"Without Limits"
Mistress Angel

* * * * * * * * *

Buffy stood outside of Angel's apartment Monday afternoon. Flashbacks of the absolutely glowing weekend plagued her thoughts.

She couldn't stop thinking about it. Everytime she did it gave her a warm feeling and no doubt a rosy glow. She didn't want anyone to suspect anything, but she knew Willow knew what was up the minute she stepped into homeroom. Well, it didn't matter who knew or didn't know because she was back standing in front of his apartment wondering what would happen this time. Because of a Teachers conference the next day there would be no school and with her mother thinking she would be at Willow's all evening or possibly all night made this meeting with Angel even better.

Buffy slowly let out a long breath. She had no idea why she was so nervous, especially after what they had just done over the past three days. She made herself blush just thinking about it. Finally feeling foolish she knocked on the door. After a moment Angel opened it. It was dark in his apartment. The shades were drawn, as always, but it was a strange glowing inside. It took her less than a second to realize it was candles. Angel smiled at her and moved aside to let her in . Buffy walked in and set her book bag by the door. At the sound of the door closing she turned and faced her lover. Angel looked absolutely beautiful amidst the flickering lights. He wore a deep blood red silk shirt and black leather pants. The shirt was oversized and the cuffs fell past his wrists. His deep stare unnerved Buffy more than she liked. He raked his eyes over her short tank top that was fairly hidden by his black leather jacket that she still wore.

"Um, hi," Buffy said. He continued to eat her up visually. "I don't usually do this...um..actually I've never done this, but I guess you already know that." Buffy rambled on and wondered if he would put her out of her embarrassed misery by saying something. He continued to stare so Buffy continued to talk, just to cover up the awkward silence. Finally he spoke. "I missed you." Buffy stopped talking and blew out a breath. "Yeah? Well, I missed you more." Buffy smiled at him and looked around his apartment.

"What's with the candles?"

"I just thought I'd light a few."

Buffy nodded at his flat answer. Her heart was racing and she had no idea why. He moved into her personal space and touched her cheek. His cool fingers caressed her softly and delicately like someone touching a porcelain doll, something so beautiful and fragile he was afraid he'd break it. Buffy closed her eyes. The only thing in the world right now was his touch, it sent every hair on her body straight up. She felt them slide over her cheek and down to the curve outlining her chin. He slid across to her mouth, which was slightly open and slid one finger over her bottom lip. He felt it tremble and smiled slightly. He knew only he could reduce the Slayer into a quivering mass of flesh and it gave him a heated high that he couldn't describe.

Slowly he dragged his finger over her lip, back and forth, watching her breathing increase. He slipped it inside and instinctively her perfect lips closed over it. She suckled hard, her tongue slipping over and around it. Angel roughly pulled his finger out, feeling her teeth scrape over it as she tried to hold on. Her eyes shot open and she licked her lips and put a pouty dissapointed look on them. "Why did you do that?" she asked. Angel moved even closer placing his hands on top of her shoulders. "That was just a taste of things to come," he purred in her ear. Buffy sighed softly. She had had the complete meal of things to come for the past three days and it made her shiver to think they were about to repeat some of those things her this evening. He pushed the jacket down off her shoulders, exposing her silky skin that her black silk tank top barely covered. The leather garment hit the floor with a soft thud. Angel ran his hands up her arms and back up to her shoulders. He squeezed them, massaging. Buffy sighed softly and looked up at him. He was staring at her, gauging her reaction to his touch and seeing what she liked best. He clasped his hands around her neck, feeling amazed and aroused by the beating pulse he felt there. She was warm to the touch despite his cool hands.

