Title: Bitch
Author: Anna
E-Mail: mostunstableone@aol.com
Rating: PG-13 (for the obvious title of the song)
Website: http://devoted.to/spark
Feedback: I love it like Spike loves Buffy
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS… but I’m pretty sure you knew that already
Note: This is a parody on Meredith Brooks’ song ‘Bitch’
I died sometime last may
Six feet under, Willow brought me back one day
Couldn’t tell them that I wasn’t in some hell dimension
I was on cloud nine, everything was fine
So many days I cried
Obligations meant I had to live a lie
Couldn’t understand why I had been reborn
Out of heaven torn
We’re a little bit of everything
All rolled into one
I’m a bitch
And a slayer
Dawn was wild
Will’s a player
Anya’s demon
Xander’s low
But Spike has got a soul
What transpired
Left us tired
And Spike’s still a vampire
You know you wouldn’t want it any other way
So take us as we are
But forthrightly, we are really quite bizarre
Rest assured, that when the world’s in need of saving
And you don’t know what to do
We will save the day and Sunnydale still has no clue
Just when you think the storyline’s picking up
The seasons’ already changing, Joss Whedon rules
He knows what to do to always leave you hanging
I’m a bitch and a tease
Spike was begging on his knees
Dawn got hurt, Tara died
Giles left multiple times
Xander ran, Anya cried
And now I feel alive
You know I wouldn’t want it any other way
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