Title: Why I'm Still Here
Author: Cobalite
Email: cobalite@yahoo.com
Author's Notes: There’s other butchers, in other towns, places where Spike wouldn’t have to deal with annoying childeren trying to kill him, or a Slayer who enjoys beating the shit out of him. So why’s he still here?

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Why I'm Still Here

It's been almost a year since the Initiative implanted me and months since I left the Watcher's house. I bet you all wonder why I'm still on this Hellmouth. The answer is quite simple, and the most complicated thing you'll ever hear.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that while there wasn't any shortage of vampires last year, none of them really wanted to stick their necks out.

There was Sunday, but I'll get to that in a minute. Then there were Adam’s troops of course, but he made them forget the old ways with promises of power and glory. He made them break the third taboo. Only three rules govern vampire society, and my line seems to insist on breaking all of them, as often as possible.

Rule One: The only member of your own kind you may kill is your own creations, or that of your childre. These days, it seems slaying vamps is something I inherited from dear old dad.

Rule Two: Killing others of your kind can be pardoned, but killing your sire carries a dire consequence.

Now, Rule Three is a toughie. It's something that's been taught from the beginning of time, but has little use in today's world. Back before the human population was huge, we couldn't just kill like there was no tomorrow. So, the Masters kept a live food supply. Of course, someone got jealous, which led to the creation of the third rule, the biggy. One even I refuse to break, even after the first two lay shattered in the dust.

He marked her. Put a big old bite on her neck, and walked away. Honestly? I don't think it was Angel that marked her. He's to guilt ridden to do such an intelligent vampiric thing. I think it was Angelus who did it, to protect what was his, and do what he always failed to do. Make Buffy his.

The Third Taboo: The vessel of a Master is sacred. Even after his final death, the only one with permission to kill or turn this vessel is the Sire of the Master, or in their absence, a childe. No minion may feed from the vessel.

Now, here we have an undefeated Slayer, who no vamp in his right mind would fight without a serious grudge, bearing the mark of a Master, even one in exile. A Slayer who barely hunted at all last year and the death rate didn't really go up.

As for Sunday, I'm ashamed to admit she's part of the bloodline. Seems Darla was bored back in the eighties. What else is there to do while waiting for a harvest?

Drac? He's one of Nest's actually. Does that take care of all the questions? As for Harmony, well, let's just say I've never regretted killing someone before, but sentencing some demon to spend eternity with that personality? I shudder at the thought.

So why am I still here? Even with the mark of protection, she still hunts. So I'm here to protect her, because my sire is too much of a nonce to do it himself. I'm still here because it's my duty, my damnation, and my privilege. I'm still here, because someday, when this chip is gone, I'm gonna make it three. But it won't be with her, because this Slayer is something special. I'm still here, because someday, she'll make a mistake, and I'll be there to see it. Then I'll be the one that has to go to LA and tell Angel, because I’m the only one who can do for him what needs to be done. Together, they are powerful, alone they are nothing, and I can’t let that happen. Not even to the sire I hate, and the Slayer we both love.

Email questions, comments, and concerns for my sanity to cobalite@yahoo.com