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Happy St. Patty's day!

It's Non-Angel Wednesday. But I'll tell you what, it must be National Wonderfalls day here at HMC, because almost everything I have has to do with the show. Let's hit it...

The Wonderfalls episode guide has been updated. I added quotes from "Wax Lion", and re-formatted the guide for it. Check that out.

There's a new Sunnydale Top 10. This week is "Top Ten Things I Learned from Wonderfalls", written by Aeryn. Take a look here.

Aeryn also sent in 2 new wallpapers.

News Bites has...

- An Open Letter from Tim Minear, pleading with us to watch Wonderfalls. You don't have to beg me. But everyone should read this HERE. (thanks to Mr. P)
- An article on networks not nurturing shows anymore. Well, duh.
- Photos of the "Save Angel" billboard truck. (thanks to Jojo)

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

A couple of notes:
- I hired someone to write the Wonderfalls summaries, but that person has not written back. So as far as I'm concerned, the job is still open to anyone at this point. Please feel free to send me a sample that I can look over by emailing me.

- There have been some technical problems with both the message board and the poll lately. We're aware of this, and are trying to fix the problems. Please be patient. It's frustrating for me too.

- Watch the ENCORE PRESENTATION of "Wax Lion" on FOX Thursday at 9PM! It immediately follows "Tru Calling"! Also watch "Karma Chameleon" at 9PM on FOX Friday! DO IT....pleeeease.

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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