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:: Beta Readers :: Need a beta reader? You know, someone to look over your story and check for grammar, spelling, or something else you have problems with? *ahem* Got it covered. :-)
Name: Ashley |
Name: Matthew
Black |
Name: Nora Preferred type of fiction: I'm up for almost anything. Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Xander, Buffy/Oz and if I have to say it Buffy/Lindsey. Also, I WILL NOT read anything that involves Angel not with Buffy (A/B/S is ok) I'll definitely check spelling- biggest pet peeve of mine ever. My grammar's not the best but I'll do what I can. I'm also willing to help with tenses and plot development. I'm a college student, unfortunately I'm way busy but I'll get it done ASAP. Email: Angelerif@aol.com |
Name: Kristen Preferred type of fiction: Crossovers, (Mainly Buffy vs. something or HP vs. something) Harry Potter (HR/H only) etc Fiction I will *not* read: Really bad anime crossovers with normal shows or books. Fic centered around any boy bands and/or Britney Spears. The lollapalooza styled fics with about a billion shows in one story. I like a max of 4 in one fic. And they have to relate already. Contact by email. I will tell you my real opinion of your fic. I am very much like Anya. extremely blunt, and lacking of tact. MSN = Crazygirl9746@MSN.com Email: crazygirl9746@MSN.com |
Name: Samantha As of November
I'll be off for and extended period of time. However I have small children and
spend my evenings with them. I like to read on the weekends.
Name: Dawn Preferred type of fiction: B/A B/G B/T B/W primarily but will read anything. Really love crossover stories. Fiction I will *not* read: I would rather pour bleach in my eyes rather than read Buffy paired with Synder. I'll check grammar, spelling and any logic errors. I'll be brutally honest about your story and suggest how to fix it. I'm available on the weekends mostly. I'm a graduate student so I'll be busy during the week. Be patient and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Email: tara1571@yahoo.com |
Name: Tina Preferred type of fiction: B/A,B/F Buffy and any guy from either show except the below is cool, any rating is fine. Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy with Giles, Xander, Riley, Spike (when he tries to be sexy, it just comes off as weird) I'm rather picky, I know. I'll check spelling, grammar, whatever needs to be fixed. I really hate when people don't care about those things in their fics. It makes it pretty much unreadable to me. I'll also offer story ideas, criticism (only the constructive kind), ect. Use me any way you want to *grin*. I'm free whenever. I'd love to help out! Email: Teeni.Reeni.19@aol.com |
Name: Lisa
Taeuber Preferred type of fiction: Anything you like! I can check both spelling and grammar and help out with what ever else you like just let me know! Email: lissamiss@hotmail.com |
Name: Kay
Fluhler Preferred type of fiction: AU and canon BA fluff/angst/romance any rating Fiction I will *not* read: I'll read it all. I'll check grammar, spelling, word usage and flow. I'll check continuity between chapters and look for inconsistencies. I'm not as good with plot/creative help, but I am willing to help as much as I can. I'm usually online early mornings (before work) and most evenings (after 5 p.m.). I live in the southern USA and my background includes technical writing and editing. Email: kfluhler@aol.com |
Name: Kat Wesley Preferred type of fiction: B/A Fiction I will *not* read: none My grammar skill are not the best but I will offer any assistance I can in any area. Email: Katw528@excite.com |
Name: Angie Preferred type of fiction: anything is ok! Fiction I will *not* read: poems Spelling, grammar so far I notice the your mistakes...., story anomalies: like she really hates lollypops....later....she is eating one Email: cuteangi@gmx.net |
Name: Debs Kiely Preferred type of fiction: Fave would be Buffy/Angelus, so if you have that send it on, babe. But also Buffy/Angel (no big shock there!) Not Preferred = Slash (sorry!) Buffy/Spike Buffy/Giles Angel/Cordy Angel/Willow...fussy bitca ain't I? Spelling = ya, Grammar = I'm not great but I'll try, also plot or any other probs you may have MSN = treehouse_of_horror@hotmail.com Yahoo = buffys_bud@yahoo.com Email: treehouse_of_horror@hotmail.com |
