Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: All of the materials borrowed from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and to the entities and companies associated with their creation. I have borrowed them for creative and entertainment purposes only. No compensation has been or ever shall be received for the writing below. No copyright infringement is intended. My Website: /www.geocities.com/dragonwriter17/ Feedback: Yes, but only if it’s of the non-flamey variety: DragonWriter17@aol.com Distribution: Mystic Muse and my personal site above. (If you are interested in posting this on your site, please contact me first for permission.) Spoilers: All seven seasons of BtVS, but especially Seasons 6 and 7. Pairings: Willow/Other (Sara) Author’s Notes: (1) This story is in screenplay format, not in fiction format. It is the second of a series of screenplays intended to reunite Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson in several spin-off TV movies that focus on the character of Willow. However, they feature a new character for Amber Benson: Sara. (2) Since the Willow and Sara Series is designed to be a true spin-off, it does employ only canon background material. (3) Shattered Illusions should be read first. Number of Chapters: 7 acts Complete: Yes Summary: Willow and Sara are a month into their new relationship. All is going well--until Wai-Yi, a powerful warlock from China, comes calling. He has come halfway around the world for one thing and one thing only: Willow. But not the good Willow we all know and love. No, he wants Evil Willow. And he’s willing to do anything to get her, including raising Warren from the dead and enlisting his aid in the project. Gifted with powers from Wai-Yi, Warren begins a campaign of terror designed to push Willow over the edge. When Warren fails, Wai-Yi takes matters into his own hands. He succeeds in bringing out Evil Willow, but in the process, he gets more than he expected. Sara ends up being the only thing standing between Evil Willow and the world. ACT ONE ACT TWO ACT THREE ACT FOUR
ACT FOUR EXT. AN ALLEY BETWEEN SOME WAREHOUSES - NIGHT Willow awakens slowly. She is lying face down in the alley. She groans and pushes herself up to a kneeling position. She sways and puts her hand to her head, ouching when she touches it. She looks around, but Warren is nowhere to be found. Willow drags herself to her feet. She holds her arms close to her body and starts to limp away. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Ruby and Andrew are on the couch, pouring over books. They hear the door and jump in fright. Then they see that it’s Willow. Willow grimaces as she enters, clearly hurt. Ruby goes to Willow’s side. She helps Willow to a chair then seats herself on the couch. RUBY ANDREW WILLOW Ruby and Andrew exchange worried looks. Willow sees the exchange, then realizes Sara isn’t there. WILLOW Andrew and Ruby don’t respond. Willow jumps to her feet, frightened and furious, suddenly beyond the pain. WILLOW INT. SEEDY WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Sara’s head is down. Her arms are raised above her head because she is strung up by a long rope, binding her wrists together. A hand reaches up and grabs Sara’s hair, using it to pull her head back, revealing her face. Sara is out of it. Her face is bruised and bleeding and eerily illuminated by a blinking yellow light outside the warehouse. The hand begins patting Sara’s cheek. WARREN (O.S.) She starts to rouse. While prying open her eyes, she finds her feet and somehow manages to stand, taking the pressure off her wrists a little. SARA She opens her eyes fully. She sees Warren in front of her. WARREN Warren grabs Sara’s face roughly. WARREN Sara’s face is anguished. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Willow looks distraught as she stares at Ruby and Andrew in disbelief. WILLOW RUBY ANDREW WILLOW RUBY WILLOW ANDREW WILLOW ANDREW RUBY WILLOW Willow puts her hand across her forehead, clearly at her wit’s end. WILLOW RUBY WILLOW Willow picks up the doll’s eye crystal and holds it in her lap as she sits on the floor and takes her meditative stance. She takes a deep breath and begins to concentrate. INT. SEEDY WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Warren continues to taunt Sara, sauntering around her.
