






Awards Won


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Categories are different this round so be sure to read them carefully.

Favorite Author of All Time:

                    This should be self-explanatory. The author no longer has to be in the fandom, however, you must have a current email address for them. If I can't contact the author I can't take the nomination. Some people leave fandom and are no longer interested in being nominated.


Favorite Author:

                    For this award the author must have written something in this fandom, in the last year. Be sure to completely fill out the nomination form because this award may be divided into several awards based on pairing, genre, etc. if it gets too large and I can't do that if I don't know what they write.


Favorite Fan Artist of All Time:

                    This can be any sort of fan art. Drawings, paintings, vidds, manips, graphics, icons, banners, etc. Like the Author of  All Time award, the person doesn't have to be involved any longer as long as I can still contact them.


Favorite Fan Artist:

                    For this award the artist must have posted something...somewhere in this fandom, in the last year. Be sure to completely fill out the nomination form so that I can fairly divide up the category if it gets too large.


Favorite BNF (Big Name Fan):

                This doesn't necessarily have to be an author. There are many people in fandom that deserve the title but don't write. I know this title has become a bad thing lately but it used to be positive and lets try to make it that way again. So, nominate that person that you think everyone in fandom has at least heard of before.


Favorite Site of All Time:

                Self Explanatory. The site should be at least three years old, and must still be active because I have to have something to link to for voting. This category will include LJ, Greatest Journal, etc. communities, as long as they are viewable by anyone. Nothing "Friends Only."


Favorite Site:

                Self Explanatory. There is no limit to how old, or new, the site must be, as long as it's active. This category will include LJ, Greatest Journal, etc. communities, as long as they are viewable by anyone. Nothing "Friends Only."


Favorite Site Owner/Mod:

                Nominate the site owners or mods that go above and beyond to make sure you have a nice, pleasant, high quality experience when you visit their sites.


Special Mention:

                Is there someone that you think should be recognized but I don't have a category for them? Nominate them here. Be sure to tell me why you think they deserve an award. This category will be not be voted on. It is  one of two categories that will be decided by the judges. They'll look at your nominees and your reasons for nominating and pick winners. How many will depend greatly on how many nominations we recieve.


Best Fic of All Time:

                You can't nominate in this category. This category will be compiled  the judges who have worked so long and hard to make sure we always award the best this fandom has to offer. This category will be open for voting though.


Judge's Choice:

                Again, you can't nominate in this category. The Judges will be choosing their favorites from the past winners. We, unfortunately don't have all of the winners so we will be choosing from the nine rounds  we still have. You can view them all here.


Special Mention (Shannon's Choice):

                There are some people without whom this site would have died years ago. Some are people who have written great fics and have won awards already. Many are people who recieve little or no attention for what they do, judges, nominators, and just people who have listened to me complain about the work, and problems with running this site. I'm going to use this special round to recognize those people as well.