Name: Vicky Tse Preferred type of fiction: Any type of Buffy fic is fine with me. Or Angel fic for that matter!! Fiction I will *not* read: Um...I'd prefer not to read any full m/m smut...some of it's fine if it's involved in a great story line, but just plain m/m smut is kinda gross to me. I'll do my best to help out any way I can in grammar or spelling. I love to read anyway, so I'd be glad to help out. I just might not be able to catch all the mistakes. I'm pretty much available all the time, but weekends, I might not be online as much. I'm always online though at night during the week (I'm a night owl...lol). I love to read Buffy fics, that's pretty much all I do online. I love the show and everything about the show. I'm a huge Buffy/Spike fan, though I know that this season nothing will happen between them...which makes me sad =( I just also wanted to share that I've never done any kind of Beta Reading before. I just thought that it might be cool to do. I'd like it if you gave me like a trial period or something. If not that's fine with me too. I just thought I'd give it a shot. Yahoo = vickcy05 Email: vickcy05@aol.com |
Name: Jackie Miller Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A, B/A(us), I can deal with some f/f pairings, I can also deal with any kind of plot...or no plot Fiction I will *not* read: m/m slash, B/S, A/C, B/G, Buffy/Riley I can check spelling and punctuation I can read online pretty fast and if you need me to beta I can do it anytime. ICQ= 27258026 AIM= OracleTx85 I'm not on a lot so if you really need to talk to me then e-mail would be best or you can ask me to get on if ya need anything, I always check my e-mail so that won't be a problem Email: Scarlett85us@yahoo.com |
Name: shaylee Preferred type of fiction: Buffy/Spike I will check spelling, but most definitely not grammar. Yahoo = buffy_claudia411 Email: buffy_claudia411@yahoo.com |
Name: Lauren Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A W/O Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy with Giles, Spike, Xander, and Riley (the thought even makes me want to puke). I'm really good when it come to grammar. Ill do the best I can to fix all your problems. MSN IM = Slaygal57 Email: booklover60@hotmail.com |
Name: Amberina Preferred Type Of Fiction: dark, fluff, het, slash, xover, short. B/F, B/W, B/S, B/A. Fiction I will *not* read: there's nothing I won't read Anything. I'll read over it, correct mistakes, and tell you what I honestly think of the plot and everything. Always ask before sending, just in case I'm busy Email : amberflower426@yahoo.com |
Name: Lizzette Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy/Angel; Buffy/Angelus pairings; Crossovers Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy/Spike, Angel/Cordelia, Slash M/M & F/F I can check for spelling and some grammar (I'm not really sure how strong I am on that.) I've never done this before, but I'm willing to do my best. Email : Zetnnik@msn.com |
Name: Angie
Street, B.B.A, M.B.A. Preferred Type Of Fiction: Whatever you want to throw at me, I just like to read. Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy/Giles - just, ew. Anything and everything. So far, I've edited two university newspapers (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN), written one Master's thesis (actually put a prof to sleep with that one), and am currently working on my doctoral dissertation in Anthropology. I will fix your spelling, diction, any syntax errors, continuity problems, and plot holes, as well as any suggestions on the plot you might want, but you have to tell me. I'll get it back ASAP. Mostly I write these days, so anything you want to send me will be a welcome respite to the drudgery of a PhD. Yahoo IM = redhead113 Email: redhead113@yahoo.com |
Name: Jenny Preferred Type Of Fiction: What don't I like? Comedy is my specialty I guess Fiction I will *not* read: Anything with Giles and Joyce paired up with the Scoobs. Some Slash Pairings I check everything basically. Grammar, Spelling you name it. I can also offer advise and possibly co-write some parts I'm like always on except for Weekday Mornings. I really love fan fiction and I think that's a good quality for being a Beta AOL = MissQteeone Yahoo = MissQteeone Email: MissQteeone@aol.com |
