Title: Bring On The Night
Author: TrinityLast
Email: trinitylast@wambtac.com
Pairing: Buffy/Angel
Improv: #51 - Sting Title Challenge
Disclaimer: Oh please. Don’t even start. *So* not mine...
Author’s Notes: Set during an imaginary season two, the day after Buffy killed
the judge. This is CWC? Buffy POV (if you don’t know, CWC is "curse, what
curse?" Therefore, no evil Angel.)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The sun should go down in about an hour.
One hour until I can see Angel.
My mom won’t let me go home!
I never thought I’d be upset about free clothes. I even tried the ‘I have homework excuse.’ She said that I only turn seventeen once, and that we were gonna make it count.
I don’t wanna make it count! I wanna make love with my undead boyfriend.
We killed the Judge, he helped me off the counter, and he kissed me...and I had to go home! Of course, if I hadn’t, my mom probably wouldn’t be buying me clothes right now...I’d be locked in my room.
She has this thing about me being home once in a while.
Fifty-seven minutes to sundown...
I’m learning to hate the day. Giles says that most Slayers, since they live with their watchers, only go out at night. They sleep during the day.
Angel sleeps during the day.
I want to sleep with him. I want to go to bed just when the sun is rising. I want to lay there, in his cool, dark apartment, in his arms. I’ve never felt safer than in his arms. Strange, isn’t it? That I, a vampire slayer, feel safest in the arms of a vampire? But I do.
It’s not that he’s so strong...though, he is. If we fought, I don’t know who would win. Ok, maybe it is partially that he’s strong. I mean, I know that if we get attacked (not unusual in my life) he’ll protect me. Or, at least defend me. If he’s there, I won’t be fighting alone.
But that’s not why he makes me feel safe. I just...when he holds me, I feel loved, you know? I know that he loves me. Not the Willow-friend kind, but the I-want-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-making-you-happy kind.
I want to go to sleep with him as the sun peaks over the horizon...I want to lie with him during the hot day in his cool bed, holding him.
I want to wake up in his arms every day. To open my eyes and look up...and see his. Him smiling down at me. The way I did yesterday. And I don’t want to have to leave. I want to get dressed with him, and hunt with him...and I want to come home with him.
My mother’s house hasn’t been home for so long. She barely knows me anymore...she doesn’t know anything about me.
Angel can know what I’m thinking just by looking at me. He knows when I’m lying, and he gets this look on his face, like he’s saying ‘Oh, Buffy...why?’. And I know he knows.
I want to spend my days with him, in his arms.
But I can’t. For the next...let’s see, I’m in my junior year...ok, for the next year and a half, I’ll be spending my days with my mother or at school, doing the ‘normal Buffy’ thing. Classes, shopping, weekends with dad. Even after that, I’ll probably have to go to college, if my mother has anything to say about it. My days are taken.
No days with Angel.
Forty-five minutes till sundown.
Bring on the night.
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