Buffy raised her hands up to his shirt and started to unbutton his shirt. After every button that exposed an inch of flesh she devoured it, raining kisses on it and quickly releasing the next button from it's buttonhole. Angel gasped and tangled his hands in her blond hair. As the buttons got lower so did Buffy. Before Angel knew it she was kneeling before him and kissing his stomach. Angel took off his shirt and let it drop to the floor. He replaced his hands back in her hair as Buffy ran her hands up and down his chest and stomach. She looked up at him and smiled. "Do you like what I'm doing?" Angel's eyes became dark pools. The animal side of him seemed to be rising to the surface. "Don't stop," he hissed. Buffy chuckled. "And if I do?" Mischief glinted in her eye. She was now full fledged in the game, it only took her a few moments to get over her initial nervousness with him. She knew that he would never judge her and that he was willing to do whatever it took to please her. After their first night she knew she never had to be embarrassed about saying what she liked or what she needed to get off. He was always more than happy to give it to her. But she liked teasing him the most. It was not only fun but very, very arousing. She loved the annoyed but sexy looks he gave her,and the stern way he would command her to stop but not really wanting her to. She knew the best sex with him was when she denied him what he needed most then let him overtake her. It was wild, frantic and she always had the hardest, longest orgasms in her life that way. Even though sometimes he could just look at her and she would come. She didn't know how he did it, and even though he liked it she embarrassed herself the way she let him have that reaction on her. Sometimes it foiled her plans because she would try to be in control and he would say something in that sexy as hell voice of his, or those dark penetrating eyes will lock with hers and before she knew it she was at his mercy, climaxing with her control lost. If she fought really hard she could overcome it, but it was a challenge. A real challenge.

"I'll spank you until you promise not to do it again." Angel said answered her question. But Buffy continued to smirk at him. "Whatever," she said, dismissing the threat with a toss of her head. She slid her hands down his chest and stomach again, pausing to unfasten his pants. Angel stared at her, his eyes still as dark as crystals. She unzipped them and pulled them down past his hips. He was wearing black silk boxers. Before Buffy could figure out where he got them from she was pulled up off the floor. "What! Angel!," she gasped. He meshed his lips to her's. Hard, furious and bold. He opened his mouth wide and forced her mouth open as well. Their tongues dueled and fought as they kissed maddeningly. He sucked her tongue in his mouth and suckled on it as if it were his life line. He gripped the hem of her tank top and pulled it over her head. Their lips broke contact long enough to get it off then their lips were back sizzling against one another. He tossed the shirt somewhere behind him and wrapped his arm around her waist. Pulling her against him he backed over to the wall and turned around so that she was backed up against it. Angel pulled his mouth from her and grabbed one of her luscious breasts squeezing it tightly. He lowered his head and attached himself to her tight, erect nipple. "Oh god," she gasped running her hands through his hair. Buffy slid up and down the wall almost unable to stand the sensations he was evoking in her. He moved to the other breasts and let it suffer the same wrath as the first one. Buffy licked her lips over and over again, imagining the taste of him on her mouth; in her mouth.

Angel pulled her skirt down and kicked it out of the way once it hit the floor. Buffy stood against the wall in nothing but her panties. Angel kneeled and shoved his face in between her legs. He inhaled the scent of her deeply. He lapped at her through her underwear letting the already wet garment soak his face. Buffy raised her leg on his shoulder giving him as much access as she could. She cupped her own breasts, paying close attention to the nipples. They were so over sensitized they were hurting. She rubbed them with the four fingers from both hands trying to lessen the pain but that only made them harder. Suddenly a sense of de'ja'vu hit Buffy as she remembered the last time he had her against the wall like this. It was in her own bedroom, right by her door. She had never felt anything like it, his mouth and fingers working on her at the same time. She thought she was going to explode. Her thoughts were whipped back to the present as Angel literally ripped her panties from her body. Buffy gasped in surprise and arousal. She had never seen him so excited, so determined. He stood and pushed his pants down the rest of the way, his boxers along with them. After getting them off and kicking them to the side Buffy went right for his huge, hard dick that was so hard it was almost laying on his stomach. Angel grabbed her wrists and pushed them high and against the wall. Buffy gasped.

He kissed her again, letting her wrist go and encasing her breast in his large hands. Buffy lowered her arms around his neck, rubbing herself against him as much as she could, getting as close as she could with his hands between them. They kissed frantically for long moments, Buffy the only one who needed to come up for air. "I love you Angel," she whispered licking his bottom lip. Angel flicked out his tongue for her to suckle on, she obeyed his silent command as she pulled the slick muscle in her mouth. Angel gripped her hips and lifted her slightly off the floor. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, his hard dick pressed against her inner thigh. He held her there tightly with his hand on the underside of her thighs. Buffy wiggled and squirmed trying to get him to the place she needed most. "Stop moving," he scolded as he moved his mouth out of reach by pulling his head back. Buffy -- out of breath and aroused beyond belief-- looked at him. She studied his dark eyes, his cold, serious tone. She knew he was just as aroused, just as close to loosing it as she was. They were both being held together with chewing gum, but she knew he wanted to tease her just like she had teased him. Their never ending game of cat and mouse.

