Title: Xander Sammich
Author: Chickalupe
Email: chickalupe@juno.com
Feedback: ooh, makes me feel all tingly... chickalupe@juno.com
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Xander/Angel
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Spoilers: General Season 4, Season 1 of Angel
Warnings: alternate universe, slashy goodness (that means male on male, people), vampy bloodplay, threesome
Disclaimer: Lord Joss, god of the Buffy-verse, owns everything you see here. I just make the pretty boys do naughty things without his permission, but the boys secretly enjoy it.
Summary: After Anya leaves, Xander finds himself unable to deny certain feelings involving two incredibly sexy vampires. What could come of this?
{{A/N: The Ring of Amara/Spike torturing Angel thing never happened (even though I love Spike's monologue from that ep. and hate to lose it, I need less tension between the boys.) Also, Oz has gone and ow how has hooked up with Tara, just as Buffy is with Riley. Assume Anya left a little bit ago, and Xander moved out of the basement a little earlier.}}
{{PS- Angel is Spike's Sire, because I say so. So there, Joss! Nyah :p. }}

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

So it was that Xander found himself seated between two vampires, nursing his third drink as Spike and Angel started on their sixth and fourth, respectively. Alcohol not having as strong an affect on vampire physiology, they were not drunk like the boy. //…Who could not hold his alcohol, at *all*,// thought Spike, not unkindly. //Just goes to show the whelp don’t drink much. Good thing, too.//

The boy was sliding down slightly in his chair. Angel grabbed his shoulder and yanked, pulling him upright again. They were seated at a table to themselves in a shadowed corner. Xander turned alcohol-glazed eyes to the dark vampire and grinned. “Tankshh,” he slurred. Spike suppressed a chuckle. //Poor Xan. At least he got good and properly snockered.//

Xander took another gulp from his drink. They were going to have to cut him off soon. Xander looked up at them. “Wh-where wuz I?” He had been rambling about everything and nothing for the past hour.

“You were just about to tell us what’s really bothering you; what’s been making you act so strangely, weren’t you?” Angel’s voice urged him on gently. “Wuz I? Okay then.” Xander treated them to a blinding smile. Again, Spike was hard pressed not to laugh at Xander, piss drunk as the boy was. “Shhtrangely, huh? Well, dat’s eazy. It’z cuz yer both sssoo sexy.” Bombshell dropped, Xander’s head met table with a thud as he passed out. Two vampires stared at his unconscious form in astonishment.

Angel looked floored. “Did he just…?”

Spike nodded. “Yep.”

Blinking, Angel said; “Well, it was probably just the alcohol talking.”

They looked at Xander for a minute longer. Angel spoke again. “I guess we should get him home…” He looked over at Spike, noticing the smile on his Childe’s face. Pure Evil. “Spike?” The blonde’s smile grew wider. A touch of panic hit Angel. In his best Sire’s voice, he said, “Spike? What are you up to?” Spike finally answered, still grinning. “Oh, just having meself a think, you know. Considerin’ the possibilities...” A hint of warning in Angel’s tone. “Spike…” This snapped the smaller vampire out of his daze. “What? Nothing! Come on, Peaches. We should get the poor bloke home.” As they lifted Xander’s comatose form, Spike couldn’t help grinning to himself. //Oh yes, definite potential in this situation, here.//

Fortunately, Spike knew where Xander’s apartment was, and it wasn’t far. Angel slung Xander over his shoulder, carrying him as easily as a sack of feathers. It must have appeared a tad odd to anyone who saw them. Of course, no one in Sunnydale would notice, seeing as how none of them had horns, or scales or anything. When they reached Xander’s apartment, Spike fished the keys out of the unconscious boy's pocket. As Spike tried each key in the lock, Angel realized something.

“Uhh, Spike?”

“Hmm?” Spike answered distractedly, trying another key.

“Spike, we haven’t been invited in. And Xander’s out cold.”

With a flourish, Spike opened the door. “Don’t worry, Peaches, I’ll invite you in.”

Spike stepped over the threshold. “Won’t you come in?” he said, cocky smirk firmly in place. At Angel’s confused blink, Spike took pity on him and explained. “Silly sod has a ruddy ‘Welcome’ mat. All this time fighting with the Slayer, and you’d suppose he’d be more careful about that kind of thing. Askin’ for trouble, it is.” Angel, feeling stupid, glanced briefly down at said mat as he carried Xander inside. What he saw made him look back up with a small smile.

“Actually,” he said softly, “It says, ‘Welcome, Friends’. Guess that means we count as…”

“His friends,” Spike finished, slowly. “The boy thinks of us as his friends.”

Somewhat subdued, they slipped off Xander’s shoes and pants as best they could without his help. They left his shirt and boxers on out of consideration for his modesty. They put him to bed, and for a long, long while both stood and watched him sleep.

//Christ on a cross, he looks so bloody innocent. Vulnerable.// “You’d think he’d know better than to trust a couple of vampires like us. Bloody stupid thing to do.” Spike finally said quietly. “You’d think,” Angel replied gently. The two left his bedroom, each taking one last, almost protective glance back at the sleeping boy who called them both friend.

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