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SavingAngel.org - Help with bandwidth costs

Update, 6/6: Thanks to the incredible generosity of so many of you, I've raised over 90% of the amount needed!

The costs for SavingAngel.org in March and April have exceeded my the budget that I had allocated for it as my contribution to the SavingAngel campaign efforts. We stated explicitly upfront that all web hosting and adminstrative costs would not be covered by the donations.

Currently we're already at 20.8 GB for the month.
Last month was 47.1 GB
For comparison, the previous month was 7.9 GB

My bill comes around the 15th, so I get half of the charges for each month with each bill. Last month I paid about $404.81, which, not great but I can deal.

This month the bill is $2439.94. I put it on a credit card, but I seriously cannot afford this.

I really, really hate to ask, but if anyone is willing to contribute toward these costs I would REALLY, REALLY appreciate it.

If you can contribute via PayPal, simply use "gia@everysixseconds.com" as the recipient's email. If you want to help but don't want to send funds via PayPal, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you so much!

Details as of 7/26:
April 15 bill:$2439.94
May 17 bill:363.07

Total Debt$2803.01
Still Needed$0.00!!