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spike/faith 'shipper: < ? ! >

...why we love faith

--Written by Faith Bowie

We love Faith, of course because she's wild and beautiful, but if you're not a Faith Fan, then you might not know all of the little things that help us identify with the girl that would be slayer. Let me share some of the reason's that I adore and identify with this tragic character:

Faith feels too much. You'll hear on every Yay! Buffy site out there that Faith has no feelings at all. Well, that's just not true, Faith feels too much that's why every bad thing that's happened to her has hit her mental state like a ton of bricks. It's the reason she weighted and dumped Alan's body, it's not because she was evil, it's because she was scared.

Faith is wild, fun and gorgeous, but a little reckless. When you don't fell you have anything left to live for, you can afford to play chicken with cop cars and pick fights in biker bars.

Her character is well thought out and developed, where as Faith is considered evil in the teenage world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, on the more mature and adult show Angel she was easily guided back from the brink of self destruction.

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