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New: Members Only Posting


#1 | Posted: 3 Mar 2013 00:37 | Edited by: SMac
Today the Find a Fic Forums changed to 'Members Only' as far as posting to threads. We didn't want to do that but the spamming was completely out of control and deleting spam pretty much was a 24/7 job for me and the other mods so we had to do this. Sorry 'bout that. We have so many wonderful guests who post and respond here that we tried to avoid this but ultimately it was just impossible not to change the rules.

So, become a Member and stick around. On the plus side, with less spam we'll be able to see real posts and responses without wading through a bunch of crap first. How great is that?
Passion4Spike PM

#2 | Posted: 3 Mar 2013 01:01
Totally great! I know you've dealt with this a long time and I've been spending a good hour a day deleting spam the last at least two or three weeks too, trying to help more. Was shocked when I looked this afternoon and there was NO SPAM. Then I saw Pari's note and understood. Thank goodness!

So, come on, guests - pick a name and post away!

#3 | Posted: 3 Mar 2013 01:20
By the way, I had to lock some threads due to their spammy popularity, just out of a sense of self-preservation. So....

If you are in a thread and have a response to post and it's locked, just PM me and I'll unlock it so it can receive new posts.

Thanks for your patience.
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