Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All of the materials borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and to the entities and companies associated with their creation. I have borrowed them for creative and entertainment purposes only. No compensation has been or ever shall be received for the writing below. No copyright infringement is intended. My Website: /www.geocities.com/dragonwriter17/ Feedback: Yes, but only if it’s of the non-flamey variety: DragonWriter17@aol.com Distribution: Mystic Muse and my personal site above. (If you are interested in posting this on your site, please contact me first for permission.) Spoilers: All seven seasons of BtVS, but especially Seasons 6 and 7. Pairings: Willow/Kennedy, Willow/Other (Sara) Author’s Notes: (1) This story is in screenplay format, not in fiction format. It is the first of a series of screenplays intended to reunite Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson in several spin-off TV movies that focus on the character of Willow. However, they feature a new character for Amber Benson: Sara. (2) Since the Willow and Sara Series is designed to be a true spin-off, it does employ only canon background material. Number of Chapters: 7 acts Complete: Yes Summary: Two years ago, Willow lost the love of her life to a stray bullet that was meant for someone else. She's recovered from her loss and even moved on to a new relationship. Then a chance encounter brings her face-to-face with a stranger who looks exactly like her dead girlfriend. What does she do? This is the situation in which Willow Rosenberg, best friend of Buffy, finds herself. It’s been a year since Sunnydale bit the dust, taking the Hellmouth with it. But the danger is far from over--as Willow discovers in her new life with a new job in a new city, all without her best friends Buffy and Xander conveniently nearby. A computer geek by day and a warrior witch by night, Willow leads the crusade against the local forces of darkness. Aiding Willow in her fight are Kennedy, her current girlfriend and now a bonafide Slayer; Andrew, a former member of the Evil Trio, now reformed; and Ruby, a psychic advisor whose gift of Sight is very real. The battle against evil isn’t the most difficult aspect of Willow’s life, however. The hardest part is deciding what to do about her budding friendship with (and growing attraction to) Sara, her beloved Tara’s look-alike. By the end of the movie, Willow will be forced to choose in a way she never expected. ACT ONE ACT TWO ACT THREE ACT FOUR |
ACT FOUR INT. DANA’S HOUSE – DANA’S BEDROOM – RESUME Smoke is everywhere. Willow and Dana are coughing and waving their hands in the air trying to clear out the smoke. Dana goes to the window and opens it. Suddenly, they hear hard knocks on the bedroom door. INTERCUT – HALLWAY/DANA’S BEDROOM Thessaly is in the hallway outside Dana’s bedroom, and she’s mad.
THESSALY Back in the bedroom, Willow and Dana look panicked. They scoop the ritual items back into the bag desperately.
DANA Back in the hall, Thessaly puts her hands on her hips and yells through the door.
THESSALY Back in the bedroom, Dana runs to get the door while Willow moves to the computer. Dana opens the door, and Thessaly comes rushing in. INT. DANA’S HOUSE – DANA’S BEDROOM – RESUME
THESSALY Willow stands up from behind the desk. She’s holding a mother board of some kind and a soldering iron that is still smoking.
WILLOW Thessaly glares at Willow, then turns her eyes to Dana.
DANA Thessaly leaves the room, and Willow and Dana heave a sigh of relief.
DANA INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - NIGHT Willow arrives at home, goes into the study, and dumps her stuff. She goes to the answering machine and punches the button. While machine plays back, Willow enters research mode: boots up her computer, gathers books, etc.
BUFFY (V.O.) Willow starts researching what was revealed in the spell at Dana’s. Willow is working so hard, she does not notice Thessaly’s face in the window of the study. Thessaly narrows her eyes and smiles, a plan forming in her mind. INT. WILLOW’S OFFICE – DAY Willow continues her research on what Thessaly might be. She scans through a Demon web site. The phone rings.
