Title: Lucky Buffy
Author: Anna
E-Mail: mostunstableone@aol.com
Rating: PG
Website: http://devoted.to/spark
Feedback: I love it like Spike loves Buffy
Disclaimer: I don’t own BtVS… but I’m pretty sure you knew that already
Note: this is a parody on Britney Spears’ song ‘Lucky’
This is a story about a girl named Buffy
Early evening
She goes out
With a stake and crossbow in her hand
It’s time for slaying
The perfect job
Its you they’re all counting on
They go…
Isn’t she Buffy?
This Sunnydale girl
And they say…
She’s so Buffy
So bizarre
And she slays vamps and demons in the dark graveyard
If it’s a Hellmouth
I’m keeping at bay
Then why don’t I get some better pay?
Lost in the desert
Searching for her gift
But there’s no one there to help her out
And the sun is setting
And the moon is glowing
But tell me
Why is death her gift?
They go…
Isn’t she Buffy?
This Sunnydale girl?
And they say…
"Best slayer, and the winner is…Buffy"
"I am Roger Johnson for Sunnydale News standing outside the cemetery waiting for
Buffy…oh my god, here she comes."
Isn’t she Buffy
This Sunnydale girl?
She is the slayer
But why does she slay?
If it’s a Hellmouth
She’s keeping at bay
Why doesn’t she get paid?
And they say…
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