Title: We Can See The Light
Author: Tweyelite
Email: llmf81@yahoo.com

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

As soon as Buffy mentioned cleaning the kitchen Dawn had used homework as an excuse. So after Faith and Buffy cleaned up the kitchen they decided that ordering out would probably be the best idea for tonight. Buffy and Faith were in the middle of eating their chicken fried rice and chicken balls when Dawn skipped down the stairs and towards the front door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Buffy asked, noting the overnight bag Dawn had with her.

“To Janice’s, we have to do a project for social studies together, so we’re going to do it this weekend.” Dawn explained.

“Dawn you never asked me if you could go to Janice’s for the whole weekend.” Buffy reminded her.

Dawn shoulders slumped. “Come on Buffy!”

“Yeah yeah you can go!” Buffy said giving in. Dawn was a good kid so she knew she didn’t have to worry, well not too much anyway.

“Thanks sis!” Dawn said on her way out the door.

The door shut and Dawn was gone. “Your welcome.” Buffy said to herself.

“Your little sister is a riot.” Faith said dropping her chopsticks for the sixth time.

“Yeah hilarious.” Buffy replied rolling her eyes.

“So what’s on the agenda for tonight?” Faith asked.

“Patrol. Care to join?” Buffy asked lightly.

“Sure thing B. I just have something to do first. I’ll meet you at the cemetery?” Faith answered smiling again.

“Sure.” Buffy replied wondering what Faith had to do.

Faith knelt on the grave reading the inscription on the headstone, ‘Wonderful mother, strong woman.’ She didn’t know if anyone could hear her but she was sure as hell going to give this a try. After all she owed Joyce an apology. “I’m sorry Mrs. Summers. You must be in heaven and I hope you can hear this ‘cause I doubt when I die I’ll be seeing you around.” Faith joked. “I wish I would have had you as a mom.” Faith whispered as she placed the red rose on the grave.

Buffy had headed to the cemetery earlier than usual, she had wanted to get there before Faith did. As she approached she heard Faith saying ‘I wish I had you as a mom.’ And saw her place a rose upon Joyce Summers’ grave.

Buffy let Faith have her moment, and then entered the clearing pretending she hadn’t seen a thing.

Faith had been smiling all day. She couldn’t help it. Being with Buffy made her happy it’s the only thing that really ever did, except for slaying. So there they were the chosen two wandering around the cemetery waiting for a big bad demon or vamp to pop up. It was just like the old days but better.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Buffy said, noticing Faith seemed to be deep in thought.

“Just thinking how great it is to be here with you. It just feels right you know.” Faith responded.

“Yeah I know.” Buffy said briefly touching Faiths hand.

Faith heard it only a millisecond before she saw it. Faith dove pushing Buffy to the ground as the knife flew past them, right where Buffy’s head would have been if Faith hadn’t pushed her.

Faith was pissed. She got up and ran into the bushes where the knife had emerged. Buffy was up and running right after. Buffy could hear Faith fighting whatever it was and just as she reached the bushes Faith came out, with fire in her eyes and a cut on her shoulder.

They were back at the house and in the bathroom. Faith was sitting on the counter and Buffy was taping up Faiths arm.

“Thank you for saving my life but if you ever go into a situation where you don’t know what you’ll be fighting again and not wait for me, I’ll kick your ass.” Buffy stated. Faith knew she was only half serious, at least she hoped so.

“Sorry B. I just got so angry than anyone would try and hurt you. I should have waited.” Faith apologized but her heart wasn’t really in it. That demon she had killed deserved exactly what he got and it brought satisfaction to her knowing she had protected Buffy. Faith was so pumped up because of the fight. The adrenaline was rushing through her veins.

Buffy saw the feral look in Faith’s eyes and knew exactly how she felt. She needed to consume something. That’s why it was always hungry and horny, as Faith put it.

Faith looked at Buffy’s face and saw a smudge of dirt there, probably from when she had knocked her down. Faith put her palm to Buffy’s soft skin and used her thumb to brush away the dirt.

Buffy felt the edge of Faith’s thumb touch corncorner of her lips and gasped slightly. The tension in the room seemed to buzz all around them. Buffy and Faith leaned towards each other at the same time, so slowly. They’re lips were only a breath apart.

Faith knew she could kiss Buffy right then and she wouldn’t stop her. They were both so stirred up because of the fight, that’s all it was and for Faith with Buffy it had to be more than just ‘get some get gone’. She was in love with Buffy, she always had been. She knew if this happened it might ruin any chance she had to be in a real relationship with Buffy.