Spikesgirl247 Preferred Type Of Fiction: You send it I'll read it Fiction I will *not* read: I will read anything I'll check spelling some grammar. Ready anytime...I will try to help with all, but lets face it I'm not perfect so give me a chance. I haven't tried this so what the hey let's do it!! LOL Email: benitapatton@yahoo.com |
Name: Ani Preferred Type Of Fiction: Any Fiction I will *not* read: Character-bashing fics I am very good at checking spelling and grammar; pretty good at verifying continuity (both within the story and to the series if desired); can also provide feedback on quality and suggestions for improvement I've got a lot of free time these days and am looking for something to fill it! MSN= magickmoons Email : magickmoons@yahoo.com |
Name: Name
Kristen Preferred Type Of Fiction: Crossovers, romance, comedy fics Fiction I will *not* read: bdsm, rape, torture, angst, slash, incest, or Cordy/Angel pairings I'll check spelling, grammar, plot flow, characterization I'm usually available during the weekend and sometimes on weekdays since I'm a part time student. Yahoo= daydreamer257 - I rarely get in the chat rooms. If you want to talk to me on messenger we'd have to set up a time. Email: daydreamer257@yahoo.com |
Name: Starr Preferred Type Of Fiction: I'll read just about anything and of ANY ship. Fiction I will *not* read: I'm not a huge fan of fics that involve vampires (especially Spike and Angel) becoming human. I'm willing to check anything you want. I'm good with plot continuity and grammar. I usually check my e-mail about 5 times daily and try to respond within a day or two. ICQ= #119250397 Email: holtzblues@yahoo.com |
Name: Angie Preferred Type Of Fiction: b/aus Fiction I will *not* read: fics without a "happy" ending I'll check for everything that catches my eye Email: lillie_fee@hotmail.com |
Name: Ju Ju C Preferred Type Of Fiction: Romance between A&B Fiction I will *not* read: Only A&B I'll check anything for A&B Email: BCLARKE@Tyler.Net |
Name: Kristin Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/G mostly but I'm not too picky just ask Fiction I will *not* read: B/A, m/m I check spelling, some grammar (mine isn't always the best), will tell you what I think of the story, sometimes I'm blunt but I try to be nice. I seem to have a lot of free time even though I have homework I'm supposed to be doing so if you send me something you should get it back fairly quickly, I'm online a lot so you can IM me & ask me how long I think it'll take. Yahoo= RippersGirl06 MSN= RippersBookLover AIM= VampLover06 Email: jadegoddess06@aol.com |
Name: Julia Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A. I prefer future, AU, or revisionist history, basically anything with a plot. Fiction I will *not* read: A/C I'm not a fan of DorkAngel or St.Cordy. Sorry, but I miss the bitchy QueenC. I have a dictionary and I'm not afraid to use it. I'll help you stay in the correct tense and muddle through incorrect grammatical structure if that's what you need. I'll give my opinion on your ideas and nag, sorry, 'motivate' you to finish. I'm also from London so I'll help you with the Queen's English as Giles' speaks it or the cockney slang Spike and Ripper prefer. I have a degree in English lit if that counts for anything (it doesn't over here) Email: confusedjules@yahoo.co.uk |
Name: Charlotte Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy/angel(us) Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy/Giles Angel/Willow I can check for grammar, spellings, tenses and whatever I can really. Email: buffy_rules60@hotmail.com |
Name: Joyce Preferred type of fiction: Stories with Buffy, Angel, and Angelus paired, or no pairing stories. Generally story with happy endings are preferred, however, not necessary. I will check spelling and grammar, plus consistency within the story. I should not have a problem with availability. If there is, I'll let the author know. Email: jtangcs@yahoo.com |
Name: Andrew E Warm Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy & Angel fiction Fiction I will *not* read: Everything not B/A I'll check whatever is needed. I'm available anytime. Email: angelsmates@yahoo.com |
