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PM Update

Kirsten sent in summaries for "Shells" (5.16) and "Blood Money" (2.12). Check them out in the Angel episode guide.

By the way, the episode guide has gotten a little bit of an overhaul. Each show has an index section with season summary links, a brief synopsis of each series, and cast/crew lists. There will be a lot more changes happening on the site for the next few months. So look for new stuff every so often.

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Monday. Here we go again. Let's hit it...

News Bites has...

- An article on Michelle Tractenberg and "Eurotrip".
- A "Shells" Review.
- Vote for Angel in a Yahoo! TV Poll.
- Part 1 of CHUD.com's set visit to "The Grudge".
- FireflyMovie.com says that Ron Glass and Alan Tudyk will "very likely" be in "Serenity", but as of now they have to wait until their contracts run out with other projects.

There are two new HMC recommended sites for the month of March. Yes, I know I'm 8 days late on that.

A new "Quote of the Week" is up.

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM with more.

-> Last Week @ HMC
- Poobah answered why Joss loves our tears.
- Eric and Matt ranted about "Shells".
- Episode Quotes by Kirsten.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

:: Last Update -> Click Here