Author: WhiteWolf
Title: The Slayer and the Wizard
Disclaimer: I don't own them and you know it. Why do I have to keep telling you
guys this?
Summery: Buffy /Harry crossover. Slayer is the boogeyman of the demonworld, what
if she is the boogeyman for bad children in the Wizardry world? Buffy goes to
teach for a year as a break form slayer duty and Spike. And Dawn’s going with
Spoilers: Buffy, beginning of 6th season. Harry, book 1,2 and 3.
Timeframe: Buffy, beginning 6th season. The things that happened in the
beginning of the 6th season happened all before school started again. Harry 4th
The Slayer and the Wizard
It was summer at the Burrow, the home of the Weasley's. It was a quiet evening. Ups, wrong house. In the summer when the Weasleys were back from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was never quiet, if the four youngest siblings were home. Especially with the twins, Fred and George.
At this moment they were planning to torture their little sister, Ginny. It was the last week before school started. Harry and Hermione were staying at the Burrow until school started again. They were all in the living room. Hermione was reading a book as usual. Ron and Harry were playing wizard chess and Ginny was watching them.
Fred and George were sitting on the sofa arguing. "She exist!" "No she doesn't!" "She killed a 100 witches in the states and turned one into a rat." "If she killed that many witches she would have been in the Wizard Prophet. Front page." "She didn't kill them all at once. She killed them over a long period. And they were claimed to be killed by Death Eaters." "They were killed by Death Eaters." "But most of them were Death Eaters themself." "Maybe they were renegades and You Know Who killed them for disobeying him." They went on and on.
Hermione was beginning to get fed up with the twins. "Fred, George! What are you two arguing about?" Hermione put her book on her lap and gave them both a stern look.
The twin were waiting for someone to take the bait. They had hoped that it would be their little sister, but Hermione would do fine. "We are discussing about the existence of the Slayer. I say she does exit." "And I say she doesn't." "Which I rejected of course."
Hermione interrupted them again. "Who or what is a Slayer."
"It's 'The' Slayer not a Slayer. There is only one at a time." "When one dies another one is rising from her ashes." "They are alway girls." "They are nine feet tall" "Ten" "She kills vampires and demons" "And any evil creature that crawls into the night." "Even dark wizards and witches." "And she is a muggle."
"No she isn't." Interrupt Ron. "She is a magical creature. She can't be a muggle. She has magic, but she doesn't use it for spells."
"But she is born form a muggle."
"So is Hermione. And she isn't a muggle." Ron argued.
"So what you guys are telling me is, that there is a girl, who might or might not exist, who fights evil, called the Slayer." Hermione asked confused.
The Weasley's boys nodded simultaneous. This was the point where the twin were going with their prank. One of the twins made his move. "She also goes after wizards and witches who done bad things." "Yeah like letting a Basilisk free in school." Both boys were now behind Ginny and trying to frighten her. But it didn't work. Ginny just giggle at their antics. So the boys had to go for plan B. Tickling! Harry looked at Ron and he looked back and nodded. They had the same thought. They both took a pillow and attacked the older boys. In no time they had the upper hand with the help of Ginny.
Hermione was sitting on the sideline and normally she was a serious girl, but the scene that played out in front of her made her laugh. That didn't go unnoticed by all participants of the fight. They stopped for a moment and looked at each other and one of the twins yelled. "Attack her!" They launched themself on Hermione. It was a pile up with Ginny on the top. The pile crumbled and they all laughed and giggled.
"Children!" Her voice sounded angry, but Molly's eyes were full of amusement. She was the mother of Weasley's siblings. "Dinner will be ready in an half an hour. And I expect this place to be clean and tidy before dinner."
Ron and Ginny both said. "Yes, Mom." and began to clean up.
"Ah, Ma." One of the twins tried to provoke her, but Mrs. Weasley silenced him with a look. "Okay Ma. See I'm already cleaning up." He used an imaginary broom to sweep the floor. The other twin followed his brother example.
Mrs. Weasley put her arms in the air. "What did I do to deserve those two?"
"That's what we want to know, Ma." One of the twins replied. The other twin finished. "What did you do in your misspend youth."
"Boys to work." The twin gave her a fake salute and picked things up. Molly turned her back and went back to her kitchen.
Hermione thought about something and went after her. "Mrs. Weasley?" She turned back to Hermione and she gave her a look. "Eh, Molly."
Molly smiled. "Yes, dear?"
"I was thinking if you have any books on the Slayer."
Molly thought a moment about it. "There is a fairytale book in the bookcase in the livingroom. Why?"
"Fred and George were trying to frighten Ginny with the Slayer. That started the pillow fight."
Molly gave her a big smile. "I still remember how I used the Slayer to make the boys behave. Didn't work very well."
Hermione smiled. "They were discussing if she was real or not." Hermione left the unspoke question out.
Molly understood where she was going. "There were always rumours about girls fighting monsters. But no proof that they were just very brave muggles or witches. You could ask Arthur tonight if he knows more."
"Thanks." Hermione turned back to the livingroom, where the Weasleys and Harry were almost finished. She went to the bookcase and took the fairytale book and sat down reading it. The other asked what she was reading and she showed them the cover and continued reading. The others knew it was pointless to talk to her, now that she was in her study-mode. After dinner Hermione asked Arthur, what he knew of the Slayer. He worked for the Ministry of Magic and he told her everything he knew and promised to see if he could bring some books from work tomorrow.
What he knew was that there were a lot of sightings , but most were obvious fake ones. The Muggle world had bigfoot sightings, who were most of the time woodtrolls. And the Wizardry world had Slayer sightings. Arthur brought copies, so that Hermione could keep them. The same week when they went to Diagon Alley for school supplies, Hermione bought also book called 'The history of the Slayer'.
Next day they went to King's Cross to catch the Hogwarts Express to School. Hermione couldn't put down the book. She even missed the lady with the trolley. It was good that Harry and Ron bought something for her, because she was getting hungry.
They arrived at Hogwards train station without incidents. They greeted Hagrid, who was showing the first-years to the boats. They took the carriages to get to the castle and wandered into the Great Hall. Hermione was still reading and bumped into Harry, who was staring at the teacher's table. Hermione followed his stare and saw two girls. No, one was a young woman barely in her twenties. They were pretty. Boys, though Hermione.
"Stop staring Harry, before they notice." Hermione warned Harry. But it was to late. The youngest one saw him staring and smiled back, then she poked the other one to get her attention. She whispered something and the young woman smiled and said something back. They were whispering something more and their faces changed into one of horror and the other into concern.
The young woman pointed to Harry and waved her to come to the teacher's table. Harry walked to her as in trance. Leaving Hermione and Ron behind to go to the Gryffindor table.
End Prologue.
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