Name: Shanese Pritchard Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A R to NC-17 Fiction I will *not* read: Fluff (plotless, pointless), and anyone partnered with Giles (eww) or f/f slash I'll check grammar, spelling...just about anything I have classes 8-1 then I'm free! and I have breaks to so If you need me e-mail me! Email: Princessbabe414@hotmail.com |
Name: Niu Preferred Type Of Fiction: Dark, Femslash, PWP, Buffy solo, Buffy/anyone, even incest if thats what you want to write. Fiction I will *not* read: Original character Buffy/, B/A fluff, anything ridiculously cheerful involving absurdly happy endings - they depress me. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, plot, characterization, character development, continuity and most other things assuming you ask me too (and can think of some). Generally beta on a Saturday night and Sunday morning (GMT) so if you want a quick response that's when you'll get it. Please mail me before sending the fic to check availability first however. MSN= MIN_Mayhem@hotmail.com Yahoo!= luna_Watch AIM= certainlyperhaps Email : niuserre@lycos.com |
Name: Nicky Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A of course! Also I will read W/O, W/X, C/X ect. You get the point. Fiction I will *not* read: Hmm... I will not read any slash! Sorry guys. I am not really happy about reading any kind of A/C, but if I must, then I will. I will check grammar (to the best of my ability) conventions, and such. I will give you feedback on the plot and characterization. I'm pretty much always available. So you can reach me pretty easily. I love to read, and I want to become a writer so you can be sure that I will edit your stuff to the best of my ability. I am a pretty good editor, and I like to do it. So I look forward to your stories. Just email me if you have any questions. Email: nickypoo2004@yahoo.com |
Name: Emily Preferred Type Of Fiction: Angst, Fluff, Slash, anything else! Most pairings. Fiction I will *not* read: torture, MS, Riley-fic. I'll check spelling, grammar, plot & characterization, continuity. Email: Emilyedge8@yahoo.co.uk |
Name: Rebecca Turner Preferred Type Of Fiction: Anything really Fiction I will *not* read: I'm open to every type of fiction there's nothing I won't read but I'm not keen on slash. I'll check anything as a Beta I'm free a lot I don't have a busy schedule, just let me know. Email: Becca04158@yahoo.com |
Name: Ashley Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy and Angel fluff, or AU fics Fiction I will *not* read: couples other than Buffy and Angel, angst, any ratings over R I'll check anything you need me to check Will usually reply quickly, please let me know before you send me something to beta read Email: wacky_peaches@hotmail.com |
Name: Tygerlily Preferred Type Of Fiction: Without a doubt I will read B/Aus, B/A, B/S, and even B/G. Fiction I will *not* read: I will NOT read anything that has A/C, A/W or B/other or S/other I know I am picky....sorry! I am great with grammar. (Spelling: Not one of my strong points) I also love to help out with plot and anything else you might need help with. I've got school so that takes up some of my time but I love to read on the weekends and whenever I get a free moment. Email: Bloodscross@aol.com |
Name: Cassiopeia Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy has to be a main character!! Buffy/Angelus Buffy/Angel Buffy/Spike Buffy/Angel(us)/Spike I love crossovers. Fiction I will *not* read: Slash Fics in which Willow is the "queen" Tell me what you want me to look after.. spelling, grammar, plot Tell me when you want it back and I'll try :-) I'm also good in German and in mythology ICQ IM= 175063787 Email: cuteangi@gmx.net |
Name: Netra Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A,B/Aus Fiction I will *not* read: any other Buffy or Angel ships I'll check grammar, quotes, make suggestions, fix typos I love dark and Au, but I'll read anything Yahoo= venus_2102000 Msn= rulersofdarkness@hotmail.com Email: venus_2102000@yahoo.co.in |
Name: El-Gilliath Preferred Type Of Fiction: I do love fics with either Spike or Angel, but no specials really. Fiction I will *not* read: I read it all! I'll check Grammar, Spelling, how the fic "Feels" Email: tove_b@ci.net |