Buffy wiggled again. She watched his eyes and were surprised when they darkened even more. "Do you want it?" he asked, his voice deep and heavy with lust.

"Yes,"Buffy gasped as she felt his hard, long member slick and cool on her thigh.

"Yes what?" Angel asked.

Buffy looked at him, he was dead serious. "Yes..sir?"

Angel slapped her hard on her bottom thigh. "OW!" Buffy wailed wanted to rub the stinging spot but couldn't reach it. "Angel.." she was breathless from it. One because she didn't know it was coming and two because it felt so good. The vibrations seemed to shoot throughout her body and land right in between her legs and to the main core of her.

"That's not what I want to hear," Angel replied. His cold, plain look showed no regret for hitting her and Buffy knew full well he was ready to do it again.

"What do you want to hear?" Buffy asked through a quavering breath. Angel held her against the wall with his upper body, and with her arms wrapped around his neck she was unable to fall. He pulled his hand back again and gave her a second slap to the same stinging thigh. Buffy closed her eyes the second she felt the pain. Her arms tightened around his neck and she gripped his shoulders with her fingernails. "Oh god Angel, please that hurts." As good as it felt, it hurt even worse. His slaps were hard and ruthless and she didn't know how much more of his game she could endure. "You're not paying attention Buffy. For a Slayer I'd say you need a lesson in observation. Now yes what?"

Buffy took a deep breath. "Yes..I want it. I want you." She tensed her body, waiting for the fatal blow but instead Angel only gave her that bad boy grin that she knew so well. "Oh yeah, is this what you want?"

He thrust upward inside her hard and without warning. Even though Buffy had been stretched by him before she almost fainted from it this time. Her gasping shriek turned into a rhythmic moan as he pulled out and thrust in again. "Angel..Oh God!" she threw her head back and held on to his neck. He slammed her into the wall with a force equivalent to that of a mac truck. Her small, but strong body slid up and down the wall as he pushed all of himself inside her. Buffy nails scrapped the back of his neck and upper back causing small cuts. A couple of these cuts were deep enough to draw blood and instantly Angel could not only feel it he could smell it. Even though it was his own blood it still gave him a sexual rush that only a true Vampire could get. He thrust even faster as he planted his mouth against hers again. They kissed as if the world were ending, almost like if they parted from each other the other would float away and never return. Buffy's hands moved into his hair and she gripped him tightly as the orgasm started to get closer and closer. Angel's wounds closed and healed, returning his back to as smooth as when they started.

Buffy ripped her mouth from his. "Angel..I'm gonna come...oh yes." Buffy felt like her whole body was some tensed cord ready to pop. His penis was pumping into her and banging into her pelvic muscles. It hurt like hell but it was a pleasure/pain that she didn't want to stop. Angel grunted as he held her steady, he was close too and began to sporadically pump within her, his rhythm becoming unraveled as he got closer to release. Buffy tightened and exploded in a blinding wave of orgasmic jitters. Her body shivered and trembled as she came. Angel was right behind her as he thrust one last hard time, growling as he did so. They both soared to the skies and heavens above, flying together and floating back down to earth. Breathing hard Angel let her thighs go, the imprint of his fingers on her legs right on the fading red blotch where he had punished her. She released her thighs from around his back and he lowered her to the floor. Once he pulled back from her she thought she may fall to the ground. In between her legs was throbbing and she hated for him to pull out of her. When he started to do she gasped and moaned her displeasure. Angel smirked, "Feels that good huh?" Buffy smiled through lazy eyelashes. "You feel that good."