WILLOW Willow hangs up and returns to her screen. She lets out a deep sigh, then looks over at her Sara research, seeing in particular the street map for Orange Sands. Willow picks it up and then puts on her “deep thinking” look. EXT. THE MEEKS HOUSE – DAY Willow drives up to the doctor’s house and gets out. She finds DR. ABRAHAM MEEKS sitting on his porch relaxing.
WILLOW Dr. Meeks reacts to the birth certificate at first, but only for a second, then he quickly recovers his composure.
WILLOW Willow stops, waiting for the doctor to cave, but he is not convinced and remains silent.
WILLOW Dr. Meeks looks up in recognition at the name.
WILLOW Dr. Meeks is moved by this new information. He debates the issue in his mind, then finally resigns himself to telling the story.
DR. MEEKS INT. THE MEEKS HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY Dr. Meeks leads Willow to a sitting area. After they sit, Dr. Meeks resumes the conversation.
DR. MEEKS INT. SAFE HARBOR SHELTER - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) YOUNG DR. MEEKS enters the front room of the shelter carrying his medical kit. He’s soaking wet, and he pulls off his rain coat and lays it aside. Lightning flashes outside the window, and a crack of thunder quickly follows.
YOUNG DR. MEEKS Young Dr. Meeks suddenly hears a woman screaming from the back room. He rushes towards the screams and enters the back room. MARION is assisting an extremely pregnant woman, ADELLA, who is in full labor.
YOUNG DR. MEEKS Adella is racked with pain and can only nod in response. Young Dr. Meeks goes to check on Adella, then she is hit with powerful contractions and screams in agony.
YOUNG DR. MEEKS Adella screams and leans up, pushing with all her might. INT. THE MEEKS HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY - RESUME Back in the present, Willow is spellbound as Dr. Meeks continues his story.
DR. MEEKS INT. SAFE HARBOR SHELTER - NIGHT (FLASHBACK CONTINUED) Adella is sleeping, exhausted from giving birth. Young Dr. Meeks and Marion are standing over the crib in which little Sara and Tara are resting. The peace of the moment is broken when banging and yelling is heard outside the shelter.
MR. MACLAY (O.S.) Adella wakes with a terrified look on her face. Marion immediately goes to Adella’s side.
MARION When Marion starts for the phone, Adella grabs her arm to stop her.
ADELLA Adella struggles to her feet. She goes to the crib. She picks up Sara and holds her close and kisses her head. Anguished, she hands Sara to Marion. Then she picks up Tara and bundles her up, then throws the baby bag over her shoulder. She turns and faces the speechless Marion and Young Dr. Meeks. Marion starts to speak, but Adella cuts her off with a gesture.
MR. MACLAY (O.S.) Adella closes her eyes in pain, then turns and drags herself out of the room. INT. THE MEEKS HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - DAY - RESUME Willow just stares at Dr. Meeks, trying to absorb what he has said.
DR. MEEKS After a long moment of shock, Willow pulls out a photograph and shows it to the doctor. It is of Tara and her mother. Dr. Meeks looks at the photograph then shows surprise on his face.
DR. MEEKS Willow contemplates the doctor’s statement. She has a troubled look on her face. EXT. ELLIE’S RESTAURANT - NIGHT Willow meets Sara after work. Willow is dressed casually fem. Sara is dressed as before, jeans and casual shirt.
SARA Willow wonders what Sara means. EXT. THE FAIR – THE TILT-A-WHIRL - NIGHT Willow and Sara are riding the Tilt-A-Whirl. They are whirling around and around, laughing, having a good ole time. When they exit the ride, Willow is still laughing, but she holds her stomach like she’s a little ill.
hoops at long-necked bottles, neither of them scoring EXT. THE FAIR – THE WATER-GUN GAME - NIGHT Willow and Sara are squaring off against several little kids at the water gun game. The bell sounds, and they start squirting their water guns at the clown-mouth targets. The gauges start lifting. Sara gets hers to the top, but no bell. Then the bell sounds, and the attendant hands a prize to one of the little kids. Sara is in genuine shock. Willow has to practically drag her away before she protests.