Name: Name Ann Lane Preferred Type Of Fiction: b/a or b/s anything really Fiction I will *not* read: T'm not saying I won't read f/f, but they're not really my thing I'll check pretty much anything, though not loving the whole Cordy/Angel thing, it's just wrong Yahoo IM= mykids64 Email: alyssa@htc.net |
Name: Tamla Preferred Type Of Fiction: Anything, though I really like Spike :) Fiction I will *not* read: PWP (unless it's humorous), outrageous pairings (i.e. Giles/Buffy) Spelling, grammar, plot, language, you name it, I'll check it. When I get done beta-ing something really depends on how much school work and such I have, though I never usually have a problem. If I don't want to beta it for certain reasons, I'll tell you. Aol IM= DormantMuse Email : troubledpoet@broken.org |
Name: Alysia (thats
a-lee-sha) Preferred Type Of Fiction: Pretty much anything Fiction I will *not* read: the only two things I wont read are any Buffy/Riley or Bbuffy/Harry potter crossovers. Other than that I'm up for anything. I'm pretty good with grammar, spelling, and I'm also ready with a lot of ideas if you get a case of writers block. I also LOVE to say what I think-so if your looking for brutal honesty - I'm your girl! Email: leshi357@hotmail.com |
Name: Mary Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/G, B/S, whatever Fiction I will *not* read: none I'll check grammar, spelling, syntax, continuity, dialogue technique I'm around most of the time. I'd be happy to help a British person with American syntax and structure. Email: merbelle@comcast.net |
Name: Letty Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy/Angel, Harry/Hermione Fiction I will *not* read: Cordy/Angel, Spike/Buffy and slash I'll check for everything, basically. Email: angelgirl736@hotmail.com |
Name: Goldylocks Preferred Type Of Fiction: I read Spike/Buffy, and maybe Spike/Willow, or even Spike/Tara if I'm bored Fiction I will *not* read: I hate Angel or Riley centered fics, Riley has no personality and Angel has poofy hair and broods too much (sorry) I'll check grammar, typos, English References, that your characters sound right, spelling not so hot but I'll give it a go I read 3-4 hours of Spuffy fic a night, am reliable, consistent, kind (no flames), and will give my honest opinion and am happy to give suggestions if you want them Email: goldylocks@blueyonder.co.uk |
Name: KimberlyFDR Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy/Spike, Spike/Dru....SPIKE! If it's got the British, blonde vamp in it...I'm there! Fiction I will *not* read: Don't see slash in BTVS, so can't read that. I'd rather not read an Angel-centric fic either. Oh, and if Spike's a human...count me out. Only vamps for me. I'll check anything and everything...chracterization, plot, grammar, flow, spelling I've been a beta for five years now, an editor longer than that. I enjoy betaing and have done it in over 15 fandoms thus far. Instant Messenger: kimberlyFDR on AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Email: kimberlyFDR@yahoo.com |
Name: Nelle Preferred Type Of Fiction: Slash, Threesomes (especially B/A/S), Spike 'ships Fiction I will *not* read: Giles with any Scooby I'll try to cover spelling and all that. I'll read with an interest and point out anything odd Email: nerdysista1@yahoo.com |
Name: Faith
Chan Preferred Type Of Fiction: Anything Fiction I will *not* read: No slash, it ruins the characters up bringing I'll check anything. Spelling, grammar, etc. Email: slayer_41@epals.com |
Name: Danielle
Shafer Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A or B/Aus Fiction I will *not* read: Hey, if you wrote it, I'll read it I'll check whatever comes with the territory. Spelling, grammar, etc. Available on weeknights Mon-Fri after 6 p.m. No weekends. Aol IM= danimarieshafer Email : daniemarieshafer@aol.com |
Name: Kassy Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy/Angel Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy/Spike, Angel/Cordy I'll check anything. Available Sunday through Thursday 11:30 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Email : slayergirl1000@netscape.net |
Name: Julie Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A but will read most anything else Fiction I will *not* read: Anything and everything B/G - I think that its a gross pairing. Sorry B/G lovers! I'll check pretty much everything I'm on between 3:30 and 6 PT on weekdays and any and all hours during weekends AOL IM= Jewelz284 Email: Julianaasia28@yahoo.com |
