Title: Firestarter
Author: TrinityLast
Email: trinitylast@wambtac.com
Rating: PG? Eh...somewhere around there...
Pairing: N/A
Improv: Stephen King Title
Disclaimer: If I owned them, I would *not* be working my way through college on
an outdated computer and living on Kavli and tuna salad.
Author’s Notes: Somtime post season six. Short, sweet, kinda fun.
* * * * * * * * * *
"I don’t believe it!"
"Willow, calm down. I think you’re making it worse."
"Well, it’s annoying, Buffy! Look at that!"
"I see it, Will. Hell, I hear it."
The front door slams. "Willow! Did you do this?"
"Not on purpose!"
"Willow, I thought you were past this stuff."
"I was!"
"Well, obviously not, huh?"
"Xander, knock it off. You’re upsetting her, and it’s just getting worse."
"I swear to god, I did this last night, and it was fine!"
"Uh...I hate to break it to you, Wills..."
"Xander, finish the sentence. Now is not the time to be dramatic."
"Well, it happened last night. I heard it when I was in bed."
"You heard it raining last night? I thought it was my imagination..."
"Arg! Buffy!"
"Sorry, Wills."
"Oh!" Sound of stomping foot. "This is driving me nuts! I mean, I can raise the dead, I can penetrate other people’s minds, I can even try to end the world, but I can’t start a damn fire??"
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