for anything else but his awakening manhood. Cordelia's eyes widened as she realized what was going on. With a quick glance at Angelus' head thrown back she understood how wrong her earlier interpretation had been. He was not moaning in pain, he was in...could it be?
"This should disgust me", she told herself, "I should be appalled, I'm going to get up right NOW and leave!!!"
But somehow, her eyes and her entire body were no longer hers to control. The towel applying pressure to the wound was already soaked again, but the bleeding seemed to have stopped. Cordelia lifted the towel to check for any new blood and was relieved to find the torn flesh not filling up with blood again. At his point, she finally admitted defeat, quite convinced she had gone off the deep end, as she watched her seemingly independently operating left hand reaching for the washcloth in the bowl of water standing next to her feet, while her right hand was removing both towels and dropped them on the floor. When she notices Angelus' eyes on her, she tried to reason with herself one more time, but she couldn't make herself stop.
She squeezed the excess water from the cloth and began to slowly clean up the blood from Angelus' skin. The animalistic growl that escaped Angelus' throat could no longer be mistaken for a cry of pain, it sent a shudder down Cordelia's spine. While moving in circular motions, so caressing that they resembled more a Swedish massage than an act of first aid, she found herself mesmerized by the sight of Angelus' ever swelling cock. A feeling of pleasure rippled through her at the thought of the fact, that it was her hands that were causing this reaction in the vampire. Another moan from Angelus seemed to confirm her thoughts.
"Cordelia..." he moaned barely louder than a whisper but Cordelia wasn't sure what he was going to say as he was quickly silenced when her hand very deliberately grabbed the base of his fully erect shaft. She could hear his sharp intake of breath and suddenly wondered if she had ever heard him breathe before.
She felt her senses return, only not going in the right direction, as she was shocked to learn, "Oh, you like this, huh?", she teased, "Being cleaned up like a baby?" A look at his impressively sized dick, she was still holding on to, had her add `a quite BIG baby at that', but thankfully, only in her mind.
"Always have", Angelus hissed through his clenched teeth. "Now of you cut me loose, I could let you in on the action!"
"Pfhh!", Cordelia exclaimed "So not going to happen! Why don't you let ?me? do the action here!"
Surprisingly, all wittiness seemed to have left Angelus for the moment, his only reply a deep growl. Cordy rinsed the cloth clean in the bowl before returning to her task again. Very deliberately she stroked his skin in circular motions, soaking up the spilled blood, but also teasing the vampire in all the right ways. `Or wrong ways!' the small, still sane part of her mind piped up, but blaming it on the amount of alcohol she wasn't used to running through her system, she was able to silence all complaining elements of her former self.
It had to be the alcohol, too, that was now pushing the newest urge to the foreground: She had to taste Angel! Cordy could barely hear the scream in her mind that was trying to tell her for the last time to walk away, this was all wrong. `This has to be a dream, none of this is really happening.' Was the excuse that let her silence her inner voice this time. Part of her knew fully well this was so not a dream, but that same part didn't seem to care. She knew she had gone too far to stop now.
She could hear Angelus panting now and figured she needed to stop for a minute, as she didn't want to send him over the edge. She threw the washcloth on top of the dirty towels on the floor. Her eyes caught Angelus' and she couldn't quite place the look in them, but she was almost sure she could see a flame of desire. Or, she could see the reflection of her own growing desire, she realized, as she felt her panties getting wet.
"I think I've had enough for now, don't you?", she could hear herself say. Her body was still seemingly on autopilot.
"You're probably tired from all the blood loss and stuff, so you should rest."
What was she doing? No, wait, she knew exactly what she was doing: It was as if the weight of the last 48 hours was falling off her shoulders pound by pound. Her bitterness over Groo's choice to `find himself before her again', Connor's abduction, seeing all her friends so helpless. She had tried to be comforting, to be there for Angel. Maybe now was the time for a little more physical comfort. Even if he was Angelus now, his body had to be as tensed as Angel's. And as for her, boy, was there tension!!
Before he could utter a response to her rhetoric question, Cordy snatched a scarf from the nearby chair and tied it around Angelus' eyes. Blindfolded, he lifted his head, trying to sense her with his ears and nose as she stepped away from the bed. She quickly took her shoes off and her steps were now completely silent, any noise easily absorbed by the carpet.
Cordy was too much in the moment to stop. She walked around the bed and approached Angelus between his chained legs, spread apart, so his ankles were chainable to the bedposts, his throbbing manhood was fully exposed. Cordelia crouched between his legs and wondered if he could feel her body's heat, as she was merely inches away from each thigh. Since she didn't want to lose her surprise momentum facilitated by the blindfold, she decided to move quickly. She was shocked at how much she was enjoying herself as she now placed both her hands on his upper thighs, quickly moving to where they met. She could hear the earth-shattering growl from Angelus as she opened her mouth and let his cool erection slide between her teeth. If she hadn't known any better, she would have sworn she was blowing a wild animal and not the vampire she had known for years.
Yet she didn't want to give him the ultimate satisfaction, whenever she felt his sac contract slightly or the base of his shaft trembling, she retreated, earning her a disappointed moan from Angelus that she could feel all the way through her body.
At this moment, she wanted him, more than she could ever remember wanting any man, she wanted to tie him loose and have wild animal sex, screw the consequences! An indescribable feeling of power washed over her when she saw the way his hips were arching up at her, his face distorted from pleasure as much as pain, and she knew he was split seconds away from going over the edge. She gently kissed the tip of his cock, images of never before experienced sex in her mind. Her clothing felt too tight, she wanted to be naked with him.
"Cordelia, we're baaack!"
Just as she stood up to free herself of the binding fabrics, she heard Buffy yelling from downstairs.
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