Name: Fay Preferred Type Of Fiction: Any! Fiction I will *not* read: I will read any fiction! I am willing to check grammar, spelling and the general flow of your story. AOL IM= mystic2sorcerer MSN IM= fstri@hotmail.com Email: fstri@hotmail.com |
Name: Rachie Preferred Type Of Fiction: Angelus paired with everyone. He's good at being bad Fiction I will *not* read: Smutty romance: it sucks. And Willow/Spike: it's just wrong I'll check grammar and rate the ones I like best Email: the_blond_bombshell_slayer@hotmail.com |
Name: Rachel Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A preferred, but I'll do any. Fiction I will *not* read: No B/anything but A or A/anything but B. sorry I'm excellent in grammar, spelling, past/present tense I have work on Thursdays and Fridays. I'll have classes this fall. If you send me a long fic, expect a few days for me to complete it. Email: webmistress@nightsdream.com |
Name: JC Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A, or B/Aus, W/O Fiction I will *not* read: Anything having to do with Buffy being with: Xander, Giles, Spike (especially not him) or Riley. Don't even think of sending me something with Riley. Or Buffy and Snyder. Oh no. I'm gonna have nightmares now. I'll check spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and plot, but I'm not very good with plot. I'm available most of the time during the summer, but when summer's over, catch me when you can. Email: jcshecklerswim@yahoo.com |
Name: Jess Addison Preferred Type Of Fiction: None (I love it all, if it's good!) Fiction I will *not* read: I'll read anything. I'm a fanfic slut. I'll check anything! I'm especially good with spelling & grammar, but can supply ideas & constructive critisism if one likes. I'm an English student. I love Buffy. I'm very articulate. I can get fanfic back very quickly. PLS put something like, 'Beta reader', etc, as the email subject! (Emails from unknown senders are put into the trash automatically.) Also, please note I have Microsoft Works, NOT Word (if sending fanfic as an attachment). Instant Messenger?: I have MSN, if anyone wants to chat. Remember I live in the UK, though, so the American time diff makes chatting hard! Email: Brainysexycool@hotmail.com |
Name: Cathy Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A,W/S,W/G,W/O,X/C Fiction I will *not* read: I'll read any thing. You send it, I'll check it. Email: midnblue003@yahoo.com |
Name: Karasu's Fan Preferred Type Of Fiction: Just about anything anime. Fiction I will *not* read: Lemons I'll check grammer, spelling, making sure that characters stay in character Email: portielvr@yahoo.com |
Name: Divya Preferred Type Of Fiction: Anything Fiction I will *not* read: I'll read anything I'll check characterization, spelling, grammar, you name it i'll do it. I'm not an evil beta despite what some people will say but i'm good at it and will give you my honest opinion! Email: Div_Div@msn.com |
Name: Jade Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/A only. AU, Dark and happy endings are much loved :) Fiction I will *not* read: Any other ship. I'll check spelling, flow, grammar, plot holes. Everything. Also from England, so can help with Giles, Spike or any other character. I am online most of the time, mainly at night. AOL = DarlingVioletta2 MSN = crazyrealm@hotmail.com Email: Jade-Hamn@bushinternet.com |
Name: Jenny Hu Preferred Type Of Fiction: Buffy/Spike Willow/Tara Fiction I will *not* read: Buffy with someone else other than Spike, other than that, I will read everything else. I can check plots, spelling and grammar. Got nothing else to do. I also can help with chapter/fanfiction titles and chapter ideas. In the evening, I am totally free. Weekends, I am all free. As soon as I check my email, I will check it ASAP Email: Spuffylover326@yahoo.com |
Name: Name: JC Preferred Type Of Fiction: Preferred Type Of Fiction: B/Angel, B/Angelus Fiction I will *not* read: Fiction I will *not* read: B/Riley, B/Giles, B/Xander I can check spelling and grammar, and give you an opinion on the optimistic side. I'm available from about four to eight on weekdays and almost all the time on weekends. Email: jcshecklerswim@yahoo.com |
:: Sign Up To Be A Beta Reader ::