Buffy wanted Faith’s lips on hers. She wanted to know what they felt like, what she tasted like, what kind of sounds she makes while kissing. Buffy couldn’t think, didn’t want to think. Just when it seemed like their lips were destined to meet Faith pulled away.

“I guess the fight took more out of me than I thought. I’m kind of tired.” Faith said as she jumped off the counter, looking anywhere but Buffy’s eyes.

Buffy felt a little hurt but then she realized what she had almost done. Faith was her friend! She didn’t want to ruin that. She’d done a piss poor job of being her friend before and here she was throwing herself at her!

“Yeah I guess we both should get some sleep.” Buffy replied, still angry with herself.

“Night B.” Faith whispered as she walked to her room.

“Goodnight.” Buffy replied.

Faith lay on the bed in the dark willing her skin to stop tingling. I can’t believe Buffy wanted to kiss me and I didn’t do it! She berated her self silently.

Buffy lay in her bed tossing and turning. She sighed and stopped moving. What was I thinking? How could I have been so selfish? Buffy thought. Stupid stupid stupid!

The next day Buffy and Faith both felt the tension in the air. They spoke but not with the ease they felt with each other the day before. Faith knew they needed to talk about what almost had happened.

“Buffy I-“ Faith started.

“Faith Listen-“ Buffy said at the same time. They both stopped and Buffy motioned for Faith to go first.

“I’m sorry B, about last night. I’m just going to lay it all out for you. I care about you, a lot, I mean I could fall for you, and I shouldn’t have let what happened last night almost happen. I know it was just the adrenaline rush from the almost dying thing and-”

“Faith.” Buffy interrupted.

“Yeah?” Faith said, finally looking up from the carpet that had been holding her attention. Buffy smiled. She loved when Faith babbled, it was cute.

“You said you could fall for me.” Buffy said, unsure of what she was actually hearing.

“Yeah B, I mean I know you’re a totally straight up chick, I mean you had Angel and Beefstick so.. I’m sorry.” Faith said again. Faith had to tell Buffy exactly what she was feeling. She realized that because last time she kept everything bottled and it just made her crazy. She knew she needed people now, no matter how much she hated the fact.

Buffy never really thought about sexuality much. I mean with Tara and Willow it was like they were made for each other and they were so perfect together. She’d never felt any major physical attraction for a woman before, except for Faith. I mean even in high school, now that she thought back, she remembered feelings she’d had for Faith that were more than friendly but at the time she had dismissed them. Everything seemed so clear now, like she had just gotten her sight back. Buffy had had a huge thing for Faith in high school, and now, she was falling in love with her. Buffy was amazed with herself.

Buffy hadn’t spoken for a few minutes. Looks like she is doing some heavy-duty thinking. I hope she doesn’t hate me. Faith thought staring nervously.

“Faith,” Buffy finally spoke, “It wasn’t just the slaying last night that made me want to, um, kiss you.” Buffy said blushing. “What I mean is, well, you’re beautiful, and I love your personality, and and.. I not only could fall for you.. but I think I’m in the process of.”

Faith couldn’t believe what she had just heard, Buffy was falling in love with her. Buffy Summers was falling in love with her. That same phrase kept repeating itself over and over in her mind. Wow, so Buffy was heteroflexible.

They both looked each other in the eye and Faith smiled, and Buffy smiled back.

“So…” Faith began, “You want to go on a date with me tonight?” Buffy laughed aloud and shook her head yes.

Buffy couldn’t believe how nervous she was. Well she kind of could. I mean here she was, going out on a date with another woman, her friend, and she just couldn’t stop thinking about her. She kept picturing Faith in her mind, her long curly brown hair, silky skin, chocolate eyes, and that mouth… She had to stop thinking about her!

Faith stood in front of the full-length mirror in her room. She was wearing her black v-cut tank top, dark blue jeans, and her docs. She really had no idea how else to dress to look good. She turned around a few times making sure she looked ok and then walked out of her room.

Buffy walked into the living room and Faith saw her come in. Faith’s eyes were riveted on Buffy. She wore a light leopard print shirt that allowed Faith to see Buffy’s black bra underneath, and she wore black leather pants and black zip up boots. Faith opened her mouth a tad.

Buffy loved the effect she was having on Faith, she looked like she was going to drool all over herself Buffy thought smiling confidently. When Faith stood Buffy’s gaze was thorough and not at all shy. She looked her over from bottom to top, finally stopping to look into Faith’s piercing eyes. “I always loved you in leather.” Buffy stated.

