A Moment In Paradise
By: MacBeth
Email: Connor_MacBeth@yahoo.com 
Disclaimers: Usual, M.E. and Joss owns them.
Author's note: As I've fixed several blinding errors, maybe this time, I'll get some Feedback...
Dedication: To A.I.L.

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"What do you feel?" the voice asked, sounding as warm and comforting as a memory of sitting by the fire in an old wool comforter.

"Peaceful and I see light. So much light. I feel comfortable. For the first time in a long time, I feel at peace. Long time... I remember the time before the light" she hesitated, not wanting to revive memories of the darkness and the pain.

"What do you remember?" the voice asked, sounding like a whisper near her ear yet miles away. The voice, ensuring her the pain wouldn't touch her.

"I remember that everything was dark and cold, and there was Evil everywhere. But there was one Evil, She was powerful"

"Glory" the voice hesitated, as though afraid of frightening her.

"Glory, the Hellgod. I can remember more now. She tried to open a gate and I stopped it" she shivered, "I remember I had to close the gate and save the sunrise"

"Sunrise?" the voice asked, forming into a color the shade of emeralds.

"No... Not sunrise, Dawn" she looked through the light towards the green. "I had to protect Dawn. My sister. I took her place. I jumped" memories of running toward the sunlight and diving towards the light flashed through her mind.

A touch to her cheek shook her from her memories. A hand had casually touched her cheek and she became aware that the voice had become a person; a girl, and a familiar girl at that.

Rich red hair tumbled down the shoulders of a shining white toga, but it was the eyes of the girl, vibrant emeralds that captivated the newcomer to the light. "Hello Buffy"

"Willow. your name is Willow" Her memories were rapidly coming back and that name seemed more familiar to her. "Where am I?"

"Eternity" The girl whispered. Buffy suddenly realized they were sitting beneath a tree, the green grass tickling her bare feet.

Looking down, the blonde smoothed her own robe and smiled. "This is Heaven?"

Willow reached over and trailed her fingers through the long blonde hair. "Heaven, Elisya, Valhalla, Paradise, names really don't matterthat much around here"

Off in the distance, Buffy spotted a heart warming sight; her Mother, Joyce, was seated on a blanket beneath another tree. Next to her, Rupert was rooting through a picnic basket while Dawn was napping with her head in her Mother's lap.

Out in the sunny glade, A smiling Xander kicked a football towards a laughing Angel, who squinted through the sunlight and waved towards the two girls. Sitting on the sidelines, Cordy, Jenny, and Anya watched as Wesley intercepted the white ball and kicked it to his own partner, a thoroughly tanned Spike.

Buffy sighed, at peace and happy. Stretching, she lay back and placed her head on Willow's lap. "I missed this"

Willow looked down and smiled serenly. "I've missed you too" she ran her hands through the silken gold hair.

The blonde shot up as realization struck. "You're not dead. I died, not you" Buffy pulled away from the redhead and looked around. Giles, Dawn, Cordy, Anya, Xander, Wesley and Angel had disappeared. Only Jenny, Willow, Spike, and her mother remained.

The redhead only smiled calmly. "No, the others aren't here now. But they will be. Someday" Joyce smiled and hugged her daughter, "I missed you Buffy, and yes, it's me" the three spirits kneeled beside the two girls, Spike pulling on a white button up shirt that Jenny had held for him.

"I've been here for over a hundred years, Buffy" Spike said pulling on a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles. "Though I don't think I'll be here much longer" He whispered with a knowing smile.

Buffy turned back to Willow and took her hand. "But why are you here?"

Willow twined their fingers together and squeezed. "Where you go I go. When you died, A very large part of me died too. I'll be here with you until I die"

"I don't want you to die to be with me, Will" Buffy's heart clenched at the very idea.

"It happens to everyone eventually. It's natural" Willow patted her knee and Buffy replaced her head in her friend's lap.

Buffy looked into the heavenly eyes and her smile broke. "I never told you"

"You were as afraid as I was. Right now, on Earth, I'm kneeling next to your grave and cursing my own fear" The redhead dragged her thumb along the blonde's cheek. "I love you Buffy. I always have, and I always will"

Buffy's eyes welled up and her smile returned in full force. "I love you too Willow. I should have told you. I wish I could go back and tell you in person"

Willow's eyes snapped shut as she winced. When they opened, they had filled with a primal sadness and Buffy's heart broke. All around them, the light seemed to be drawn away and Jenny stood, beckoning for William's hand. The two walked away as the light continued to fade.

Joyce smiled sadly, kissed her daughter on the crown and stood to follow the two.

Buffy felt fear return and she looked in panic to her best friend and secret love. "What's happening?"

"You're getting your wish, Buffy" The red head faded into the darkness and Buffy drifted, only hearing the voice in her mind and her heart. "I love you Buffy. Remember that" And with that, the Slayer knew Oblivion.

* * *

Willow sat on her late best friend's bed and concentrated on the computer on her lap. Her computer searches for resurrection spells and reanimation rituals had been fruitless. There was nothing that could help her resolve her dilemma.

Uncharacteristically, Willow slammed her fist down on the laptop's keyboard. The jumble of keystrokes blinked her computer into processing and she found herself looking at an Auction site on EBay. "The Urn of Osiris.."




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