Kissing her he pulled her body close to his and started backing up, Buffy let him led the way, knowing he was going to the bed. When he swooped her up she let out a surprised "Oh" as he gently laid her on the down. She looked up at him through lazy eyelashes. She was almost totally sated, almost. Her body was starting to recover from the wild orgasm she had just had. But now she wanted to give him the same pleasure that he had just given her.

"Angel, I want to make you come, I want to watch you."

"In time," Angel said quietly and calmly. Buffy frowned slightly. "No, now. Please." Angel ignored her soft pleads and positioned himself over her. His hands on either side of her head, he put his mouth to her upper chest. Tracing her clavicle bone with his tongue. Buffy could only sigh and embrace the pleasure he was once again giving her. She licked her lips already being able to taste him.

He ventured his way to her breast, taking a tight pink nipple in his mouth and sucking lightly. Buffy gripped his hair and pushed herself in his mouth. "Hmm, oh god Angel," she moaned. Surprised at how quickly she became excited by him. The moisture in between her thighs making her feel sticky. He sucked harder enjoying her groans. The louder she groaned the harder he sucked. Buffy increased her grip on his hair when he left that breast and gave the other one the same attention. He sucked just as hard which made his erection very obvious at that point. Buffy could feel him rise against his her thigh and she raised it slightly to entice him, rubbing it back and forth. Angel moaned despite the fact that he wanted this time to be all for Buffy. He closed his eyes even tighter and concentrated on his hard cock and her soft, smooth tight opening caressing the tip. Buffy felt moisture from his head rubbing on her leg, she wanted him this time. She wanted to make him loose control.

"Buffy, oh baby..god," he could barely contain himself as she kept up her ministrations. She was able to reach down and grab his shaft. Loving the feel of him in her hand she began to move her small hand up and down. Angel strained to try to keep his control but he was reaching.

"Buffy, please. I'm going to come." His breathing increased as, amazingly, he got even harder.

"Don't stop, let go. Let go for me." Buffy spread her legs inviting him in. Angel could smell her sex way before now with his Vampiric senses but he had chose to ignore it. He knew that if he didn't get her naughty little hands off him he wasn't going to be able to stand much longer. But it felt so good, so very good.

Buffy watched his face, watched it contort in pleasure/pain. Suddenly she noticed him morph into a Vampire. Obviously the tension and sensations becoming to great. This usually happened when he was straining to keep himself from doing something, sexually that is, and he failed  to do so. At the moment he was trying to keep his intense orgasm in check but he was loosing the battle. With a growl he pushed Buffy's hand off him and positioned his head at her opening.

"Angel," Buffy said in an almost pleading voice. Angel surged inside of her ramming her with so much force she was pushed up to the wall. Buffy called out in shock and pain as she could only go along for the ride. She grabbed his back, scratching him while she did it. Once again the smell of his own blood increased his senses and his sexual pleasure. He pushed her thighs up and higher apart so that her heels weren't even on the bed. Buffy felt like she would be ripped apart. Gasping and calling his name she concentrated on the lower part of her body. She fought to match his rhythm, mostly trying to keep up. Frantically, her hips moved at a frightening pace as the both of them raged inside the other. Once, twice, three time Angel jerked his body, coming and spilling his seeds inside her. Buffy saw a flash of white light before she came, clenching around him so hard she made him come again.

She milked him hard and fast as she convulsed and bucked underneath him. Screaming his name and panting uncontrollably she continued to climax. After what seemed like forever Buffy finally started to come down. Her eyes were still clenched shut and she didn't know if she would be able to walk again.

Angel looked down at her and kissed her cheek. Buffy had almost forgotten where she was. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. She smiled lazily, "That was fantastic," she cooed. Angel looked down at her with his face back the way it was but with a serious, dark expression. Before Buffy even ask what was wrong, he answered.

"I want you to do something for me." Buffy smiled, she pushed her fingers in his hair and pulled his mouth down to hers. Their kiss lasted a long time, their tounges slowly running over and around each other.

