Title: What You Need
Author: Mac
Email: mac_0_1_2@yahoo.co.uk
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Faith gets out of prision and surprisingly Det. Kate Lockley wants to help her patch her life back together.

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With one arm around a tired Faith, Kate struggled to get the key into her lock. She felt Faith try to stand up straight but she shuddered in pain and leant back against Kate. She opened the door and stumbled in, leading Faith into her bedroom. Faith snickered.

"I don't know you that well Lockley."

Despite herself Kate giggled. "It's ok Faith, I'm sleeping on the couch."

"No you're not! You're sleeping here too, I saw how hard you hit your head. I don't want you sleeping on the couch. It's not all that comfortable and you'll feel better after a good night's sleep." Faith gingerly sat on the bed, wincing as her back twinged again. "You're worried you won't be able to control yourself with me half naked in your bed?"

Kate blushed, she was rummaging through her dresser. "I'm perfectly under control."

"So you admit you need to control yourself then?"

Kate snorted and shook her head, she threw Faith's pyjamas at her while she headed to the bathroom. "Get changed, I'm going to the bathroom."

With great pain and awkwardness Faith got undressed and slipped on her pjs. She tried to ignore the throbbing pain in the base of her spine, tried to ease it by walking around a bit. Kate came out of the bathroom and stopped when she saw what Faith was wearing. Short-shorts and a belly top.

"You sleep in that?"

"Yup, you suffocate in that?" Faith grinned.

"It keeps me warm."

"I guess being a Slayer means you don't get cold that easily." Faith walked by her and into the bathroom. Kate went around the apartment and switched off all the lights, making sure everything was closed and locked. She went back into the bedroom to see Faith trying to ease herself into the bed, but from the look on her face it was very painful. Kate walked over to her.

"Can I help you?"

Faith shook her head. "Unless you can give me a massage, then no."

"Well, I took an outside course when I was in college, it wasn't all that long ago. I still remember some of the stuff." Kate slid into her side of the bed as Faith laid down. "You want me to?"

"Yeah." Faith nodded, looking appreciative.

"You have to be on your front."

"Will you turn out the light?"

Kate hesitated. Turn off the light?


Why not?

She flicked off the switch and Faith moved onto her stomach. "If I fall asleep, you won't be offended, right?"

Her voice was laced with tiredness. Kate grinned as she moved to sit astride the tops of her thighs. "No, Faith. I'll be flattered." She pushed the back of her belly top up slightly so she could see more of her smooth back. She could feel her loins flutter and her heart beat hard. She touched her skin, immediately kneading it gently.

"Oh..." Faith groaned. "Oh shit that feels so good..."

Goosebumps appeared all over Faith's skin, Kate could feel her whole body relax under her hands. She pressed down on her spine with her thumbs, rubbing small circles with the pads of her thumbs. Then she did the same with her all her fingers.

"Oh yes... slightly lower... little bit more... oh god..." Faith moaned softly. Kate grit her teeth and tried to calm her flushed body. Her hands were poked under the waistband of the brunette's shorts, she was massaging the swell of her ass. Kate willed herself not to think of what she was touching and tried to concentrate on what she was doing. Faith's hard breathing and soft moans weren't helping her in anyway.

"Oh... this... this should be... oh... your profession... goddamn it feels so hot..."

Kate tried to stop her hands from shaking, she wanted to spin her around and thrust her hands into her shorts and fuck her hard. They had both confessed to liking other women, but what if Faith was gonna push her away? Kate had to be sure before she made her move. She thought about earlier that evening when Faith had pulled her against her body and they had danced. Faith was mumbling some words, Kate couldn't decipher. Her breath was coming in short gasps.

She sounded like she was- no... mustn't think that way...

Kate tried to listen to what she was saying... something about her being some goddess with some swear words thrown in there, too. Kate took her hands out and rubbed them together. She needed baby oil, she could do without it, but it would be a nice thing to have. She moved them back down and pressed twice as hard. Faith actually sounded like she was having an orgasm, her skin was flushed and she was squirming slightly. Kate berated herself for thinking about Faith like that... she tried to block out the sounds she was making.

"Fuck... Kate... you're so good... oh shit..."

Looking down, she realised her pussy was pressed up against Faith's ass. Only a few pieces of cloth were separating them, her hands worked Faith's muscles harder, emitting more moans from the brunette. Gently she stroked the skin and then eased herself off of Faith's thighs. Faith sighed and within five seconds was fast asleep. Kate crawled under the blankets and looked up at the ceiling, she willed her breathing to slow. She raised her hands up to her face and breathed in Faith's scent. She had been so close to the girl, touching her. Wanting so badly to kiss her. Feeling her body relax she closed her eyes and listened to Faith's breathing. Faith shifted, throwing one leg over Kate's and pulling her body close to her own. Kate groaned inwardly.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Faith awoke, feeling hot breath on her lips. She opened her eyes to see Kate's face. She grinned. That's a sight she wouldn't mind seeing every morning. Last night came back to her in a rush. She should really tell Kate about Slayer senses, but it was too much fun. Feeling her get so hot she was shaking, her heartbeat going mad. But man! It felt so good, she had wanted Kate to fuck her mindlessly. She was glad the light had been off, she knew that a wet patch had formed on her shorts.

