Chapter Nine - Slayers

"I have some good news and some bad news for you." Angel said as the Gryffindor class took out their quills. "The bad news is we will be skipping our unit on werewolves until further notice or until I can get a hold of our guest speaker." He grinned at their surprised faces.

"The good news is today we will be starting our unit on slayers." Harry, Ron, and Hermione, startled at first, now beamed with delight.

Professor Giles walked in with an armful of books.

"Ah, Professor Giles. There you are." Giles glared and mumbled something under his breath about former vampires and useless strength. Angel smirked to hide his laughter.

"As many of you have pointed out, the slayer is often made out to be a myth. Well, we are out to prove you wrong."

Giles put the books down on the desk and wiped his brow. "These are past and present Watcher's Diaries." He said somewhat out of breath. "They explain what sort of things a slayer does from the watcher's point of view. You will each receive one of the diaries. I want you to read them and get to know your slayer as if she were standing right in front of you at this very moment. At the end of this unit, Professor O' Flaherty and I will have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"If I told you, Mr. Longbottom, it wouldn't be a surprise." Neville pouted.

"Once you receive your book, please begin reading until the end of class."

Ron, Harry, and Hermione opened their books at the same time with wide eyes.

"I got Professor Summers! I wonder if she planned that." Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Diary of the Watcher of Faith Morgan - MORGAN?! Harry, I thought you said Professor Morgan wasn't a slayer! Harry? Are you all right?" Ron asked confused.

Harry pointed to his book. "Diary of the Watcher of Kendra Kamei" Harry shot a glance at Professor O' Flaherty who smiled at him. "Problem Mr. Potter?"

"No, no, no." He said nervously. He and Hermione exchanged a glance.


Buffy stood outside the door to Xander's office. She had been debating all day whether or not to speak with him. She finally had the courage to go talk. All she needed to do was knock on the door.

Ten minutes later, all she still had to do was knock.

"Looking for something?" Buffy jumped as Xander came up behind her.

"Jesus - can you not do that?"

"Look, what do you want?" He asked opening the door.

"To talk."

"I don't want to talk."

"Then listen." She closed the door behind her. Xander busied himself with some papers on his desk.

"I know that I shouldn't have lied. I feel really bad about it. I just -." She sighed frustrated, and said quietly, "I just didn't want you to feel guilty." She heard Xander stop what he was doing.

"I was happy, calm. Completely at peace with myself. I knew that the world could get on without me, that you would all go on without me. And I was yanked out of there. And here I am again." Tears stung Buffy's eyes.

"I'm so afraid Xander. You have no idea how afraid I was. I just didn't want any of you to think it was your fault."

"Buffy." Xander pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry."

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"I shouldn't have lied."

"You had your reasons. I see that now."

"Why didn't anyone tell ME there was a group hug?" Willow said, hurt. Buffy laughed and pulled her over.

"AWE." The three of them mock glared at Anya and Tara, who were standing in the doorway.

And they all started laughing, and didn't stop.


Hermione stood outside Buffy's office.

"Professor Summers?"

"Come on in, the door's open."

Hermione stepped in and Buffy appeared from a door in the wall.

"Hermione. You need help with something?"

"I sort of have a question about the Defense Against the Dark Arts assignment."


"Professor Giles gave us an assignment to read a Watcher's Diary and...well...I got one. About you."

Buffy was somewhat shocked. Even SHE hadn't read Giles' diary. She was slightly offended, but shook it off.

"I see. Confused about anything?"

"You really burnt down your school gym?"

Buffy grinned. "Ah yes, the winter dance my sophomore year. One of the many reasons we moved to good old Sunnydale. Just you wait. That was nothing compared to what me, Xander and Willow did to our high school our senior year." Buffy grinned at her anxious expression.

There was another knock at the door.

"Come in."

Harry walked in and seemed a little startled to see Hermione sitting there.


"Er- no. I was actually looking for Professor Morgan."

"Defense Against the Dark Arts? And you got Faith's diary? Now THAT'S interesting."

"Err - no, Ron did. Actually, I got Kendra's."

Buffy's face went slightly pale. "Oh. I see. Well, umm...yeah." She shifted her feet slightly. "Professor Morgan is next door. I'm sure she won't mind you visiting."

"OK. Bye Hermione."

"Bye.' Buffy looked from one student to the other and smiled.

When Harry walked out, Buffy sat down next to Hermione.

"You like Harry, don't you?"

Hermione looked startled. "Pardon?"

"It's pretty obvious. He feels the same way, can't you tell?"

"I - I never really thought about it."

"Well, maybe I can help you out."


"Professor Rosenburg and I have been planning a Halloween costume dance for the older grades. Why don't you ask Harry to go."

"I'm - I'm not too sure." Hermione bit her lip.

"Well, I have it on good authority that Dawn is going to ask Ron. Why don't you make it a double date?"

"Do you think he'll say yes?"

Buffy smiled. Hermione's feelings for Harry reminded her of Willow's crush on Xander.

"Oh he will. I have the feeling that you two are going to get along just fine."


A week before the dance, Hermione still hadn't asked Harry about the dance. The whole school was talking about what they were wearing, who they were taking - including Harry, Ron and Dawn.

"Hey Hermione." Dawn didn't even look up from her book.

"Hey Dawn." She kept looking at her.

Dawn closed her book. "OK, what's up?"

"I need to ask you a question. About the dance."

Dawn shied away from her. "You're not going to ask me out are you?"

"No, you idiot!" She swatted at her arm and Dawn giggled.

"I was wondering if you were going to ask Ron. To the dance I mean. Maybe if he says yes, we can go on a double date."

"With you and...?" Dawn arched an eyebrow.

"Harry." Hermione said quickly.

"Aahh. I see. Well, how about this. We can both work up the courage to ask them out ourselves. Or we can just go as four friends who want to have a good time."

"I like that last idea."

Dawn smiled. "Me too."

~* Meanwhile, in Harry and Ron's dormitory... *~

"Harry, are you EVER going to ask Hermione to the dance?"

"I should be asking you the same question about Dawn."

Ron glared. "I was hoping she would take the initiative and ask me, but it's just not looking like a possibility."

"Well, why don't we all go a friends and see how things go."

Ron thought for a second. "I like your thinking Harry."

"Well, of course, it's MY thinking."

"Conceited asshole."

"Clumsy git."

They grinned at each other.


"Settle down class." The Gryffindors quieted at the sound of Professor Giles' voice.

"As I am sure you have all heard, we have a special guest speaker here today."

The class burst into excited whispers.

"Quiet please. As we are still continuing our unit on slayers, I have taken the liberty of getting one of the present slayers to come and speak with you."

"One of the slayers? But - there's only one." Parvati said, confused.

Giles smiled. "Why don't you question her yourself.

"May I present - Buffy Summers."

Imagine their shock when Professor Summers walked into the room.


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