Title: Lover's Pain (poem)
By TrinityLast
Disclaimer: Nothing's mine, ok?
Distribution: My site (thedge) and obviously any lists I send to. And if you
have permission already.
Rating: PG?
Spoilers: Season seven-ish. No specific anythings for either
Feedback: YES!
Note: Obscure mentions of A/C and B/S, but no specific spoilers, so if you're
familiar with those couples, you're good. It's B/A in sentiment. It really is.
Oh, and for the record, though it's my first Buffy-poem, it's not my first poem.
I just never really thought of writing for this venu before. *shrugs* Let me
know what you think.
Molten heat, his eyes intense
Swimming vision, loss of sense
Dying screams, careless thought
Deep within, release is sought
His eyes met mine with sightless rage
A passion I could not try to cage
That fire burning deep within
Keeps me coming back to him
Despite his anger, despite my need
We fall apart, but breathless greed
Pulls us back, and burning breath
Will stop for nothing. Even death.
I die, he leaves, it's all the same;
A passion we each try to tame.
But you cannot cage the breathless night,
And we can't pretend to have no sight.
I see it in his eyes, his walk.
The way he moves, his velvet talk.
He sees it in the way I fight,
The way I draw out every night.
I'll wait for him. He's hiding here.
He always does. I feel him near.
He knows I know, he knows I see.
But still he keeps away from me.
As if I don't feel his soothing touch.
From fifty yards, it's still too much.
It slides across my skin, my hair.
I know he's close. I know he's there.
He stays to shadows, in the dark,
But still, he always leaves his mark...
I feel him as he slides behind.
I feel him, and I know he's mine.
She never had him, not like me.
Never could he make her see.
I know he tried to set her right,
To show her that this she could not fight.
But still, she won things I did not.
She really did win quite a lot.
She won his laugh, his smile, his touch.
I never could get quite so much.
He always holds himself away.
I never saw him in the day,
Not even when I went to him.
He never could just let me in.
He can let her see that side.
I understand that...at least, I've tried.
Because she's safe, she's not a risk.
He takes no chances with her kiss.
He and I can never be.
I want him, but he can't have me.
So he's with her, and I'm with He.
Another man who does love me.
I wish that I could love again.
The way I loved before, with him.
But I can't, and I understand. It's true.
And I know I have to just make do.
But when he's hiding, so very near,
And I can feel him, and I can hear,
It all gets harder to sustain.
This soul deep ache. This Lover's Pain.
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