Title: The First Time (8/9)
Author: Liz

(notes and disclaimer with part one)

"Not falling asleep on me there, are you?"


"Good answer, Giles. Very convincing." She tried her best stern voice, but her playful intent was clear. She'd meant to relax him, and she'd definitely succeeded. Of course, thoroughly melting him hadn't been part of the original plan. "Well, then," she offered casually, "I guess I'll just have to get naked by myself."

Giles bolted upright, nearly knocking heads with Buffy in his haste to show her just how alert he was. He blushed, which without his shirt on, Buffy could see extended all the way down to his chest, and he sighed. "Aren't we quite the sexy pair this evening?"

"I don't know," she disagreed. "I thought we were doing a pretty good job of it. At least, until I decided to turn you into a gooey puddle."

"Well, I'll concede that you have amazingly talented hands," he said, taking them in his own. He turned them over and kissed her palms. "Let's see if we can find something else for them to do, shall we?"

"Ooh, I know!" She brightened eagerly, pushing him down again and straddling his hips. She leaned into his neck, grazing it with her teeth, and once again she felt his immediate appreciation. "Should I be worried that my Watcher likes to be bitten?" He opened his mouth to answer, but as her tongue snaked along his pulse, talking suddenly became a very low priority.

She trailed kisses across his collarbone, swirling her fingers through the hair on his chest as her mouth worked its way down. Finding a nipple, she flicked it with her tongue and felt him squirm deliciously beneath her. Low, contented purrs sounded deep in his throat as she suckled him gently, and he arched his back, wanting more. So she moved to his other nipple and gave it equal attention, thrilled to see him responding so eagerly to her touch.

Once she was satisfied his chest would not feel neglected, Buffy trailed a line of slow kisses down towards his navel. She had definite plans for what she wanted to do next, but there was a pair of Levi's in the way. She ran her finger along his waistband and watched him shiver with anticipation. Nimbly unhooking one button, then another, she listened to his shallow breaths, looking forward to what other sounds she might coax from him before she was done.

He gasped, feeling her stroke him through his jeans, and he thrust reflexively against her hand, seeking firmer contact. But she pulled away, barely touching him as she unhooked the remaining buttons at his fly. "Up, Giles," she coaxed, and he looked at her, puzzled.

"Aren't I already?"

She giggled. "Your butt, silly. Lift it."

"Ah," he supplied. "Happy to help."

Giles raised his hips, and she tugged at his jeans, pulling them slowly down his long legs. When they joined the other articles of clothing on the floor, Buffy climbed back onto the bed, planting kisses along her way. She started at his toes, then his ankle, and his purrs slowly became an anxious moan. When she flicked her tongue over his kneecap, she jumped at his startled yelp. "Wow, Giles, ticklish there too?"

"If I say no," he begged, "will you please, please believe me?"

"Not a chance," she declared, but she showed mercy, unwilling to let her efforts degenerate into another gigglefest. "Your knees are safe for the time being. Other parts, however…" She illustrated her point by running her tongue along his inner thigh, and he relaxed. After a fashion.

Buffy eyed his navy, cotton briefs. Very nice, but they had to go. She hooked her fingers in the waistband, asking coyly, "May I?"

"God, yes," he rasped. He ached for her to touch him again, the anticipation almost more than he could bear. She slipped the material over his hips, eyes transfixed as she unwrapped her present. When he was fully undressed, Buffy took a moment to drink in the sight of him. He was beautiful. Not a very masculine word to describe something so powerfully male, but it was the only one she could think of that fit. Before she waxed poetic about her beautiful Watcher, though, there was something she wanted to do.

A strangled gasp tore from Giles' throat as Buffy's hand closed around his erection. Her touch was so different this time, giving pleasure, rather than taking. Caressing him instead of priming him for duty. She gently gripped his shaft, and he saw wicked intent gleaming in her eyes again before she lowered her head. She kissed the underside of his penis, tongue tracing a vein from base to tip, and he was nearly lost.

