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- Bottom to Top: The Angel Episode Countdown
by Matt -10.06.04
[ mlee@blkswan.com ]

  And we continue the countdown...

Place fake excitement here.

#95 - Unleashed
[episode 5.3]

Introducing Busty Nina the Werewolf. Complete with scenes of her coming to grips with the beast inside her. If this sounds familiar, watch Buffy Season 2, 3 and 4. I liked this character the last time I saw her, when she was called Oz. Except Oz was laconic...and as we know, laconic is great TV. Nina, on the other hand, was rather bland and ended up being basically cannon fodder.

#94 - Supersymmetry
[episode 4.5]

Yes, most folks won't agree with this one, but as we see above, the author's name is eerily the same as mine. The professor was annoying, and Lilah gettin' all jealous...well, that wasn't so bad. If I recall, this was the school girl outfit episode. Hmmm...
Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah, Fred and Gunn break up. I would have been more upset had I cared.

#93 - The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco
[episode 5.6]

Aye Carumba! Nothing says "crap that we pieced together in 5 minutes on a Friday night at 2AM" more than Luchidors who fight evil. Sure there were funny lines, but there was also that whole cemetary scene, and the fact that the brothers wore those fucking masks all the time -- even to the bar. There's some lines you just don't cross, people, and one is concealing your identity whilst getting plastered.

#92 - The House Always Wins
[episode 4.3]

Green cocktail waitress Fred - hot - check. Angel losing his mind - always good - check. Lorne's choice of music - AHHHHH!!!!! What the hell? Lady Marmalede? He must have REALLY been held captive. Plus the on-location episodes never work quite right. It's an ages old fact.

#91 - The Trial
[episode 2.9]

Darla is dying, Angel is trying to save her. He's put to this "trial". He wins. The folks in charge of said trial do absolutely nothing to help. That's about it. Yep, we spent 42 minutes watching this, and received no pay off...except for the fact that Dru comes back and steals Darla with W&H at the end. But the "TRIAL" portion of the episode brought nothing. They could've killed her, punished her, killed him, punished him, gave her the cure, put them both on an episode of American Gladiators. SOMETHING. It ends, we get nothing because of some clause....and then, wham! (Not George Michael and that other guy)....Dru shows up. It would be a good twist if I hadn't already been pissed about the first 42 minutes.

Parts -> [3]   [2]   [1]
Check back for the next 5...coming soon!


FRANK JOHNSON: Good service
(29.09.2005, 05:03)

korn: is so good ifthe player when come to me
(18.07.2005, 14:13)

Atalanta: I liked The Trial.. thought it was one of the best episodes of season 2. Dru appearing at the end was heartbreaking.
(07.05.2005, 09:14)

Lurker: The Trial was one of the best episodes EVER!!! - so I sooo don't agree with that - the others are okay, only Cautionary tale has to be a lot lower
(03.04.2005, 09:42)

G Thing: "The Trial" is one of my favorites! How could you!?! That episode showed us a good side to Darla for the first time. So, I'm right there with jojo. "The House Always Wins" is also underrated.
(08.10.2004, 13:38)

Fat Tony: I'm with ya there Jo, loved them both. Except I think that the masks were funny, not stupid...like I said, MUCHA LUCHA!
(07.10.2004, 11:49)

jojo: I actually loved 'The Trial'. The last scene broke my heart and was one of the few Angel episodes that got me choked up. Acting was fabulous and the way Angel so willingly put his life on the line to give Darla a second chance was amazing to me. And I thought 'Numero Cinco' was one of the best eps of season 5. I don't think it got its due. The stupid masks notwithstanding, there were some great themes discussed. So, don't agree with those. Sorry, Matt! :P
(06.10.2004, 23:17)

Sarcastic Voice: I think the Schoolgirl outfit was actually in Apocalypse Nowish. Which makes Supersymmetry that much lamer...
(06.10.2004, 22:24)

KDawg: I always interpretted the second chance won at "The Trial" being the reason Connor was created. Connor was her second chance at life. They may not have thought that far ahead, but I like to think so.
(06.10.2004, 19:33)

Fat Tony: 2 words: Mucha Lucha. Nuff said.
(06.10.2004, 17:39)

10 of 11 comments (part 1) [ » ] [ * ]

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