
Buffy and Spike stuck at a farmhouse

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Buffy and Spike stuck at a farmhouse

Melts PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 22 Jan 2017 18:08
I want to say it was set during season 3 Lover's Walk or it happened the summer after they graduated from high school. This is what I do remember being in the fic...... Dru left Spike for the Chaos demon and he came back to Sunnydale. For some reason the gang was out of school. I think Willow was travelling with her parents, Giles was either in England or still in Sunnydale, and Xander was travelling the US. I don't remember if Spike kidnapped Buffy or if she decided to go along with him, but they went on a "roadtrip" and ended up at some farmhouse. Xander happens to come across them later on in the fic and he is ok with their relationship. At the end Dru shows up with her new boy toy, the Chaos demon, and she has him dressed up like Spike. Hijinks ensue and the Chaos demon accidentally dusts Dru with his antler. Buffy, Spike and Xander all go back to Sunnydale.

This may also be in the story.... there was a demon bar that Xander (and Spike?) stripped in to make fast money. I also think Buffy and Spike had sex in a barn and all the animals were watching. And I also think they found a litter of barn kittens and decided to keep one.

Sorry for being so vague, but that's what I mainly remember. Hoping someone knows the fic I am talking about. TIA
Skipper PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 23 Jan 2017 04:52
The one where they're at the farmhouse with Xander and the Chaos demon accidentally dusts Dru with his antler is Down the Road I Go by Megan_Tam. Without a doubt. But I don't recall Xander or Spike stripping in a demon bar, so I think that must be from a different fic.
Melts PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 23 Jan 2017 07:20
Thank you so much!! The stripping part was in Chapter 18. I was a little wrong on the details for it though.
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