
Part 5

Turning to her lover Buffy raised an inquiring eyebrow and asked, not at all concerned, “You were going to kill me, baby?”

Angelus looked from his former lover to his current one. This was a fix he never thought to find himself in, that was for sure. Finally his eyes rested on Buffy, and even Darla several feet away and at the wrong angle to truly see his face, still saw the raw emotion and pure feeling Angelus conveyed to the little blonde. “I was never going to kill you, Buff, you know that. That particular plan was never part of my long term design. However it looks like others had different ideas.”

“You being the ‘others’ I assume?” The animosity Buffy felt for Darla had not diminished with the latter’s death – no matter how many times the bitch died. In fact, it had only increased the more she learned about Liam, Angel, and finally Angelus. Now, with her little rebirth scene, Buffy wasn’t about to let the vampire prostitute do anything to disrupt her plans.

“Naturally,” came the smirked reply. “Wolfram and Hart brought me back with this sole purpose in mind; they knew no one else could do it. Angelus and I will destroy you and the world; he is mine, little slayer, and no one is going to take him away from me. Together we’re unstoppable, and together we’re going to take down you and your little friends.”

Buffy looked at Darla, wondering at the vampire…no, former vampire, she was obviously human if her slayer senses – subverted though they were under the magicks flowing through her – were to be trusted. Could Darla really take her angel away from her? She doubted it, still, there was always that little bit of insecurity in her when it came to Angel/Angelus.

“So, human, huh. You really think that being human is going to help you accomplish this?”

Swaying her hips in an exaggerated move that couldn’t help but draw the eye, Darla walked across the room to Angelus. She only touched him with one finger, running the nail across his jaw and down his chest, stopping short of the waistband to his pants. “Human or no, I’m his sire…and I know all about my dear boy.”

Angelus had said nothing apart from his original statement several long minutes ago. In truth he wasn’t sure what to do or say. He had literally just awoken from a months long forced incarnation on the bottom of the ocean and had had sex with a seemingly evil Buffy. As far as he knew, Darla was dead…again. Yes, he was more than confused.

On the one hand there was Darla, his sire, his companion for over a hundred years. She had taught him everything she knew and while it was true that it wasn’t everything he knew...it was enough to start him on his path.

Then there was Buffy. Buffy for whom he actually had feelings, Buffy who taught him that being a demon wasn’t preclusive to loving someone. Buffy who was the only person he ever truly loved in any incarnation of his body and Buffy for whom he’d die for – even as Angelus. It was a sad state of affairs when the demon and the soul agreed on something.

Still, he said nothing, and as Buffy looked at him, watched Darla sidle up to him and more or less drape herself over him, she had to wonder just how much Darla said was true. They had a history, an extremely long one at that. Could she, Buffy, hope to compete with that?

And Angelus’ lack of response wasn’t helping matters. So Buffy did what she did best in situations such as these. She turned on her heel and walked out of the room. She didn’t go far, just put enough distance between her and her lover for her thoughts to calm themselves and her emotions to sort themselves out. No good incinerating her lover when she had just gotten him back.

Darla, however, wasted no time in putting her – their, Wolfram & Hart were to be included in that for bringing her back (again) – plan into motion. She wasn’t lying when she said she knew her boy. And she knew him well, or the Angelus from a hundred years ago. She could have no idea how much the soul then the lack of same had changed the demon before her; it wasn’t something she had really bothered with last time, too busy with the destroying of that same soul.

Raking her nails down his face, she leaned in, licking the welt of blood away. Humanity hadn’t changed her all that much; being a vampire for over four hundred years tended to stick with one. His blood was strong and flowed through her, making her dizzy from just that little bit.

“I know exactly what you like, my boy, and I know I’m the only one who can give it to you. That little slayer hasn’t anything on me.”

Foreplay was always rough between them, hitting, punching, a whip or two; sex wasn’t the same without the tools of torture Darla had taught his hungry body to crave. Still, there was, as there always was, Buffy…

But Darla was relentless and soon Angelus couldn’t help but respond. When she attacked him with teeth and nails, he let out a roar that was pain and pleasure and a demand for more. And he attacked back, flinging her onto the bed behind them, part in fury to get her off and part in desire; she did indeed know how to arouse him as she quickly stripped, and used every tool she had ever known to do so this night.

His chest was bare, he had never bothered with a shirt earlier, and now Darla’s hands frantically tried to undo the fly to his pants before the little slut could return. Angelus still put up a halfhearted struggle, honestly attempting to push her off, though he was hard and aching. True, fidelity wasn’t really in him, but…

Buffy stormed back in, much calmer than she had been when she left though that was all relative, and ready to do serious damage to Darla. However the sight before her, a naked Darla straddling her lover and Angelus at least attempting to push her off him, caused all the anger to rush back and what happened next to Darla, she would never be able to accurately recall.