“Wow B you look, sudifritz.” Faith said still staring.

“Sudifritz?” Buffy asked her eyebrow shooting up.

“Yeah this guy I once knew thought that perfect wasn’t a good enough word so he came up with a word that means better than perfect, sudifritz." Faith explained.

“Oh.” Buffy said smiling. “Well then you’re looking pretty sudifritz yourself.”

The two slayers headed to the bronze to dance and have a couple drinks. They didn’t talk too much during the course of the night, they mostly just danced, and anything that needed to be communicated could be done by the looks one another gave. They’re passion grew as they danced, they kept getting closer and closer to each other, so much so that they couldn’t have gotten any closer. Eventually all the guys around them started to piss them off. Usually she reveled in making the boys stare but not tonight, tonight it was just her and Buffy.

Faith took Buffy’s hand and led her off the dance floor. “Home?” Faith asked yelling over the music. Buffy nodded and so they went.

As they approached Buffy’s house Faith wondered where the proverbial goodnight kiss was to take place? They were both staying at the same house so it would be kind of redundant to kiss her at the front door and then follow her in. Faith then decided she would kiss her in front of her bedroom door, ‘Yeah that would work!’ she thought, while congratulating herself on her problem solving skills.

Buffy wondered if they were going to kiss. The tension between the two of them had been high all night. Should she kiss her first, Buffy questioned herself silently, or let Faith take the lead? She had no answer to that question or the zillion more bouncing around like bunnies in her head. They walked into the house and up the stairs making small talk, both preoccupied with thoughts of first date protocols.

They reached Buffy’s door and Faith decided she wasn’t going to think this through because she would probably chicken out so instead she just leaned in and kissed her.

Buffy fidgeted with her fingers as she spoke, “..and the music was-“ her babbling was happily interrupted by Faith’s lips pressing to hers. Buffy had never kissed a woman before, she hadn’t realized it would be so soft. The kiss began slowly and Buffy’s skin started to hum. She opened her mouth slightly allowing Faiths tongue passage.

The thought popped into Faith’s head from no where, Buffy’s mouth tasted like sugar. It must have been all that coke she had been downing at the Bronze, she concluded. Then she felt Buffy’s tongue in her mouth, seeming to beckon her closer and any coherent thoughts disappeared from her mind.

Buffy’s hands had wound themselves around Faith’s neck and were now imbedded in her silky hair. She could smell Faith now. She smelled like herbal essences and fire. She wanted so much to be consumed by that fire. Buffy whimpered, as the kiss became frantic.

Faith could feel Buffy’s fingers on her neck, which sent a shock down her spine. Her hands rested on the small of Buffy’s back and were now trying to pull her impossibly closer.

Finally the need for oxygen kicked in, after several minutes, and the two slayers separated slightly. Buffy and Faith’s breathing were laboured as Buffy lay her forehead to Faith’s.

“Wow.” Faith panted.

“Uh huh.” Buffy agreed. Both of them seemingly, for the moment, monosyllabic.

“And here I thought those herbal essences commercials were total BS.” Faith smirked looking into Buffy’s hazel eyes.

“Yes we’ll definitely have to write them a letter.. later.” Buffy replied dragging Faith into her bedroom.

“Are you sure you want to do this B?” Faith asked, hoping she wasn’t rushing things.

“Oh definitely. I’m Positive McDoublysure!” Buffy replied emphatically.

Faith laughed as she we went back to plundering Buffy’s mouth. While Faith’s mouth was busy Buffy’s hands were occupied elsewhere. Before Faith could say wow again her pants were lying in a heap at her ankles. They pulled away from kissing for a second when Buffy pulled Faith’s shirt over her head commanding the shirt, “Off!”

“B it’s not very fair that I’m practically naked and you still have all your stitches on don’t you think?”

“Well you cheated in tickling!” Buffy reminded her.

“All is fair in love and tickle fights?” Faith asked lightly while she unzipped Buffy’s pants and removed her shoes.

“Mmhmm.” Buffy responded while she licked and kissed Faith's neck.

Now that they were both equally unclothed and only wearing their bras and underwear they had a chance to really look each other over. Buffy noted that Faith was wearing a thong, not that her underwear were granny underwear but a thong? That can’t be comfy, she thought.

“I never figured you for a red panties kinda girl B.” Faith teased, snapping the band against Buffy’s warm thigh.

“I’m just full of surprises F.” Buffy replied pushing Faith onto the bed and climbing on top of her.