"Love," he struggled to say, "y-you don't have to…"


"Yes, Buffy?"

"Please shut up."

"Yes, Buffy."

Rupert Giles was in heaven. Buffy's mouth was pure velvet as it enveloped his cock, and she tongued him from base to tip, one hand softly encircling his shaft while the other massaged his scrotum. Then she relaxed her throat and took him in deeply, claiming and supplicating in one possessive gesture. She rejoiced in the inarticulate sounds pouring from her Watcher's lips as slowly, languidly, she pulled back. She teased him briefly, flicking him with her tongue before taking him in her mouth again. After his earlier reaction, she chanced grazing him gently with her teeth. He growled his approval, hips begging her to move faster, deeper, and she eagerly complied. She drove him to the very brink of self-control, ignoring the hand that clasped her shoulder to warn her of his imminent release, but he managed to stammer a weak protest.

"Buffy… I-I'm about to…"

Her answer was to engulf him even more deeply. Her fingers stroked his balls as they tightened, and his breath came shorter and faster, euphoric frenzy building inside him until he could no longer contain it. Giles cried out, a sound of desperate joy voice filling the house as his orgasm took him. She swallowed, savouring the salty, male taste of him, bathing him with her tongue until he was spent. Then she heard him laugh, a soft sigh of utter contentment. He held out his hand to her and pulled her alongside him, chest heaving as he fought to catch his breath.

"Sweet Jesus, Buffy, that was… that was incredible. Thank you."

She was about to insist that he was most welcome when his stomach growled loudly.

"Little hungry there, Giles?"

"Far too happy right now to care," he answered, reaching up to cup her face in his hand. "I love you, Buffy."

"You're about to love me even more," she teased. "Stay here and get comfy. I'll be right back." She gave him a quick kiss, then stood and picked up his discarded shirt, slipping it on without bothering to button it. Then with a quick smile at him, she turned and bounced down the stairs, feeling truly happy for the first time in recent memory.

She returned to find him under the covers, sitting up against the headboard. She held the box that she'd put in the refrigerator, two glasses, and a bottle of chilled champagne. "I didn't open it yet," she said, indicating the bottle. "I didn't know if you were saving it for a special occasion or something."

"I was," he smiled. "And I can't think of a better reason to open it." But a shadow flickered across his features, which she read plainly.

"Giles, I wouldn't bother with clotted cream and strawberries for a one-night stand."

His eyes widened, and he sat upright. "Good lord, Buffy, where did you find clotted cream in Sunnydale?"

"Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? And let me just say, 'clotted'? You guys really need to come up with a less icksome word for something that's supposed to be yummy."

He laughed, a bright, clear sound that warmed Buffy's heart, and he patted the bed next to him. She sat facing him, then handed him the champagne, and he twisted the cork loose with a muffled pop, pouring them each a glass while Buffy untied the box strings. As his hands were full, she happily dipped a strawberry into the cream and fed it to him, grinning as he moaned in delight.

"Hey, I think I know that sound," she teased. "So you like?"

"Mmm, Buffy, it's marvelous," he said, eagerly licking the cream from his lips. She accepted her glass of champagne, and they toasted each other silently before drinking. "Here," he said, dipping his finger into the cream and bringing it to her lips, "have a taste."

She took a hesitant lick, still unsure that clotted anything could possibly taste good, but she was pleasantly surprised. "Wow, that is yum!" Hungrily, she took his finger in her mouth, sucking the cream from it, and they both moaned this time, though for very different reasons.

Soon, the strawberries were gone, and a tiny dollop was all that remained of the cream. Buffy graciously offered it to Giles, confident he would be all gentlemanly and insist that she take it. She thought wrong. He swirled his finger about the container with a gleam in his eye and painted a line down the side of her neck. Then he leaned in to lick it from her skin, careful to enjoy every last drop.

It simply wouldn't do to waste it.

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