TITLE: "Under The Influence"
AUTHOR: Alessandra
EMAIL: alessandra@destructo-girl.com
FEEDBACK: Yes please!
SUMMARY: When Willow messes with majik, Buffy and Spike becomes very... non-Buffy and Spike.
DICLAIMER: I don’t own them. Please don’t sue.

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"Why are we doing this anyway? Why should we want Buffy to get along with a soulless vampire?" Amy asked, as she and Willow set up some herbs.

"Oh, well Spike is almost sort of good. You see he’s still soulless, but now he is bound to help Buffy fight evil. He made somebody important really mad so they did some kind of spell and now Spike can’t kill Buffy or any of us; he has to help her. He physically cannot kill us, it’s kind of funny looking sometimes." Willow explained, with a smile.

"So, we’re doing this spell because….? I mean, like you said, Spike can’t kill Buffy, and Buffy won’t kill Spike."

"Yeah, but I think they’d be a much better team if they didn’t totally hate each other. Plus, I think Buffy is getting close to a breakdown. She’s been clenching her fists and gritting her teeth a lot lately."

Amy shrugged. "If you’re sure. Spells dealing with human emotions are pretty tricky, though Willow. Remember what happened with Xander’s love spell?"

Willow wrinkled her nose. "I know, but this is different. It’s just a friendship spell, much milder than a love spell, thus, much less likely to screw it up."


"You know…. I don’t think I have *ever* wanted to kill anybody as much as I want to kill you!" Buffy snapped.

Spike smirked back at the petite blonde as they patrolled the graveyard. "Aww… Slayer, I never knew you felt so strongly about me! I’m touched, really!"

Buffy rolled her eyes, fuming silently. The vampire and slayer walked on in silence for a few moments. All of a sudden, Buffy felt extremely uncomfortable. She had a feeling that was akin to her spider senses, but it was much stronger. She felt so strange.

Next to her, Spike was feeling the same thing. There was an itch in his belly that he wasn’t quite sure how to scratch. He stopped walking, and noticed the slayer beside him did the same.

The two of them stood still in the center of the cemetery, their eyes closed, as the strange sensations attacked them. The sensations became one definable feeling. There was a burning deep inside both of them.

They turned to each other and spoke through their looks, not having to say a word. Spike pulled her to him, smashing his mouth against hers, his tongue caressing her lips before she opened her lips and sucked his tongue into her mouth. Their hands ran roughly over each other’s arms and shoulder, until they tangled in one another’s hair.

They had no idea where this sudden desire came from, nor did they care. Spike gripped her buttocks and pulled her up. She complied, wrapping her legs tightly around his waist.

Somehow he managed to stagger twenty feet to a mausoleum, slamming Buffy against the side of it. He managed to loosen Buffy’s grip on him with her thighs so that he could unzip his jeans. He pulled his straining erection out and teased her throw her cotton panties.

"Oh Spike!" She moaned.

He almost came right there.

He managed to move his hand between them, ripping her soaked panties from her body and plunging into her in one single thrust.

Buffy screamed in pleasure as he filled her completely, then pulled almost entirely out of her, only to thrust into her again, slamming her into the hardness of the mausoleum wall. The brutality of the sex only turned her on more as Spike continually slammed her into the wall, grunting with every thrust.

Buffy soon came, soaking his cock with her juices as she cocked her head to the side, instinctually baring her throat to him. He slid his fangs into the delicate alabaster skin of her neck, the powerful blood pushing him over the edge as well. He exploded inside her, spilling his cold semen deep in her womb.

They stayed there for several moments, Buffy softly stroking Spike’s head as he nuzzled her neck, licking the wound clean. They pulled themselves together and detached, straightening their clothing.

Before they could think about why they had done what they had done, they felt that familiar burning sensation deep inside them once again.

Buffy grabbed Spike’s hand. "Let’s go to my place, my mom’s out of town and we’ll have the house to ourselves." She smiled.

Spike smiled back at her and allowed her to rush him to her home.


"How will we know if it worked?" Willow asked.

Amy shrugged. "I guess we just have to wait and see. Chances are, you’ll have to see how they are acting towards each other to be able to tell."


"Ohhhh Spike!" Buffy moaned.

"Yeah baby, just like that." Spike told her, through gritted teeth as she lay back against his legs, bent at the knees, and moved up and down on his cock. He moved his hands to her hips, gripping them so tight, there was sure to be bruises in the shape of his hands in the morning. He guided her, making her go faster and grind down on him harder.

Their bodies were slicked with sweat after spending several hours making love. Their bodies moved like finely tuned instruments. Spike’s vampire stamina and Buffy’s slayer agility made the whole experience even more full of pleasure.

Spike was soon pulling her down on him even more forcefully as he neared orgasm. Buffy leaned forward and lay against his chest, her tongue once again exploring the contours of his mouth. Spike moved his hand down to where their bodies met, his fingers finding her nubbin and rubbing it. Buffy arched down as she screamed his name once again, coming long and hard as Spike clamped down on her neck and shot his semen deep inside her.


"Hi Giles, have you seen Buffy?" Willow asked the librarian nervously as she came into the library the next afternoon. It was a Saturday, so the school was deserted.

"No, actually, I haven't. Neither she nor Spike checked in after their patrol last night, at least with me. I don’t suppose she’d check in with Wesley." Giles told her with an amused smile.

Willow’s eyes widened in horror. What if the spell had gone horribly wrong and Spike had killed Buffy?!

