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PM Update

An all-new Ask The Poobah is up. After you're done reading it, send some questions in for next week.

The Buffy Season 6 Guide has been re-formatted. Check it out.

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Friday. The premiere of "Wonderfalls" airs tonight at 9PM on FOX. Before you watch the show, check out these galleries...

- Cast Gallery
- "Wax Lion" (1.1) Promo Images

News Bites has...

- A rapid-fire Interview with Julie Benz, Jonathan M. Woodward, David Fury, Mere Smith and James C. Leary.
- 2 articles on Wonderfalls.
- Angel crushed the competition in the save our show poll at E!Online.
- Michelle Tractenberg stars in "The Ice Princess".
- More on SMG on The Simpsons.
- An open letter to Joss Whedon.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

We're still looking for a Wonderfalls episode summary writer. We're desperate. If you're interested, email me.

That's it for now. Poobah should be up later today.

- Matt
- IT'S UPDATED! Check out my Blog

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