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ScoobyDawn PM
Forums Member

#1 | Posted: 2 May 2013 02:57
Such a great writer with so few fics, one unfinished and one intended to be expanded which doesn't appear to have been. Does anyone know where Rikki_oko has gone?
cordykitten PM
Forums Member

#2 | Posted: 20 Nov 2013 17:33 | Edited by: cordykitten
I don't think she's writing Fanfiction any more.
Through LJ someone pimped her book - she writes as Natalie D. Richards now

You can read about it here in this post:

(It has links to her new site etc.)
ScoobyDawn PM
Forums Member

#3 | Posted: 20 Nov 2013 18:53
Thanks cordykitten.
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