5 . 0 6 . 0 4

Seriously, this is it. I mean it...

The RANT is up for "The Girl In Question". Check it out.

That's it for today. Whew, long day. See you tomorrow.

Hey, it's ANOTHER one...

A new (and kinda small) Hellmouth Ascension is up, written by Brittney Parker, sending her first article in this week and taking over the empty weeks of the HA changing it from a Bi-Weekly article to a weekly one. Britt's a little nicer than Tiff, for those wondering.

31 new pics of Nick Brendon at Cleveland SlayerCon are up in the image gallery. Thanks to Dusty. There's more pics from the con coming soon.

Upcoming Dates are updated.

Even MORE later. I'm on a roll and the entire left side of my face is numb!

A How-do-ya-do, I've got somethin' in my front pocket...

Poll time...

Last week we asked, "Oh SiT! Who was your favorite?" Results....

Kennedy - 24.8%
Amanda - 19.2%
Chao-Ahn - 18.8%
Vi - 10.5%
Other (comment) - 6.5%
Molly - 6.3%
Rona - 5.3%
Chloe - 4.6%
Eve - 2.6%
Annabelle - 1.4%

Total votes: 495

I'm a little shocked that Kennedy won. Amanda hits 2nd, and Chao-Ahn (who I thought would win it) comes in 3rd. What did you guys say? Let's see...

"I am shocked, SHOCKED. so far this poll is saying that there were some people that LIKED Kennedy?!?! I don't understand. My world is all messed up. Maybe, it is just that she is the only one that left a mark and so the only SIT that these people remember. I would vote for a random name before I would say Kennedy."
- Vidman

"Vi gets my vote. She was sweet, even though she was a total wuss. She accepted that she was a Potential although she didn't believe for one minute that she would be "the one", never thinking she'd be up to the task. But once all the potentials became Slayers, it was obvious that she WAS up to the task. (Re-watch the bus scene on the way out of Sunnydale.) Not only did she kick butt in the Hellmouth, she also kept it together as they fled. Plus, she didn't have to hook up with a Scoobie or have an episode of her own to make me care if she lived or died!"
- oheyhowdyo

"Where was the vote for none? So I went with other. Like the pod people from OTHER universes who inhabited the writers to make SiT's...hehehe"
- bufflover

"I vote "other". I thought that they were all forgettable. The Asian SiT, I guess was called Chao-Ahn, was only remembered due to Giles' cartoon explanations, which were a riot, and Kennedy, well Kennedy IMO didn't deserve to lick Willow's boots (or whatever else she was licking)."
- Jrzlee

"How about NONE!!! The SIT's should have all died!"
- Buffygirl

"I can't believe that Kennedy is in first place right now. She was completely obnoxious and annoying everytime she was in a scene. I can't stand her and my opinion of Willow decreased greatly when they started dating."
- Ronda

"I voted for Vi because she was the quirky one and reminded me of Willow, esp with the red hair. Plus the actress is a friend of a friend's cousin and I got to meet her so ultra cool. Chao-Ahn would have been a close second though, and Kennedy, nyuck I can't believe that she is in the lead right now. Didn't like Kennedy at all."
- Liz

"I went with Chao-Ahn. She wasn't there long enough to annoy me. She didn't speak English so she couldn't annoy me. And she thought Giles was a little odd, which didn't annoy me."
- Kirsten

"Since I believe Kennedy should have been made to have sex with Riley and both summarily executed, I went with Molly. She was kind, brave, funny, had lovely bubbies, and was a hottie. Plus, she liked a "strong drink." You gotta respect a hot drunk chick who could kill you."

"They were all bloody useless.....so I voted OTHER.......:-P"
- Nora

"Amanda was kick ass! She had the most potential. She kicked the crap outta those vamps in Potential like it was no thing. No advanced training. She had the skills to turn into a really powerful slayer and a force to be rekoned with. She was my choice to be the next Slayer, if Willow had not have done the spell."
- mrsmarsters

"I never really liked the SITs which is one of the reasons I couldn't really get into S7."
- angelparis

"I voted Chao-Ahn for 3 simple reasons. 1) She was funny. 2) She didn't hog precious screen time with whining. 3) She's lactose intolerant like me. :-)"
- *glow*

"Remember that girl that died at the begining of Beneath You? I liked her hair. She had cool hair."
- milesfrom730

"'Why, are the flashcard monsters attacking?!'
'There's a girl outside doing gymnastics'
'I'm allergic to dairy...I'm very uncomfortable...'
You guessed it...Chao-Ahn!"
- fat tony

"I hated them all. I can't even remember which one was which - except for Kennedy, and that's only because of her relationship with Willow."
- Rogue

"Amanda. She had BALLS! :)"
- Selz

"I voted for Amanda solely because I knew I didn't like Kennedy, Rona, or Vi. I can't even remember who Amanda is. They are all so blurred in my mind (thank goodness; otherwise I might be more angry)."
- WB

"Other as in DAWN. She shoulda been a contender instead of a left over plot device which is what she was. She was the only major KEY player with true potential that was turly never developed properly."
- wretch

There were so many more comments. This page would've been gigantic had I listed them all. Anyway, good comments folks.

The new poll is up. Go vote.

I'll be back with even more throughout the day.

Morning Stuff

It's Thursday. I'm in a big rush to get out the door (dentist appointment), so this is gonna be as quick as possible. Tons of stuff coming when I get back (including poll day, Nick Brendon con pics, and the rant).

Kirsten sent in the episode quotes for "The Girl In Question". Check those out.

Regretz sent in 5 new wallpapers.

News Bites...

- Gina Torres will voice Vixen in Cartoon Network's "Justice League Unlimited".
- Steven DeKnight posts about last night's episode.
- The street date for the Angel Season 4 DVD has been announced - September 9, 2004.

Upcoming Episodes are updated (kind of).

That's it for now. Like I said, tons more coming...just didn't have enough time right now.

Sign Up for Hellhound Con 2004. I will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)

Save Angel Campaigns
- SavingAngel.org
- SaveAngel.org
- RenewAngel.com

- Matt

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