Triumphant Darla looked over her shoulder, victory etched in very line of her body and her smile predatory. “You really didn’t think you could beat me, did you, you little witch?”

Furious, Buffy’s eyes sharpened, emerald green fading into jet black, long golden locks swirling around her, as she raised her arms, chanting briefly under her breath. Where these spells, incantations, wards, and charms came from she had no idea, but everything she ever wanted to know was always just there. The air charged and swirled around them, and Darla’s face lost some of that victorious look.

“You want a witch, Darla? I’ll give you one, bitch!” And with a few final words in a language Buffy shouldn’t have known, Darla…disappeared.

She didn’t go far, just landed in an ignominious heap on the floor in the middle of the Wolfram & Hart lobby, but it was far enough away to not bother either her or Angelus for the foreseeable future.

The air stopped swirling as Buffy lowered her arms and turned to her lover.

And Angelus had the distinct impression that he was not about to enjoy what was to come. “Baby…where’d you go?” Mentally wincing at the sheer stupidity of the question, Angelus tried again. “You know you’re the only one I love…” Which was true enough, but somehow he doubted that statement’s ability to alleviate the situation at the moment.

Murmuring under her breath, Buffy snapped her fingers and the chains that had been hiding in the closet – for a slightly different use than this – floated through the air to bind Angelus to the bed. Spread eagle across the large mattress, Angelus let out a roar of anger. He did NOT like being the submissive partner. He had never been; Darla may have been the elder and the sire, but Angelus was most definitely the dominant one.

“Buffy,” He growled, “Let me out.”

“No. I leave for less than fifteen minutes and you’re already fucking another? I think you should be punished, don’t you…lover?” The last word was said sarcastically, and Angelus could still see that her beautiful green eyes were pitch-black.

“Let me out!” He roared again as he watched her place holy water, a cross on a chain, and a riding crop on the foot of the bed. Where on earth had she gotten those? “Damn it, Buffy, you’re going to regret this!”

Laughing, Buffy turned back to him. “Let’s get a few things straight, baby. One, I doubt I’ll regret anything ever again; no soul equals lack of conscience. Two, I’m powerful enough to destroy this planet anytime I want to, do you really doubt that? And three, YOU ARE MINE! I don’t care what you say otherwise, we belong together. And no one, ESPECIALLY that whore you called sire, will stand in our way.”

She picked up the riding crop and dipped it in holy water. Understanding that he was going to enjoy the pain and not caring, this wasn’t about a beating, no it was about control, Buffy smacked him several times in rapid succession across his upper thighs. Watching as his cock swelled and large welts appeared, Buffy continued.

“All you had to do was say no, Angelus.” Her voice was reasonable, in control, and her eyes faded back to their normal brilliant green. “Whatever she could give you is nothing compared to what I can. She may have shared your bed every night for a hundred and fifty years, but that’s nothing compared to what I can give you.”

As she spoke to him she continued to wound his smooth marble skin. Was there ever a more gorgeous specimen? Some cuts bled, trickling down his chest, stomach, and legs. Others just swelled, looking painful enough. Still he said nothing.

“All you have to do is give into me, Angelus.” She tapped the newly re-dipped crop against his penis, watching it swell all the more. Climbing up his body, Buffy flicked her tongue out to briefly taste his blood before engulfing his manhood. Finally he broke, groaning in pleasure, in pain, in need.

“Buffy…baby, please.”

“Please what?” She wasn’t about to let him get away with the Darla incident, but she understood enough about both parties to know that Darla had initiated it. Angelus may have been a mostly willing partner, but he was hers, all hers.

“I’m sorry, baby, you know I am. Please, fuck me.” He was ashamed to realize that the begging was coming from his mouth, and that he meant every damn word of it.

Straddling his hips, Buffy sank over him, hissing in pleasure as his cold length filled her completely. It was fast and furious, Angelus already being so close to the edge. He desperately wanted to touch her but was shocked, pleased and slightly jealous when she began to pleasure herself.

Rolling her hardened nipples between fingers, massaging her clit in time with their thrusts, Buffy dipped a finger into the blood pooling on his stomach and slipped the digit into her mouth, savoring the taste, the power.

Her walls clamped around him, hot and wet and all for him, and Angelus found himself falling off the edge with her, spilling his cold dead seed into her waiting depths.


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