"You know, I think it would be a good afternoon to train, would you mind giving her a call for me?" Giles asked, getting up from his spot at the table and putting the book he was reading back.

Willow walked over to the phone on the counter and dialed Buffy’s number, her hand shaking.

On the fourth ring, Buffy picked it up, and answered in a low voice. "Hello?"

"Buffy!" Willow exclaimed, happy to hear her friend’s voice, even though she did sound strange. "Are you okay?"

"Mmm hmm.." Buffy replied, practically moaning as Spike lapped at her juices.

"Buffy…. what are you doing?" Willow asked.

Buffy sighed. "I’m in heaven…."


"Slayer, hang up the bloody phone!" Willow heard Spike order in the background.

Spike! In the daytime! With Buffy…. in heaven?

Willow’s jaw dropped as she realized that the spell had worked… Too well.

"Will, I gotta go… " Buffy told her before hanging up the phone.

Willow stood with the phone to her ear, stunned. She was finally shaken out oh her trance when the phone started beeping angrily.

"Is she coming?" Giles asked from behind Willow.

Willow turned slowly, a pained look on her face. "Giles…. I did something bad…"

She explained to him how she’d thought that a spell was just what Buffy and Spike needed; how she and Amy had performed it; and, thoroughly embarrassed, sputtered out what had just happened when she’d called Buffy.

Giles stood silent for a moment before removing his glasses and rubbing his hand over his face. "What were you thinking, Willow? I could expect this from Xander, but I thought better of you than to resort to a spell whenever there was a slight problem!"

"I’m so sorry."

Giles sighed and put his glasses back on. "Get Amy over here, now, and make sure she brings her spell book. We need to find reverse the spell."


Buffy lay with her head against Spike’s chest with her eyes closed and a feminine smile across her face as he stroked her hair. They’d hardly slept at all the previous night, but she found she wasn’t tired. She was, however, sweaty.

"Wanna take a shower?" She asked, looking up at him with a grin on her face.

Spike smiled back at her. "Sounds excellent, Pet."

Buffy went and made sure that there wasn’t any sunlight in the hall, then called for Spike. Luckily there weren’t any windows in the bathroom, so they were safe.

The two of them hopped in the shower, savoring the way the warm water caressed their bodies. Soon their hands accompanied the water on each other. Buffy moved her hand down to Spike’s already hard cock, stroking it with both her hands, and driving him wild.

He growled, lifting her and shoving her against the wall of the shower. She giggled and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. With no preamble, he impaled her with one single thrust. He continued to plunge into her depths steadily, with Buffy’s moans and screams driving him on.

As she drew close to orgasm, she dug her nails into his back. The smell of his own blood did him in, his face changed and his fangs sunk into her neck. As she spasmed with her own released, he continued to pump into her and spill his seed.


"Wait a second… you’re telling me you put a spell on Buffy and Spike so that they wouldn’t fight, and now they are humping like bunnies?" Xander asked Willow.

He’d arrived at the library a few moments earlier, after Willow, Amy, and Giles decided they might need his help performing the ritual.

"Well I didn’t mean to!" Willow whined.

Xander shook his head. "And you didn’t think of trying it whenever she and *I* fought?!"

"Xander, do shut up." Giles ordered as he walked by them, a stack of books in his hands. He plopped them down on the large table the all congregated at. "There, that should be everything we need." He glanced out the library window. "Well, it’s dark out now, so Spike should have no problem getting here. I suppose I should be the one to attempt to call."

"Why do they have to be here?" Amy asked. "We weren’t anywhere near them when we did the spell in the first place."

"Well, I just thought it would be a good idea, in case we overcompensate once again and Buffy and Spike end up really hating each other. This way we can protect them." Giles explained as he picked up the phone and dialed Buffy’s number.

The phone rang. The phone rang. The phone rang. Spike growled the bloody thing was breaking his concentration. He couldn’t focus as well as he wanted to on the petite blonde who lay on her belly between his open legs, working vigorously to deep throat his entire length. He finally got sick of it and yanked the phone to his ear.

"This bloody well be important!" He growled.

"Oh, Spike! Well, yes it is important, I need you and Buffy to come to the library at once!" Giles told him.

Spike found it hard to speak as the pleasure of her tongue rolling over the head of his cock as her hand fondled his balls took over his mind. "Can’t… busy."

"Spike, it is imperative!" Giles replied, growing antsy. "Will you put Buffy on."

"Buffy? Sorry, she can’t come to the phone right now, she’s busy."

"Busy?" Giles asked.

"Yup, she’s got her mouth full." Spike replied, laughing. Buffy giggled around his cock, making the pleasure even greater.

With that, Spike hung up the phone.


Giles slammed the phone down. "Change of plans. We’re going to have to go to Buffy’s house to perform the ritual. They refuse to leave."

"But Giles, what if we see something?!" Willow asked, panic-stricken.

Giles thought about it for a moment. "Well hopefully they are in her bedroom, I suppose we can perform the spell in the hall outside. Hopefully, if they do try to kill each other we can stop them."

Giles headed for the library doors with Amy, Willow, and Xander following behind. As Xander walked out the doors, he remarked to himself. "Hey, I might get to see Buffy naked!"


They quietly crept into the house, grateful to find all the lights downstairs were off. They walked up the stairs and saw Buffy’s door was closed, but they could hear muffled sounds behind it.

"They’ve been at it all day?" Xander whispered loudly, only to be shushed by the rest of the group.

He stood back as the other three performed the ritual. They waited outside Buffy’s room to hear what might happen…..


The End


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