Tara Maclay
Tara met Willow at a Wicca group at college and slowly a relationship began to grow until eventually they became lovers.  She is a shy, quiet girl, but a powerful witch and, together with Willow, soon starts helping fight evil.  On her 20th birthday her family arrive in Sunnydale to take her home and the gang discover that she has a demon heritage that she has desperately trying to hide.  With a little help from Spike they soon find out that this is a lie spun by the Maclay family in order to keep the women in line.

Tara has helped Willow gain confidence in her witchcraft to the point where Willow’s powers have now surpassed Tara’s and Tara is sometimes scared of how powerful Willow has become.  These fears lead to their only fight and when Willow storms off, Glory, believing Tara to be the key that she is searching for, brain sucks her leaving her mad.  In the final fight with Glory Willow manages to reverse the damage Glory has caused and Tara’s sanity returns.

Growing in confidence Tara helps Willow to devise and carry out a spell to bring Buffy back.  This done, however, she becomes increasingly concerned at Willow’s escalating use of magic, after asking Willow to stop and the discovering that she has continued to use magic behind her back, Tara leaves Willow but remains friends with the gang helping Buffy to come to terms with her ressurection.  Finding Willow recovered from her magical addiction, Tara returns to Willow and they spend a happy day and night together before Tara is shot by a stray bullet meant for Buffy with disastourous consequences for Willow.