
Buffy/Spike magiced up to be kids fic

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Buffy/Spike magiced up to be kids fic


#1 | Posted: 21 Mar 2010 06:11
I think the story was set in season 4. One of Willows spells went wrong and turned Buffy and Spike into kids. They are little kids, but they have the same powers, Buffy is still the Slayer, and Spike is still a Vampire. I remember Giles finds this out, cause he is watching them, and while they are playing/rough housing, a bookcase falls on them and they don't get hurt. I remember Angel is in it too, Spike gets hurt in a playground and Angel takes out his chip later on, cause it keeps going off after that. I also know that either later in the story/ or follow up story, a bunch of the rest of the gang turns into kids while Buffy and Spike have to watch them. And i remember little girl Buffy telling Spike that he was a vampire, cause he didn't know.
Spikelissa PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 21 Mar 2010 06:27
Innocence Found by spikes_heart

Reclamation by spikes_heart

Read both, one has Buffy and Spike as the kids...the follow up has some of the scoobs as the kids for a period of time. It was adorable by the way. I lmao at both and cried just the same...It has everything! All from spikes_heart.
maryperk PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 22 Mar 2010 09:11 | Edited by: maryperk
Actually, that's a season 6 fic where Spike and Buffy get snotted on by a demon. Which looks like the first one found actually. I remember the whole thing with the chip.
Spikelissa PM
Forums Member

#4 | Posted: 24 Mar 2010 09:31
Yup, Mary! Reclamation happened to be the continuation of that story. Very cute. It was original Scoobs turn kiddies. Tara, Spike, and Buffy take care of Little Willow, Xander, Giles, and Angel. Anya wasn't included. I think it was to give them back their inner, completely fluffy fics.

I loved both actually.
dannibaby PM
Forums Member

#5 | Posted: 17 Dec 2016 18:31
17 Dec 2016 22:19 - Attached on merging:
buffy and spike turned into kids

spike and buffy get covered in demon blood and spike gets turned into a kid she takes him to giles when she gets turned into a child as well. cant find this fic anywhere any ideas danni
brovic PM
Forums Member

#6 | Posted: 17 Dec 2016 21:21
I think it is innocence found... I know they have it on ef not sure about here
Pari PM

#7 | Posted: 17 Dec 2016 22:17
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