
Buffy Angel and Spike kidnapped

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Cold Cases Spuffy Find-A-Fic Forum / Cold Cases /

Buffy Angel and Spike kidnapped

WarriorDrgnMage PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 13 May 2014 05:24
There's some sort of prophecy about a vampire with a soul and the slayer having a child. Only Spike and Angel both have souls so the guy on the watchers council arranges for it to come true. He looks Buffy in a room for several days with both vamps and drugs the guys so they loose their minds and take turns raping her.
ScoobyDawn PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 13 May 2014 05:47
WarriorDrgnMage PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 14 May 2014 03:00
Thanks so much!!!
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