"Anything," she said. Angel smiled and leaned down and kissed her neck. The kiss escalated to much more. Buffy's temperature rising and her breathing increasing. Angel released her lips, touching his fingers to his mouth. The look in his eyes said everything. "I can't believe you're real," he whispered. "Never did I think my tormented, everlasting days on earth would be blessed with the existence of Buffy Summers." Buffy's heart filled with tears as did her eyes. "Oh Angel, I'm the one that's blessed. As crazy as it may sound you've kept this hectic life of mine sane. Being the only stable thing in it that I can count on." She sighed and rolled on her side, pulling his arm around her waist. A content smile crept over her face. She was in a special place here with him. Warm, safe, loved. She felt Angel curve around her body as she settled in place. Her body was exhausted. She just wanted to sleep; sleep and lie in his arms. Angel on the other hand had other plans. The arm that Buffy had pulled around her waist itched to move. His soft, cool fingers explored her stomach and further down. Buffy moaned, both in pleasure and humorous annoyance. She couldn't do anymore tonight, but she knew somehow he would get her to. His fingers reached the smooth, bare skin just above her wet curls. He stroked it, feeling her writhe automatically. Her luscious bottom pushed back into him and she felt him become hard again. She smiled. Loving a Vampire was hard work, he never seemed to be tired.

"Angel?" Buffy cooed. She was just about to ask him that when two of his fingers plunged into her. Her eyes shot open and a pleasurable frown creased her brow. "Ohh, yes," she said, closing them again and forgetting she was supposed to scold him. Her moist folds swelled at his attentions, soaking his hand in wetness.

Angel smiled behind her, knowing she would give into him again.

And again.

And again.

He knew she was tired but he always pushed her, joking that a Slayer should have more stamina.

Buffy's moans turned to pants, then groans. Her body became completely attuned to his fingers, matching his rhythm. Angel stroked in and out making sure to flick her clitoris several times. Sweat began to bead at Buffy's brow, her lips started to become dry and her nipples were now back at attention. Angel pulled his fingers out and grabbed her securely around her middle. Before Buffy could protest be pulled her on top of him as he lay flat on his back. She layed squarely on top of him, her legs and feet dangling down and barely reaching his ankles. Being in such an awkward position Buffy couldn't do anything but let her feet lay on the sides of his legs.

"Is this some kind of weird Vampire mating thing?" Buffy joked, although she was pretty bummed that the events only seconds earlier were over.

"No," was all Angel said into her hair. "I want you to do something for me." His voice sounded thick, unsure. She couldn't quite place the tone, he almost sounded nervous. "Okay," Buffy said closing her eyes again. He was rubbing her stomach and for some reason it was putting her to sleep.

"Touch yourself."

Buffy was drifting off and it took her a couple of seconds for his words to filter in her ears. Touch myself? she thought. Suddenly her heart sped up.

"W-What?" she stammered, wanting to smack herself for stuttering.

Angel said nothing more, he took her hand and placed it over her breast. Her nipple pushing into the palm of her hand. He kept his hand over it and squeezed it in place. He massaged, and kneaded and showed her without words what he meant. 

Buffy got the picture clearly and leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling. She squeezed her breasts, rolling the nipple between her fingers. The sensitive area around her nipple shooting straight to the damp core of her. As she played with herself she finally realized that Angel had taken his hand away. She hadn't noticed and couldn't believe she was doing this. She felt him hard and ready at the small of her back. Slick and huge. Heavy and Throbbing.

Her nervousness was replaced by arousal at the thought that he was enjoying this. She was making him hot, erect, excited. It felt good to have that kind of effect on someone. To know that she was a sexual human being and she could elicit these emotions in a man. To go to a place where most people are afraid to go with someone, to completely give yourself up and be raw and exposed took a lot of will. She was trusting him with her; mind, body and soul. To give herself to him without limits and let him know that there was nothing she wasn't willing to try with him was both exciting and scary. It was bold and exhilarating and it made her love him even more.

She heard him moan and it excited her. She had never really masturbated before. Barely by herself and now she was doing in not only in front of her lover, but on top of her lover! She had gotten excited and sort of touched herself before thinking about Angel.

She was a virgin then and had no idea what a man felt like. She had imagined it hundreds of times. Probably millions. Ever since that first night he slept by her bed she had wondered what it would have felt like if he had gotten up and gotten in her bed. She was pretty nervous that night, until she fell asleep that is, about what he would do. What she would do. But he was a perfect gentleman. And now that she thought of it she was relived. At that point she wasn't ready, and it wouldn't have felt like it does now. With everything they've been through and told each other. that only adds to the pleasure.

