Wesley Wyndham Pryce
Although making it to Head Boy Watcher's Acadamy and then as an actual Watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce never seemed to do well enough for his father.  When Giles was fired as Buffy's Watcger, Wesley was sent to Sunnydale to take over as her and Faith's watcher.  He had little success and was watcher in name only.  At least until he was made redundant by Buffy quitting the watcher's council.  A mutual attraction occurred between him and Cordelia but they soon found that they weren't really compatible and Wesley left Sunnydale for England.

Unfortunately the Watcher's council wouldn't pay his fare back to England and so he ended up a rogue demon hunter in LA until he teamed up with Angel. He soon becomes useful member of the team, being the to Angel Investigations what Giles is to the scoobies.

His fighting skills get much, much better, although he provides a lot of the comedy for the show, he no longer screams like a women and even manages to find brief love with Virginia Bryce after rescuing from her father. 

When Angel sacks the team, Wesley takes over as leader and, although he gets shot in the line of duty, remains in charge when Angel eventually returns.

Wesley's dangerous proffession proves too much for Virginia and the relationship is short lived.

A visit to Lorne's home dimension of Pylea put's Wesley's leadership skills to the test and he comes out on top.  They return to Los Angeles with the delightful and large-brained Fred who Wesley falls in love with.  Unfortunately, Fred has fallen for Gunn and the two become a couple.

When Angel's son Connor is born Wesley becomes concerned about a prophecy that reveals 'The Father Will Kill The Son'. After seaking guidance from a talking hamburger and a secret meeting with Angel's enemy Holtz, Wesley becomes convinced that he must kidnap Connor in order to save him from Angel.  Unfortunately, Wesley has been tricked by Holtz who sends his lackey Justine after Wesley.  Justine Slits Wesley's throat and steals the child.

When Angel hears of Wesley's betrayal he visits him in hospital and tries to suffocate him with a pillow.  Gunn manages to pull Angel away but Wesley is left out in the cold. As if beeing shot, slashed, almost suffocated and abandoned by his friends, things are made worse when Fred tells him that all his efforts were in vain and the prophecy was false.

Alone in the world Wesley finds the dark side of himself and ends up in a relationship with Lilah. 

When Angel dissapears, Wesley takes his revenge on Justine by capturing and enslaving her.  After many trawls of the ocean Wesley and Justine located Angel and haul him out of the ocean.  Finding that animal blood is not sufficient to revive Angel, Wesley offers him his own blood and takes Angel back to the hotel.

Although Wesley has built up a rather successful demon fighting business of his own, even taking on Angel's clients on occasion, Wesley gradually becomes accepted back in the Angel fold. 

When Angelus is let loose, Wesley breaks Faith out of orison and helps her to defeat Angelus and bring Angel back. 

When Angel and co take over Wolfram & Hart Wesley becomes Head of Research & Development where he has access to almost every book ever written. 

He proves his love for Fred when hhe kills what he believes is his father in order to save her life, and although he misreads Fred's signs for a time he finally gets his dearest wish and they become a couple.  Their relationship is brief though as Fred is infected and taken over by the ancient demon Illyria. 

In the final days before the apocolypse Wesley becomes Illyria's guide and appears to be the only person she genuinly has feelings for.  When the apocolypse comes Wesley plays his part, killing Warlock Cyvus Vail although the endeavour costs him his own life.

Wesley came a long way from bumbling idiot to his heroic death and finally found some comfort and peace with Fred.