SARA EXT. THE FAIR – THE TEST-YOUR-STRENGTH GAME - NIGHT Willow and Sara pass by the Test-Your-Strength Game (the Ring-the-Bell-with-the-Sledgehammer game). They see the attendant holding a huge stuffed panda bear, calling out to the crowd for takers while a YOUNG MAN gets ready to take his turn. The young man’s two guy pals watch on in amusement. Willow grins.
WILLOW Sara gives Willow a “Yeah right” look. Willow and Sara watch as the young man takes his turn and barely passes the “wimp” marking on the gauge.
PAL #1
YOUNG MAN While the guys tease one another about their utter failures, Willow walks boldly up to the attendant.
PAL #2 Willow cheerfully hands over her money to the attendant.
WILLOW Willow takes the hammer from the attendant and immediately drops it because it’s so heavy. Some three guys start laughing. Willow gets a very determined look on her face, then smirks to herself. She casts a little spell, then suddenly yanks up the hammer, swings it in a mighty whack, and rings the bell. She smiles proudly as she stands the hammer up next to the pad. She turns around to find everyone slack-jawed and staring at her in utter disbelief, even the attendant. She smugly dusts off her hands and swaggers over to the attendant. She plucks the panda from the attendant’s hands.
WILLOW Willow hands the panda to a shocked Sara, then leads her out of the gaming area. EXT. THE FAIR – THE FOOD AREA - NIGHT Willow and Sara are seated at a picnic bench with drinks. The panda sits on one side of the table. Willow and Sara are sitting together on the other side of the table, very close, looking at pictures that Willow has brought with her. Sara is holding the stack of pictures. The picture currently on top is of a happily smiling Tara. This is the same picture that Willow looked at before going out with Sara for the first time.
SARA Sara puts that picture on the bottom of the stack and looks at the next one. It shows Willow and Tara being the happy couple. Xander and Buffy are visible in the background.
WILLOW Sara turns to the next picture in the stack. It is of Tara by herself, smiling sweetly but shyly, in her college dorm room.
WILLOW Sara turns to the next picture in the stack. It is of Tara, in bed, clearly naked under the sheets, giving Willow a “don’t you dare take that picture” look.
SARA Willow makes a strangled sound then snatches that picture out of the stack, very embarrassed.
WILLOW Sara smirks at Willow’s obvious embarrassment, but turns her eyes toward the new picture. It is of Tara at seventeen, with her mother, shortly before her death. This is the same photo that Willow showed to Dr. Meeks. Sara stares at it intently as if it looks familiar to her. A roving fair PHOTOGRAPHER with a Polaroid camera interrupts their perusal of the picture.
PHOTOGRAPHER Willow and Sara look at each other and shrug.
WILLOW Willow and Sara turn around on the bench to face the photographer, who is positioning himself and getting his camera ready.
PHOTOGRAPHER Willow and Sara move closer and hug and smile. The photographer is about to snap the picture.
SARA The photographer stops while Sara jumps up and retrieves the panda. She returns to her seat. Willow and Sara hold the panda between them, then hug and smile again. The photographer snaps the picture, waits for the photo to eject, then pulls it out and waves it in the air to dry it.
PHOTOGRAPHER Willow stands, looks in her bag, and takes out the cash and gives it to him. He gives the photo a final wave then looks at it. The photographer hands the photo to Willow.
PHOTOGRAPHER Willow smiles an uncomfortable smile then looks at the photo. Willow shrugs sheepishly, then hands the picture to Sara. Sara looks at the picture then at Willow.
SARA EXT. THE FAIR – THE FARRIS WHEEL - NIGHT Willow and Sara are on the midway near the Farris Wheel.
SARA Sara grabs Willow by the hand and pulls her to the Farris Wheel entrance. She hands the panda to the operator and then drags Willow into a car before she can object. Once inside the car, Willow is unable to speak. She merely makes pathetic sounds of fright. She grips the bar with white-knuckled intensity. When the car starts to move, Willow moans “Oh god” repeatedly and closes her eyes. Sara just laughs and enjoys the ride.