WARREN Tears are streaming down Sara’s face. She looks at Warren. SARA WARREN Warren moves in closer and closer, practically punching Sara with his words. WARREN Warren gets right in Sara’s face. WARREN Warren flashes a big gun next to her face. Sara looks on in terror. INT. WILLOW’S HOUSE - THE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Willow is on the floor in meditation mode. She is concentrating very hard, sweat shining on her forehead. WILLOW Willow suddenly jerks and bends over in pain and screams. WILLOW INT. SEEDY WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Sara has been cut down and is now on the floor with Warren straddling her leg. She is screaming and struggling with him. Her shirt is already half ripped off her body. Warren suddenly turns to his left, as if someone has just interrupted him. He stares hard at whoever is there. Sara is still struggling, uselessly. WARREN Warren turns back to Sara and backhands her across the face. She moans once and stops moving. Warren stands and faces the person he’s addressing. Wai-Yi is standing there watching, waiting, looking slightly annoyed. EXT. STREETS IN THE WAREHOUSE DISTRICT - NIGHT Willow, Andrew, and Ruby are racing in a car in the warehouse district. Ruby is driving while Willow concentrates. Andrew is in the back, trying to hang on. They are on a street that parallels the river. Willow sees yellow construction lights. WILLOW Ruby jerks the steering wheel like an experienced race driver, tires screeching on the pavement, changing her direction abruptly to head where Willow is pointing. Andrew is being bounced all around in the back. ANDREW Andrew jerks once, then twice, then bobbles in place as the car scrapes to a halt in front of the warehouses Willow saw. Ruby leans over the seat and looks back at Andrew. RUBY ANDREW While Ruby and Andrew are trading jibes, Willow jumps out of the car and looks at the warehouses. Andrew and Ruby join her. WILLOW INT. SEEDY WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Warren continues to complain to Wai-Yi. WARREN Wai-Yi scowls at Warren. Sara blinks her eyes and comes to. She turns toward Warren and Wai-Yi and groggily tries to focus. WAI-YI WARREN WAI-YI Wai-Yi fades away. Warren narrows his eyes, angry again. He turns his gaze back to Sara. She has her eyes open, and she’s leaning up on her elbow. Her eyes widen in fear as Warren walks to her and stands over her. WARREN Warren squats beside Sara and reaches out for her, but before he can touch her, he is blasted away into the wall. WILLOW Warren gets up, wiping blood from his lip, grinning. WARREN Warren and Willow go into another furious fight. Punches, blows, energy bolts are going everywhere. Machinery, windows, doors are getting trashed big time. Sara struggles to her knees and watches, helpless to aid Willow in any way. Like before, Willow begins to tire. She is deliberately not accessing black magic, even though she knows she can. Warren smacks her good, and she is much slower to recover. WARREN WILLOW WARREN Warren punches Willow several more times, and she can do little about it. Sara cries out for Willow. Warren turns around and grins at Sara, who tries to stand but can’t. Warren returns to Willow and grabs her by the throat like he did before and lifts her off the ground. WARREN Warren tosses Willow halfway across the room. Willow is now between Warren and Sara, but to the side. SARA Sara tries to crawl toward Willow. Warren gets to Willow first. He is several feet away from both Willow and Sara. Willow struggles to her feet, leaning against the wall for support. Warren pulls out his gun and points it at Sara. Wai-Yi rematerializes and watches, unseen. WILLOW WARREN Warren turns back toward Sara and makes careful aim, while Sara looks on in terror. WILLOW SLOW MOTION SEQUENCE -- Warren squeezes the trigger. RESUME NORMAL SPEED SARA/WARREN/WAI-YI Sara crawls desperately to Willow’s side, sobbing with grief. Warren freaks, knowing that he has screwed up. He dashes out of the warehouse. Wai-Yi looks on in horror at the dying Willow, then rage fills his face. He turns toward the door, where Warren has just exited, then he dematerializes. EXT. SEEDY WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Having been drawn by the sounds of Willow and Warren’s big fight, Andrew and Ruby are moving toward the warehouse. Their pace is hampered by Andrew’s condition. Suddenly, they run into Warren, who is desperately trying to flee. Warren backs away from them and then turns to go in another direction, only to run directly into Wai-Yi, who immediately grabs him by the throat, lifting him off the ground. Andrew and Ruby watch in terror. WARREN WAI-YI Wai-Yi starts electrifying Warren with some kind of energy, and Warren screams in agony as they dematerialize. Andrew and Ruby are frozen momentarily, then they return to hobbling toward the warehouse. INT. SEEDY WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Sara has her hand on Willow’s wound, trying in vain to stop the bleeding. SARA Willow is still breathing, but raggedly. Every word is a struggle. WILLOW SARA WILLOW SARA Willow reaches up and touches Sara’s face. WILLOW Sara holds Willow’s hand more firmly to her face. SARA WILLOW Willow’s eyes close, and Sara feels Willow’s hand go limp. Sara cries hard now, letting Willow’s hand drop to the floor. Sara shakes her head, slowly then violently. She throws her head back and screams from her soul. SARA When her scream stops, Sara gets an insane look of resolve on her face. She puts her hands on Willow’s chest. A huge white energy bursts out of Sara’s hands and into Willow’s body. The energy is flowing from everywhere in Sara. It floods to her arms and down to her hands and then into Willow. Sara keeps pouring the energy into Willow for what seems like an eternity. The energy starts to dwindle. When it finally ceases, Sara collapses on the floor beside Willow. Willow breathes in a huge gasp of air and comes back to life. She breathes hard for a minute before she can sit up. She reaches for her chest, pulls her shirt back, and sees a now-healed wound. She turns and sees Sara beside her. WILLOW Willow touches Sara’s face, then feels for a pulse in her neck. WILLOW
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