Title: The First Time (7/9)
Author: Liz

(notes and disclaimer with part one)

"I'm sorry, d-did you say…" Expecting Buffy to ask him if they could take things slowly, Giles had a hard time believing his ears.

"Take me to bed? Yes, please." Buffy grinned, adoring the look of astonished hope on her Watcher's face.

"Buffy, a-are you quite…"

"Sure? Yes, please. And not that I don't love your cute, British stammer, but you don't have to be so shocked. I want this," she assured him. "I want you."

Those were definitely the magic words if he'd ever heard any. He stood, holding Buffy to him, and she circled her legs around his waist. He had to stop halfway up the steps, however, as the effect of her words and the feeling of her warm breath against his throat was making his knees entirely too weak to carry the both of them upstairs. She slid down his front and trailed a finger over his chest. "You'll just have to catch me, then," she teased. "And I'd hate for you to be too slow. I might already be naked when you get there."

"A poorer incentive to hurry, I've never heard."

But his actions belied his words as he eagerly chased her up the remainder of the steps. Good lord, she was actually giggling! He quickly caught up to her and playfully backed her against his bedroom wall. He twined his fingers in her hair, covering her mouth and neck with kisses as he asked her, "Not that I mind, of course, but why did you wish to be up here?"

"I know it's not… oooh…" His mouth was making coherent speech fairly difficult, but the answer itself was simple. "I know it's not our first time, really," she said. "But I want to do this right for a change instead of just jumping on your lap and…" Giles noticed her stiffen and paused, understanding. He gazed at her intently and saw tears beginning to fill her eyes.

"Buffy, please don't cry," he soothed. "I said at the time that I understood perfectly, and I did. I'll admit there were times when it felt like torture, only because I couldn't hold you and tell you how much you mean to me, but believe this. I love you."

If he'd meant to stop her from crying, Giles failed miserably at his task, but the tears that fell had nothing to do with sadness or regret. Buffy threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly, never wanting to let go. "God, I hope you know what that means to me, Giles," she sniffled. "What you mean to me." She was still afraid to say the words, but she finally knew her heart. She loved him too.

He kissed away her tears, tenderness melting into passion as she reciprocated, wanting to show him what she couldn't yet say. She pushed off from the wall, backing him towards the bed. He sat, expecting her to join him, but she took a step back and grinned. She pulled out a bobby pin, shook her head, and her hair cascaded around her shoulders like spun gold. At Giles' sharp intake of breath, she surmised it had the desired effect and giggled. "I saw a lawyer do that on TV once. Always wanted to try it."

"Clearly, I haven't been watching enough law dramas."

"Nah, you wouldn't like it," she teased. "The girls are always wearing these tiny little skirts that leave, like, nothing to the imagination."

"I see. Not at all like someone I knew at Sunnydale High."

"Why, Mister Giles, I had no idea you noticed. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Yes, I'm sure that would have been a rousing success," he answered, a bemused look of 'duh' plain on his face. "I can just see it now. Dirty old librarian lusting after his charge while she flits about in the merest suggestion of clothing… her skin glistening with sweat as she trains with him late at night, knocking him to the mat with a well-placed blow and…" he blushed, realizing he'd slipped firmly into one of his long-buried fantasies. "Er, I believe you were seducing me?"

"Yes, and I was doing a damn fine job of it too. Now if you're ready to pay attention?"

"Yes, ma'am," he saluted, eagerly awaiting the rest of her demonstration.

With a wink, she turned her back to him and pulled her hair to the side. Her fingers found the zipper at the top of her dress, but she stopped at a sound from him. She looked over her shoulder and saw his clear look of longing. "Did you wanna help?" she offered.

She didn't have to ask twice; he was off the bed in an instant. She held her hair out of the way, and he took the zipper in his hand. Pulling it slowly, he kissed every inch of her back as it was revealed to him. Then he slid the dress gently off her shoulders, letting it pool at her feet as he ran his fingers down her bare arms. She shivered despite the warmth of the room and leaned back, letting him fold her in his arms. "You've got goosebumps, love," he whispered.

"For which I hold you completely responsible," she murmured over her shoulder.

"Oh, I don't know," he said as he kissed her cheek, "I think you've got a little something to do with it."

She turned in his arms, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "Oh, I'll show you 'a little something'," she challenged and began working on his remaining buttons. She peeled his shirt back, sending it to the floor to join her dress, and her eyes swept hungrily across his chest.

"So what do you plan to show me?" he teased. Buffy planted a hand on his shoulder and seated him on the bed. "I believe I was showing you that… I mean, I think I was… you know what? I forget." She pushed him, smiling as he fell backwards. "Yummy Giles. Want more."

He laughed as she grabbed his foot, slipping his shoe off and tossing it over her shoulder. She did the same with his other shoe, then his socks, and then she thoroughly surprised him by deciding that the next step in her sexy seduction would be to tickle the hell out of his feet. He yelped, writhing on the bed and begging for mercy until she finally relented. She reached for his foot again, but he jerked it away, instantly wary of a second attack. "Hush, Giles," she shooshed him. "I won't do it again. At least, not right now. Just give me the foot, and nobody gets hurt."

"So says the woman with Slayer strength," he stalled, waiting for his desperate laughter to subside. "Very well, my lady. I entrust myself to your hands." Buffy began massaging his arch, watching the look of utter joy spread across his face. "Oh, God, Buffy… that feels so good."

"Wow, then I've been going about this 'turning you on' thing all wrong," she joked as she rubbed just above his ankle. "If I'd known this was all it took to get you hot and bothered…"

His arched eyebrow was the only answer he gave, luxuriating in the feel of her strong, soft hands, and she delighted at every gasp and moan that fell from his lips.

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