SARA On the last pass, the operator stops the wheel so that Willow and Sara are stuck on top. The car swings a bit then stops.
SARA Willow reluctantly opens her eyes.
SARA Sara moves right next to her, puts her arm on Willow’s back.
SARA Willow looks at her like she’s crazy. Then Sara takes Willow’s nearest hand and helps her release it. Willow grips Sara’s hand fiercely.
SARA Sara motions with her head. Willow takes in the view, keeping a firm grip on Sara’s hand, though. The view is of the water nearby and the tree line in the distance; there’s a nearly-full moon bright in the sky.
WILLOW Willow smiles and turns her head to look at Sara, who happens to be very close.
SARA Sara moves her face close to Willow’s, intending to kiss her. Willow closes her eyes, lets Sara get almost there, then she stops her.
WILLOW Sara pulls away, confused. Before the conversation can go any further, the Farris Wheel starts back up. Willow yelps and returns to her original position: eyes closed, both fists firmly on the bar in front of her. When they get off the Farris Wheel, Willow shoots out of the place at a very quick pace, wanting to get as far away as possible from the Farris Wheel and from what has just happened between her and Sara. Sara grabs the panda from the operator and then literally has to run to catch up with Willow.
SARA Sara stops Willow, who looks a little out of sorts.
SARA While Sara babbles, trying to explain herself, Willow’s face changes from stricken to helplessly amused. Sara finally notices Willow smirking at her.
WILLOW EXT. STREET NEAR WILLOW’S HOUSE – NIGHT Willow and Sara are coming back from their visit to the fair. Sara is happily carrying the Panda. They are turning the corner with Willow in the lead.
WILLOW As they finish turning the corner, Willow sees Thessaly standing there. Willow stops abruptly, making Sara bump into her.
SARA Sara peeks around Willow and sees Thessaly. Sara takes one look at Thessaly and realizes something bad is going down.
THESSALY Thessaly attacks Willow with some kind of energy burst. Willow is able to partially shield herself and Sara from the blast. Willow takes the brunt of it, though, and is knocked back against a parked car. Sara just gets blown to the side sort of, and she drops the panda. When Sara sees Willow down beside the car, she runs to help Willow. Willow rises, then motions towards Sara, putting a protective shield around her.
WILLOW Willow motions towards Sara again, pushing her, shield and all, back out of the way and not letting her come closer. Then Willow turns to face Thessaly, who’s waiting on her.
WILLOW Thessaly just smiles then attacks again. Thessaly and Willow fight, both magically and physically, while Sara watches helplessly in terror. Thessaly gets a really good lick in, sending Willow flying again, and she’s down on the ground.
THESSALY Willow gets up, but isn’t showing her face.
WILLOW Willow now lifts her face, revealing that her eyes have gone red and glowing. Willow attacks Thessaly and basically kicks her ass, so much so that Thessaly is forced to flee. Willow stands, red-eyed and crackling with power and panting with exertion. She watches Thessaly run away. Willow loses the red eyes and “crackles down” then turns back to Sara, who is positively freaking.
WILLOW Willow waves her hand and releases Sara from her protective shield. Sara falls forward slightly as the shield is lifted. Willow moves toward Sara and reaches for her, but Sara wards her off.
WILLOW Sara is not reassured at all. She turns and runs away. Willow follows.
WILLOW Willow catches up to Sara and grabs her by the arm.
WILLOW Sara whips around, jerking her arm out of Willow’s grip.
SARA With those words, Sara blasts Willow with her own energy burst. Willow is totally not expecting this and isn’t able to shield herself. Willow is thrown against a wall and knocked unconscious. She falls to the pavement in a heap. Sara is completely shocked by what she has done.
SARA Sara rushes over to Willow. She reaches out to touch her but pulls back, afraid of inflicting further harm. Then she sees that Willow isn’t moving.
SARA Sara really freaks now, running away from the scene, leaving Willow all alone. |
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