Buffy resumed her slow exploration of Faith’s body and Faith was doing all she could to continue breathing. Buffy placed her mouth right beside Faith’s ear and whispered, “This has got to go.” As she ran the tips of her fingers over the top of Faith’s purple silk bra. Faith’s arms flew behind her back and unclasped it. Buffy slid one strap down and kissed the newly exposed flesh, and did the same to the other shoulder. She then slid the offensive garment off of Faith and threw it on the floor. “Much better.” Buffy commented as she leaned down to resume her torturous kisses and licks to Faith’s velvety skin.

Buffy was driving Faith crazy! She didn’t know how much longer she could take all this teasing. Buffy was very immersed in her new favorite activity of suckling Faith’s breasts so when Faith flipped them over Buffy was taken aback for a moment.

“I always did like to come out on top B.” Faith said as her eyes devoured every inch of exposed skin she could see. Faith kissed Buffy again. She kissed her with the fire and passion of a thousand suns. Both the slayers were gasping from the excitement. Faith reached one hand behind Buffy’s back and unsnapped her black bra, practically ripping it from Buffy’s body. Faith kissed and licked her way down Buffy’s chest, stopping for a time to pay homage to Buffy’s pert breasts. Buffy watched as Faith continued on, kissing Buffy’s bellybutton and looking into each other’s eyes. Faith could smell Buffy’s sex and couldn’t wait to taste it. Faith and Buffy’s eye’s locked as Faith slid the last peace of clothing Buffy was wearing off. Now naked Buffy felt no shame of her body or nervousness at Faith seeing her, she loved Faith and wanted to share everything with her. Faith looked on Buffy’s form lovingly. The sigtseltself almost broke her heart.

“God B I love you.” Faith said in a strangled voice. Buffy smiled serenely and sat up to pull her lover back into her embrace. Faith now lay face to face, breast to breast with Buffy. Buffy’s hands roamed Faiths back, up and down her spine. Buffy pushed Faith’s underwear down and Faith kicked them off.

“I’ve never done this before.” Faith whispered softly.

“What? Been with a woman?” Buffy asked.

“No, I’ve never made love before.” Faith explained.

Buffy didn’t think she could love Faith more but she had just been proven wrong. Buffy’s eyes filled with tears and she smiled.

“I love you so much Faith, never leave me.”

“Never.” Faith replied with a savage kiss.

Faith glided down Buffy’s length to the apex of her thighs and smiled that saucy grin the way she did and dove in. All she wanted was to see Buffy climax and hear her name on Buffy’s lips. Buffy’s body writhed under Faith’s mouth. She let out a high pitched moan as she felt herself fall over the abyss. “Faith!” Buffy tried to scream, but it only came out in a muffled whisper.

Faith crawled up to lay half on and half beside Buffy, nestling her head into the other slayers’ neck. Buffy’s body still shook slightly from the aftermath, that’s what Faith was like, an earthquake, Buffy thought.

While Buffy and her lay there together, so close, Faith felt a kind of peace she had been missing all her life. Buffy had seen the best and the worst of her and still loved her. Buffy could feel Faith’s heart beating in tandem with her own while Faith created little invisible designs with her fingers on Buffy’s stomach while Buffy ran her fingers through Faith’s hair. Faith had never understood the whole ‘cuddling’ thing. Now she got it. She’d never felt so warm, safe, and loved in her life.

Buffy kissed Faith’s forehead, and then her nose, and then her eyes. “I want to make love to you.” Buffy stated, as she gently pushed Faith onto her back. Buffy kissed and licked Faith from her neck to her toes. She wanted to show Faith how much she loved her. Faith felt like Buffy was worshipping her with her mouth, her hands, and her whole body. She’d never felt anything so intense before. When Buffy’s mouth settled onto her very core she gasped loudly. Buffy’s sweet and continuous onslaught had Faith whimpering and begging her for release and when it came it came hard and fast. Faith was screaming out Buffy’s name at the top of her lungs. While Faith was recovering from the massive orgasm Buffy had just given her she began to cry, she had been with Buffy about a day now and she had already cried 3 times! Faith thought to herself. But she couldn’t contain the high emotions she was feeling.

Buffy held Faith to her as she sobbed, finally understanding this beautiful and tortured woman. “Shh.. It’s ok.” Buffy crooned. Eventually they both fell asleep in one another’s arms.

“Shouldn’t we make the bed?” Faith asked in her dream.

“No let’s leave it like that.” Buffy said as she took Faiths hand and they walked out of the bedroom and into the light.