Kate moaned.

Faith grinned. Kate's face was in a grimace of ecstasy. Party on girl, Faith thought. She felt Kate's hand on her leg, which was across the blonde's, first she was caressing it lightly. Then she grabbed it as a quiet cry left her mouth. Her back arched slightly off the bed and her hips twitched. Faith's hand stroked her stomach softly as her breathing became laboured, her hips twitched at regular intervals now. Faith considered slipping her hand between her legs but didn't think that it would be the best way to wake her. Kate's eyes opened and looked directly into Faiths, she realised what position they were in - very, very close, her hand on Faith's leg and Faith's hand under her pj top.

She didn't get a chance to say morning; Faith's tongue was in the way.

First they were kissing softly, almost tentatively. Kate began to moan, her tongue moved more forcefully around Faith's mouth. She pushed the slayer down on the mattress and kissed her roughly, running her hands up and down the brunette's sides. Faith groaned as she felt the blonde's body writhing on top of hers. She drove her hands into Kate's hair, stroking the back of her neck. She sucked on Kate's tongue, making the blonde whimper and push her groin into Faith's. The phone rang. Kate pulled back.

"Leave it." Faith growled, trying to pull Kate back down.

"What if it's important?" She bit her lip and looked at the phone.

"What?! And this isn't?" Faith ran her hands under her top, touching her with feather-light touches.

"You know what I mean." She placed her finger over Faith's lips and reached over for the phone. "Hello?"

Faith sucked the finger into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. She kissed her palm and then kissed her way up Kate's arm. "Yeah, we're both here." Kate watched Faith as she reached the top of her arm; the brunette looked up at her and smiled. Then she moved to her neck and began to kiss her softly.

"Today? What time? That soon?? No, we're not busy, it's just- well ok."

Faith began to nip the skin softly. Kate gasped. "No Angel, I'm fine. Really, I am." Faith moved up and kissed her deeply, sweeping her tongue into her mouth for a few moments before Kate pulled back. "Yes, that sounds fine." Faith sucked on her neck, she trailed her tongue from her neck up to her earlobe where she sucked on it softly.

"Ok, bye."

She ended the call and Faith pulled her back down, she kissed her passionately, running her tongue sensually over her lips. Kate felt Faith's hips rock very gently against her own. She had to stop, they were going to be late. She tried to pull away but Faith held tight and rolled her over so that the brunette was now on top. She held Kate's arms down by her side and continued to kiss her deeply. Despite herself, Kate kissed back. Faith's hands were beginning to travel up her body, tickling her ribs and continuing more north. Kate tried to sit up, Faith got the message and pulled away.

"Faith, that was Angel, we have to go over to him."

"What for?!" Faith almost shouted, clearly frustrated.

"He just wants to see how you're getting on, how we're both getting on." Kate licked her finger and trailed it down Faith's neck and into the deep plunging neckline of her belly-top. Faith moaned.

"Can we not just fucking tell him? Why do we have to see him?"

Kate shrugged. "But if we wait, the better it'll be." She whispered into Faith's ear.

"Does that mean I can't watch you change?"

Kate laughed. "Of course it does!" She climbed out of bed and grabbed some of her clothes. Faith whined.

"But that's so unfair!"

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They both got into the car; Kate started up the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. Faith was in a bad mood, she was glaring outside the window.

"Faith, we'll be back home in no time." Kate rubbed her leg reassuringly.

"I don't care. I wanted you then... what if I'm not in the mood later? Hmm? What'll you do then?" Faith spun around to glare at her. She knew that she would of course be in the mood later, but it was nice watching the look of doubt cross Kate's features.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to find some way of convincing you." Kate winked at her.

Faith looked at her. "It's not easy to convince me, honey."

"I guess I'll just have to try my hardest... I can think of quite a few things... hmmm... yeah..." Kate grinned to herself.

"Kate! Eyes on the road!" Faith cried out, grabbing the steering wheel and turning the car to the right, narrowly avoiding the barrier. The blonde laughed sheepishly.

"Sorry, I got a bit distracted."

Faith's eyes lit up. "Distracted, hmm?"

Kate nodded and looked at the Slayer suspiciously. "Yeah."

Faith leaned over and began to kiss Kate's neck, trailing her tongue over the skin. She moaned as she sucked on her neck, occasionally biting her with her teeth.

"Oh. I see what you're trying to do Faith." Kate laughed softly. "It's not going to work."

Faith mumbled something against her neck. "Wanna bet?" She moved her head upwards and began to kiss the blonde softly, cocking her head to one side so that Kate could still see where she was driving. She put one hand on her leg, caressing it softly, moving it in towards her inner thigh.

"You think you're gonna distract me so much that I'll have to stop." Kate shook her head, laughing at Faith's look of contempt. "I'm a police detective, Faith. I don't get distracted easily."

