Xander Lavelle Harris

Xander Lavelle Harris was born and raised in Sunnydale by his drunken parents.  Willow is his best friend and they have been friends since childhood.  Meeting and instantly falling in love with Buffy on her first day at Sunnydale High, they soon become best friends.  He is the joker of the group, always ready with a witty remark.

His exploits in the love department certainly leave something to be desired he falls for a preying mantis and an Inca mummy and is turned down by Buffy.  He eventually finds lust with Cordelia Chase much to the rest of the gang’s disgust.  They split up when he is found in Willow’s arms and Cordelia ends up skewered. After a period of mourning and begging Xander finds new lust when reformed demon, Anya asks him to the high school prom.  However, she soon scarpers when she learns of the coming apocalypse.

When the others go to college Xander moves into his parents basement and tries out a variety of jobs (including ice cream waiter) until he finally finds his vocation on a construction site.  Anya returns finding him irresistible and suggests that they have sex in order to bring closure to the lust. It doesn’t work and the two finally find true love with each other.  When a demon splits him in two he manages to get promotion at work and a nice apartment to share with Anya before Willow puts him back together. 

Another apocalypse brings Xander to relish what he has and he proposes to Anya, but Anya tells him to wait until they after they have survived.  They do make it but their plans have to be put on hold due to Buffy’s untimely death.

After a summer of fairly competent patrolling with the help of Spike and the Buffy-bot, Xander, although dubious, helps Willow to bring Buffy back and uses this as yet another excuse not to tell the others about the engagement.  He soon proves his commitment by making the announcement, although his doubts tell him otherwise,  and Anya gets to wear her ring and make wedding plans.

As the wedding grows closer, Xander’s doubts increase, so when the wedding day brings an old victim of Anya’s in the guise of future Xander and shows him just how bad marriage can really be, Xander is inclined to believe him.  Realising he is just not ready for marriage and is scared of becoming his father he leaves a distraught Anya at the altar.

Although he often feels that he contributes little to the scooby gang other than rebuilding the Summer’s house from time to time, Xander proves his worth by being the only person that can save Willow from destroying herself and the world using nothing more than his love.

His relationship over and his ex-fiancé back to her vengeance demon ways, Xander throws himself into his work and rebuilds Sunnydale High School on it’s old site, complete with Hellmouth located securely beneath the Principal’s office.

Xander dallies with finding a new love but his heart still belongs to Anya and when she returns to the fold, human again and another apocalypse looming they find themselves having ‘closure sex’ all over again.  This time it really is the end for them though. The fight of their lives drawing closer and closer, Xander loses an eye to the First’s priest Caleb, but lives to see the final battle and the school destroyed again along with the whole of Sunnydale.