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PM Update

An all-new Ask The Poobah is up. Don't forget to send in more questions for next week.

Kirsten sent in the summary for "You're Welcome". Check it out in the episode guide.

The Image Gallery has 3 images from "Why We Fight".

There are two new HMC recommended sites for the month of February.

News Bites has the episode description for "Why We Fight".

That's it for today. Long update day for me. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Friday. TONS of stuff today. Poobah will be here in the PM, so look for that. Let's hit it...

Otts sent in a parody (yes, you heard me)! The You're Welcome parody is up. Check it out.

Episode Quotes for "You're Welcome" are up. Thanks to Kirsten for sending them in.

A brand new Caritas Readings is up. Yes, Mike is actually alive as well.

What's with everyone finally starting to do their jobs around here? I'm in shock.

News Bites has....

- 3 articles on Angel's 100th.
- The "Why We Fight" Trailer.
- A huge column at E!Online about Angel (interviews and clips).
- An Alyson Hannigan interview.
- And David Fury posts about "You're Welcome".

ATTENTION North Carolina readers: The WB will re-broadcast the 100th episode of Angel, this Saturday at 9pm. WB chose to preempt Angel in favor of the NC State basketball game, with no warning to viewers or the local cable companies. Thanks to IslandVisions for passing that along.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM with more, including The Poobah.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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