TITLE: "Save Tonight"
AUTHOR: Alessandra
CONTENT: Angel/ Buffy NC17, consensual (probably boring) sex
SUMMARY: Another story not set in my AIL universe! Wow! This is how the third season finale should be! There are no real spoilers for the third season though.
FEEDBACK: Oh pretty please? I live for it!
DISCLAIMER: "Save Tonight" is by Eagle Eye Cherry. I am using it without their permission, but it’s for no profit, I am just showing what a lovely song it is. Please don’t sue!
I do not own any of the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" characters or situations (I will even give my story ideas to Joss in exchange for a day on the set). I am borrowing them, without permission, and I mean no harm to them. They all belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox, and Warner Brothers. I wrote this purely for entertainment and not at all for profit.
NOTE: Thanks to Mel for helping me find the song lyrics! Also, she proofed, and even taught me some grammer! Now she is going to attempt to decorn me! She is wonder woman I swear.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

~Go on and close the curtains
'cause all we need is candlelight
You and me and the bottle of wine
and hold you tonight~

Buffy smiled as she saw all the candles Angel had carefully set out; he was such a romantic. Angel walked over to her, a small smile on his face and a rose in his hand. He handed it to her and she returned his smile, smelling the rose's fragrance.

"Thank you, it's beautiful." She smiled; wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to meet her lips in a soft kiss.

When they broke apart, Angel replied "Reminded me of you, a beautiful flower, and the way the petals are closed tightly, reminds me of how you fight a fierce battle, but keep it to yourself."

Buffy smiled again, "You're so sweet."

Angel grinned, then leaned down, and kissed her again, this time much more passionately as their mouths explored each other's. The star-crossed lovers wanted to remember every inch of each other; this was their last night together

~Well, we know I'm going away
And how I wish, I wish it weren't so
so take this wine and drink with me
let's delay our misery...~

Angel was to leave for Los Angeles in the morning. He felt that it was just a matter of time before he felt truly happy again. Nobody could make him feel that way besides Buffy. It would even have to be making love; just watching television could possibly cause him to lose his soul again.

~Save tonight
fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone~

However, they did have tonight. They could tell each other everything they never had time to do before, and just be alone together. Angel had laid a blanket out with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of wine in the center. They sat there for hours, drinking and laughing, remembering the few happy times they had experienced together. Somehow, they ended up lying on the ground, with Angel half on top of Buffy, kissing with great passion again. Without thinking, Angel began to unbutton Buffy's blouse, as Buffy did the same to his black silk shirt. Angel grinned when he found that Buffy had gone braless, he wondered if she knew how much it turned him on. Buffy slipped her arms out of the sleeves of her blouse, allowing the article to fall beneath her as she lay back once more. Angel hurriedly pushed his shirt from his shoulders and grasped one of Buffy's taut nipples in his mouth. Buffy groaned as he suckled it and then did the same to its twin. At the same time, he hooked his hands into the waistband of Buffy's skirt and pulled her skirt and panties down in on movement. He then did the same to his pants and boxers.

~There's a log on the fire
and it burns like me for you
Tomorrow comes with one desire..
to take me away~

Angel placed his arms on either side of Buffy, so that he wouldn't crush her with his weight, he always for got that this fragile looking creature was actually the almighty slayer. He soon slid into her moist heat, gasping an unneeded breath as she nearly scalded his cold erection. He gave her a moment to adjust to his size. It took all his self-control, but he remembered she was practically still a virgin. Buffy soon wrapped her legs around his hips and tilted her pelvis up, in a silent plea for satisfaction. Angel began to slowly pull back, then slide his length deep inside her. Buffy began to moan continuously in pleasure.

Every moan drove Angel insane, making him slam harder and deeper inside his love. Buffy soon came, shuddering and shouting Angel's name. While she was shaking, her muscles squeezing him, he slowed his movements. When the orgasm subsided he leaned down and kissed her, his tongue mimicking the actions of his lower body. He started moving faster and faster, until he was pulling almost all the way out, then slamming back inside her completely. He felt Buffy begin to tense and knew she was close to coming again. He was close as well. He moved his hand down to where their bodies met. As soon as his finger touched her clitoris, Buffy jerked. He began to rub it softly, making her crazy. She was soon shouting his name again, her vaginal walls tightening around his erection. It was all too much for Angel; he soon fell over the edge and joined her in ecstasy, calling out her name.

~It ain't easy to say goodbye
darling please don't start to cry
'cause girl you know I've got to go
and Lord I wish it wasn't so~

Angel soon moved onto his back, pulling Buffy with him so that she lay her head against his chest. She traced small circles on his stomach with her nails, willing the tears not to leave her eyes. Angel softly ran his hand down her back.

~Save tonight
fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone~

"I love you Buffy, for eternity."

"I love you too." She replied, her voice cracking. She allowed the river of tears to break free. "I'm going to miss you so much!"

Angel pulled her body up so that her face was level with his. "I'm going to miss you too, but maybe you can come visit."

"I know, I just don't want you to be so far away!"

Angel smiled. "It's a two hour drive."

Buffy cried harder. "I can't drive!"

Angel just held her tighter. "Shh.. it'll be okay, let's just go to sleep."

As they drifted off, the last thing that entered their minds was the fear that Angelus might reappear once again…

~Tomorrow comes to take me away
I wish that I, that I could stay
but girl you know I've got to go, oh
and Lord I wish it wasn't so~

Buffy awoke with her head on Angel's chest. He beamed down at her. She remembered that today was the day he would leave her, and possibly never see her again.

~Save tonight
fight the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll be gone~

The events of the night before flooded back to her. They had made love, again. Yet, this didn't appear to be Angelus.


"It's me."

"You mean you didn't lose your…"

Angel smiled and shook his head. "I'm still soulful."

Buffy smiled. "Was it because you didn't have a moment of happiness?"

Angel laughed, "That is impossible, my love. Not when I am in your arms."

Buffy furrowed her eyebrows. "So the loophole is gone?"

"It appears to be." Angel replied before kissing her carnally.

When breathing became a necessity, Buffy pulled back and smiled sadly at the


"Let me make a call." She told him.

Angel raised an eyebrow. "Okay…."

* * *

Angel used his vampire hearing to eavesdrop on Buffy's end of the conversation

to Willow.

"I can't believe I never asked you this, Will, but you know how Angel lost his

soul because of that loophole?" Buffy asked her friend. "Well, is it still in the spell? You did?"

* * *

Buffy came bouncing in the room in Angel's black silk shirt that was practically a dress on her.

"You will never guess, Angel!"


"Well, guess!"

"But you said I never would, so why not save me the trouble?"

"Fine." Buffy sighed, then brightened instantly as she sat down next to where he still lay on the floor. "Willow put a spell on you curse, making your soul permanent. She just never said anything because Giles didn't really approve of her witchcraft thing back then."

Angel grinned. "Really?"

Buffy nodded as she lay down beside him. "Yup."

They kissed each other softly, sweetly. It was totally undemanding, just soft flutters of their lips against each other. After a while, they lay there in silence again, just enjoying each other's company.

"I don't know what I'll do without you." Buffy sighed.

"Now why would you be without me? I'm not going anywhere." He grinned.

"You mean you're not…"

"Going to LA? And leave my girl here all alone? Why should I?"

Buffy smiled "Oh yeah, permanent soul, huh?"

"That's right." He replied.

And that ended any conversations the two of them held for the rest of the day.


The End


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