Not for the faint of heart!Saving Grace by DreamsofSpikeGoes AU immediately after Spike leaves the bathroom in Seeing Red. After nearly committing an unspeakable crime against the woman he loves, Spike faces the ordeal of his unlife when Robot-Boy Warren discovers what his chip does and how to control it. Will Buffy be able to help him? Will she even *want* to? *JUDGES PICK AT THE VAMPIRES KISS AWARDS!!!*
A/N: This story was inspired by two great fics which used the same idea, "Chain" by irfikos, and "Leashing the Beast" by Nos. This idea has been done many times, I know, but I've had my own ideas about it for some time and thought I'd give it a try. WARNING: Very very dark pretty much throughout the story. Involves torture, non-con m/m slash (not graphic, mostly implied), very disturbing. Spike is very badly victimized in this story. Will be Spike/Buffy pairing eventually, but will take a little while to get there. Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpikeSeason Six, Post Entropy...After Spike's encounter with Anya in the Magic Box, Buffy's not sure if she can forgive him for the hurt that she feels -- until he shows up at her door, needing her more than he ever has before...where do a Slayer with iron walls around her thrice-broken heart, and a wounded, desperate vampire go from here? Who's really to blame -- for what's happened to Spike, and for what's happened between them? And somewhere, in the midst of it all -- can the two of them find forgiveness, and the love that they both need so desperately?Statistics by DreamsofSpike*VERY DARK and NO HAPPY ENDING* Buffy's been warned all her life about the dangers of abusive relationships....but that doesn't stop her from becoming involved in one.... VERY DARK FIC!!!!A Game of Chance by spikes_heart Rated: NC-17Angst and Rape WarningDuring an unforeseen low in the Slayer's life, she finds salvation where she had always rejected it before: in Spike's arms.The Choice by Anaross Rated RAfter Dead Things. Is it so much to ask- that Buffy just love him back? Angst warning.