She moved her other hand down to her middle, roaming toward her center. She felt Angels breathing speed up and she knew he knew what she was doing. She dipped in between her legs. From her current position she was wide open to herself. She was wet and hot and very swollen. Her other hand joined the first one as she was exciting herself as much as she was exciting him. He bumped her up and down as he moved, rubbing himself on her lower back.

She opened herself, pushing her engorged lips apart to welcome her digits. She stroked her slick heated center, finding her clitoris. A couple of touches and she was jerking upward, almost having an instant orgasm. The sensation was too much, she had to stay on the outside rather than touch it head on.

"Oh god Buffy, you're amazing," Angel whispered in her ear. Buffy's lips parted, her breathing increased as she kept up her movements. She pushed into herself. Her tight walls seemed to barely accommodate her slender finger and sparking a thought of how his large member ever managed to fill her up. Relaxing she pushed further, Tightening around herself unconsciously. This was no substitute for Angel, actually it only made her want him even more.

She introduced another finger wanting to get the thick feel like she did with Angel. She pushed even more then pulled out, pushing back in her inner walls gripped her fingers and molded around them.

"Angel, I need you. This isn't enough," she begged.

"Don't stop," Angel ordered breathlessly. He gripped her hips and fully on enjoyed the show and the sensation. Her smooth back and the heavy pressure she made on his penis bringing him to the brink.

Buffy bit her lip as she started to speed up. Her hands began to work faster and harder. She took her other hand and  rubbed her clit, knowing that direct stimulation would do the trick. And it did.

Her stomach tightened, and she felt it build in her body, ready for release.

"Angel!" she screamed, barely able to keep it up. She convulsed around her hands, dripping her own juices all over herself. Her thighs, wet and sticky. Suddenly an orgasm hit her jerking her and making her push downward. Angel pulled her down even more, enjoying her buttocks pushing into him.

"Come on baby, come for me," he said, pushing up as she bucked a few more times. "Angel! Oh god! Aaaaa!" Buffy let out, gritting her teeth as the pain and pleasure rippled through her. Angel came also, grunting and holding her in place. "Aaaa! Oh Baby, BuffyBuffyBuffy, I love you," he sighed, the last tremors in his climax starting to subside.

Buffy reached down and grabbed the sheets, letting the last of the shudders work their way out. She clenched around emptiness and even though she wanted Angel to be there somehow she was able to come just as hard with anything inside her. Opening her eyes she was staring up at the ceiling. Her breathing slowly returned to normal as she slid off him, sliding back into the former position she was almost half an hour earlier. Her body was completely sated and she really could not go anymore. Angel leaned over her, curling his arm around her waist again. "Hey," he whispered. "You okay?"

Buffy stifled a smile. The boyish concern was cute but the underlying intensity was all Angel. "I'm fine, tired, and a little sore, but I'm fine," she assured. Only feeling his smile she relaxed. She felt him relax also removing his arm from around her. After she let out a disapproving groan Angel answered. "We have to take a shower, we had a little...accident." Buffy let out a full out laugh at that one. "I wouldn't have anything to do with our "accident" would I?" Buffy teased, not wanting to move. Angel chuckled. "I would think so. Come on Slayer, get up."

Buffy groaned and remained where she was. Angel slapped her curvy bottom alerting her again. "Ow!" Buffy protested. Reaching around to rub the spot. "You're getting off on doing that aren't you?" she asked a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Maybe I am, but if you don't get up I'm going to put you across my lap." Buffy opened one eye and grinned. "You and your threats," she countered.

Angel grabbed her and scooped her up on his lap. Buffy gave a breathless shriek as she sat there wondering what was going to happen next. Angel stood holding her in his arms and heading toward his bathroom. Buffy grinned and gave a short laugh. "For a minute there--,"

"Oh don't worry," Angel said interrupting. "You've got it coming." He smiled at her wide eyed expression. "Angel you wouldn't."

"Wouldn't I?" He replied.

Despite her impending punishment she had to laugh. "Hmm, actually I can't wait."


:: Part Five ::


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