In The Year of Our Joss
June 20, 2004

Sunday Poo

Here we go again...

An all-new Ask The Poobah is up and ready for your viewing pleasure. Check it out, and when you're done, send me some questions for next week.

Regretz sent in 3 new Wallpapers.

News Bites...

- Andy Hallett is unable to attend tomorrow's Slayerfest con due to his continuing health issues.
- Nathan Fillion updates us all on how Serenity is going in the weblog.
- An Angel rant (very good one, which talks about how Angel was the only WB series to gain a larger audience last season).

That's it for today. See you on Monday.

In 5 Days...Hell will never be the same.

Remember: Email me at

NEW DEAL: Buy a ticket for Hellhound Con and receive a FREE VCD of any panel at the con of your choosing!

Sign Up for Hellhound Con 2004! TICKETS are ON SALE NOW! :)

- Matt

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