Faith moaned softly into her ear. "I know baby, it's all about the uniform..."

"It's not working." Kate laughed.

Faith pulled back into her seat angrily and crossed her arms. "Fuck you." There was a pause. "If you're not gonna have any fun, maybe I can make my own..." She cupped one of her breasts and flicked her thumb over the nipple, she gasped softly, looking down at her hands. Kate stopped at a red light and looked over at the brunette. Faith grinned at her and licked her lips. She ran her hand between her legs and moaned; Kate's gaze was fixated between her legs. Faith breathed out hard. She moved her hips up to meet her hand and ground her palm against the crotch of her trousers.

"Am I distracting you now?" Faith whispered hoarsely. As if on cue, the car behind them beeped loudly, making both of them jump. Kate put the car into gear and sped off.

"Ok Faith, stop that because it's not fair." Kate had to train herself to keep her eyes on the road.

Faith sighed and folded her arms again. After ten minutes of silence, Faith moved over and began to caress Kate's breasts; she rubbed her thumbs softly over her hardening nipples. Despite herself, Kate pressed her breasts further into her touch. Her breathing was becoming slightly laboured, but she was determined to stay calm. With her right hand still pinching her nipple, Faith opened her blouse with her left hand, in her haste she pulled down the cup of Kate's bra, exposing her nipple.

"Faith stop." Kate mumbled weakly. "You really shouldn't..."

"I know..." Faith whispered as she moved her head down, she took her hard nipple into her mouth and began to suck on it hard. Kate cried out and clutched Faith's head to her breast, the car swerved slightly before she got it under control. She bit down gently and Kate had to pull over into a deserted lay-by. Faith took this as a positive response and climbed astride Kate's lap, moving over to her other nipple and sucking hard. Kate was helpless to do anything. She had a horny Slayer on her lap – she didn't want to do anything about it. Kate moaned as Faith devoured her breasts. Faith slid her hand between Kate's legs and cupped her mound. Kate gasped and tried to push Faith away.

"C'mon, Faith. Stop, we have to go. Angel will be really suspicious."

Faith pulled away and looked at her swollen nipples, she groaned. "Man, do I ever hate that dude." She kissed Kate deeply for a few moments before pulling away and sitting back on her own seat.

Kate fixed her clothes and started up the car again.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Faith sat down on the couch in the lobby and watched Kate and Angel talking. Obviously about something important.

"So, Faith. How's life at Kate's?" Wesley asked politely.

"Oh, you know. Law-abiding." Faith grinned.

"Makes a change though, doesn't it?" Cordelia said.

"Mmm, guess so."

That was the limit of their conversation. Faith sat on the couch trying to stay calm, she hated being here, and she hated being stared at by Wesley and Cordelia as if she was going to kill someone. Any movement she would make they would watch her closely. She looked over at Kate and Angel but they were looking at her. She offered a lop sided grin and Kate winked at her in return.

"Tea, anyone?" Wesley asked.

Faith shook her head. She groaned inwardly. Apart from anything she was as horny as hell and her mind was filled with thousands of images of what she going to do to Kate when they finally got back to her apartment. She wanted to know if Kate was feeling the same, she needed to breath in her scent, needed something to keep her sane. She stood up and walked over to where they were talking.

She looked down on the table and saw numerous different files and pictures of people. She stepped up behind Kate and could smell her scent, her unique scent. And her arousal, which meant Angel could probably smell it too. Aw well, who gives a shit. What the hell is Angel gonna do about it anyway? Kate jumped slightly and turned around to the brunette Slayer. Her heart rate increased.

"Faith, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to know what you were doing."

"I was telling Angel about last night and how you fought, even though you were injured, to save my life." Angel nodded.

"Very impressive."

Faith shrugged. "It was nothing."

"Yeah, but you could barely walk. How is your back?" Kate realised they had been so wrapped up in each other this morning she had forgotten to ask her.

"It feels ten times better, thanks to you." Faith winked at Kate and turned to Angel. "Where's the bathroom? I need to relieve myself."

Kate stared at the ground, getting the message immediately. Her mind reeled from the images and scenes playing out in her head. Angel turned back to Kate once Faith had gone.

"Ok, I'm not going to say anything, because really and truly it's not my place to. And I understand that I just feel as though I should."

"Go on."

"Be careful, Faith is a very troubled girl. But if you feel she can handle a relationship right about now then I trust your judgment ok?"

"Relationship? Me and Faith?" Kate walked over to the blocked up window, blushing madly.

Angel snorted. "Don't play dumb with me Kate. I can smell both of your scents really well, I know when two women- well. You know."


"Yeah, Faith can too, but not to the same extreme as me. I'm surprised she hasn't ordered you out of here by now, her scent is very strong."

Kate blushed. "You see that's why she's gone to the bathroom Angel."

"Oh, here?!"

Kate sighed. "I'm gonna go now, is that everything?"

Angel looked a bit perturbed. "Yeah, pretty much."

"We'll probably see you next week, if I can get her out of the bloody bedroom." Kate grinned as Angel shook his head.



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