Title: Xander Sammich
Author: Chickalupe
Email: chickalupe@juno.com
Feedback: ooh, makes me feel all tingly... chickalupe@juno.com
Fandom: BtVS
Pairing: Spike/Xander/Angel
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Spoilers: General Season 4, Season 1 of Angel
Warnings: alternate universe, slashy goodness (that means male on male, people), vampy bloodplay, threesome
Disclaimer: Lord Joss, god of the Buffy-verse, owns everything you see here. I just make the pretty boys do naughty things without his permission, but the boys secretly enjoy it.
Summary: After Anya leaves, Xander finds himself unable to deny certain feelings involving two incredibly sexy vampires. What could come of this?
{{A/N: The Ring of Amara/Spike torturing Angel thing never happened (even though I love Spike's monologue from that ep. and hate to lose it, I need less tension between the boys.) Also, Oz has gone and ow how has hooked up with Tara, just as Buffy is with Riley. Assume Anya left a little bit ago, and Xander moved out of the basement a little earlier.}}
{{PS- Angel is Spike's Sire, because I say so. So there, Joss! Nyah :p. }}

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Xander stood under the cold water, directing the frigid spray where he needed it most, gritting his teeth against the almost-pain. //Oh geez, that was so embarrassing. They had to have noticed, I mean, vampires can tell, right?// He groaned, leaning his forehead on the cool tile of the wall, resisting the urge to bang his head against it repeatedly. //Please oh please oh please, God, don’t let them have figured it out. If they know, I don’t think I can deal.// The icy water did its job well, his manly parts returning to their dormant state.

Xander admitted to himself that his attraction to Spike and Angel was rapidly growing into something else. It was more than that, he was beginning to *like* them. Lusting after their bodies was one thing, but liking them? //Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? A relationship about more than sex?// He determinedly suppressed that thought. It was true that he thought of them as friends now, rather than enemies. That much was obvious, or they would never have been able to enter the apartment via his welcome mat. But were they really deserving of his trust? Both had tried to kill him in the past. Granted, that was Angelus, not Angel; and Spike hadn’t *seriously* tried to hurt him in a long time, ever since they had lived together in his basement Spike had been almost civil. //You’re just looking for excuses so you won’t have to own up to the fact that you could possibly *more* than like them,// the sensible part of his brain lectured him. Xander sighed. He did trust them, despite every instinct that screamed otherwise.

Getting out of the shower and toweling off, he slipped back into his sweatpants. His second shower in less than an hour. Of course, if he kept getting hard at every off-hand comment one of them made, he foresaw many more cold showers in his future. //Alright, let’s be honest with ourselves, hmm? Angel and Spike; he liked them as friends, enjoyed their company, lusted after them, possibly more. Now what? Now, he should open the door, and stop spending the whole day standing around his bathroom.//

He walked out, and took a deep breath. //Okay, time to face the music.//

Surprisingly, when he walked into his living room, the vampiric pair treated him only to smiles, rather than the mockery he had been expecting. “Better, pet?” This seemed strange to hear from Spike, and Xander gave a small, confused nod. Angel spoke. “If you’re feeling up to it, you might want to call Willow. She’s probably still worried.” “Oh, man!” Xander exclaimed. “Good idea.” The only phone was in the bedroom, where he headed.

  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  ∞  

Angel and Spike had no problem hearing both sides of the phone conversation, even in the next room. Angel mentally struggled with himself for a moment about eavesdropping, before finally giving in. Spike, apparently, had no such moral dilemma, actually leaning forward in his seat, hanging onto every word. Angel outwardly rolled his eyes. Inwardly, he was listening just as hard. He, too, wanted to hear everything that Xander was saying. Not that he was nosy or anything. Just concerned.


“Hey, Wills.”

“Xander! Oh goddess, I’ve been so worried! Are you ok? What’s going on? You left so suddenly, acting all weird, and the things you said--”

“Willow! Will, I’m fine, honestly. I swear. I just needed to get out, to go somewhere.”

“Well, it’s good that you’re ok. But don’t do that again! Because you really had me worried, Mister.” A suspicious sounding sniff.

“Will? Ah Wills, I’m sorry, don’t cry.”

“I’m not.” Slight sniffle, then a pause. “So, will you be at the Magic Box tonight? Research party goodness.”

“No, I won’t. I meant what I said last night, Willow, I’m on a Slay-vacation. I need a day or so to get some things straight in my head.”

A small silence, and then, in a gentle tone; “Is this about Anya?”

Tiny sigh. “No. But it is…something like that. I promise I’ll tell you everything, just, right now--”

“--I understand, you need some breathing room.” Another pause. “I love you, Xander. I know you'll talk to me when you're ready.”

“I love you too, Willow.”

“Take care of yourself, okay?”

“I will. I promise to call.”

“You’d better.”

Xander said goodbye, and Willow hung up.

From the living room, Angel and Spike could hear him sigh, and say to himself, “I *hate* not telling her stuff.” Xander hung up the phone, and the two vampires tried very hard to look as if they hadn’t been listening in.

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