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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

Titles - A
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Summary: Earl Summerly a compulsive gambler wagers the hand in marriage of his daughter Elizabeth Summerly to the evil Lord Angelus. Can Lord William Ripper rescue Elizabeth
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 28481
Published: 01/16/2005 Updated: 01/30/2005
A helping hand by burnkitty Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 7]
Summary: REVISED!! Spike gets a well deserved helping hand.
**Nominated for best One Shot**
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1510
Published: 07/31/2008 Updated: 08/01/2008
A Helping Hand by Constance Rated: 15 Liked [Reviews - 5]
Summary: In a Glory-free interlude post Crush, there's a new demon in town.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 6622
Published: 07/10/2008 Updated: 07/10/2008
Summary: When runaway Buffy is orphaned and homeless, a street fighter named Spike rescues her. Beautiful banner by pamsblau.

Categories: General Fics, NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 3117
Published: 01/04/2011 Updated: 01/04/2011
Summary: Based on the movie Oceans Eleven. William ‘Spike’ Ocean gathers ten accomplices to help him rob a casino. But money’s not the only thing he’s after…
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No Word count: 15305
Published: 09/10/2008 Updated: 10/21/2008
Summary: Some decisions are hard to make, especially when they are made based on the principles and prejudice of other people.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1311
Published: 05/30/2007 Updated: 05/30/2007
Summary: Sequel to "A Very Joan and Randy Christmas." Valentine's Day is coming up, and the gang is planning hearts and flowers ... but what's that about demon eggs? Fluffy Spuffy rewrite of "As You Were," or as I think of it, "the episode that never happened."
Categories: Comedy fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3297
Published: 02/06/2006 Updated: 02/06/2006
Summary: Buffy is all alone one rainy night with a bottle of champagne. Well, not ALL alone.....
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: Yes Word count: 21798
Published: 07/21/2004 Updated: 07/26/2004
Summary: Spike Giles is engaged to the woman of his dreams, someone who isn't Buffy although Spike loves his soon to be wife. He can't help but feel his true feelings towards Buffy.Torn between two woman, how far will he go to get the one he really wants without one of them getting killed.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 2985
Published: 12/24/2005 Updated: 01/03/2006
A Kind of Marriage by Serinah Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 16]
Summary: Spike and Buffy are a couple and everybody knows it. But is it really the spuffy paradise of two hearts in love? Hardly; Spike's closet is full of skeletons that he has no intention of displaying, and Buffy has a secret of her own. The dynamic between them is a bit different as they actually seem to get along most of the time. But there's just so many things left unsaid, that when a new big bad comes to town, it gets... complicated.
Alternative season 6. Adventures, angst and romance.
Warning of kinky/freaky is for some scenes only, there will be vanilla sex too. Still, the story is not smut.
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Action, Angst Warnings: Freaky/Kinky, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 14302
Published: 10/13/2008 Updated: 11/17/2008
Summary: Mini-Series. Set right after ‘Once More with Feeling.’ Buffy reflects on the kiss while patrolling one night and you can guess who shows up in the middle of her silent reverie. Pretty much just fluff, a happy ending, and a healthy dose of smut. It’s one of my fix Buffy and Spike’s relationship pieces.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1331
Published: 06/02/2005 Updated: 06/02/2005
A Land Far From Home by Dru Rated: NC-17 Liked [Reviews - 9]
Summary: Buffy Summers is a shy artist and poet. When her mother gets an offer to run a gallery in London they uproot and move right before Buffy's senior year. But what happens when she steps into Winsten Prep and a certain bad boy with a poets heart of gold falls all over himself?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 1148
Published: 05/26/2008 Updated: 05/27/2008
Summary: Buffy is an artist who takes odd jobs on the side. Being a dogwalker for William 'Spike' Giles, she wishes she was more to him. Will he ever notice her, or has he already?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes Word count: 6154
Published: 11/29/2009 Updated: 12/01/2009
Summary: Everyone survives the cave-in and the Scoobies start up a 'Slayer School'. Buffy gives Spike a visit while he's teaching... will she take her teasing too far?
Categories: General NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 5764
Published: 06/30/2006 Updated: 06/30/2006
Summary: What if the morning after 'Wrecked' went a little differently? I don't own anything so please don't sue. Beta'd by the wonderful Spikeslovebite.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 1299
Published: 11/06/2006 Updated: 11/06/2006
Summary: In Season Three’s episode “Lover’s Walk,” Buffy and Spike fall victim to a binding spell that was accidentally triggered during the fight at the Magic Box.

How will two sworn enemies react when their utmost desire to bring about the other’s death is now replaced with bizarre primal urges and lusty cravings? Then add a dash of telepathy, Angel as The Brooding Wonder, the Scoobies, and Giles’ frequent spectacle cleaning, and you have the makings of one helluva ride. Written for VioletRoze88’s challenge on EF of the same title

Runner-Up at Sunnydale Memorial Fanfiction Awards Round 26 for Best Unfinished, and Runner Up for Best Characterization: Spike---Many Thanks!!!!


Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: None Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 13 Completed: No Word count: 24553
Published: 03/26/2012 Updated: 08/09/2012
Summary: This takes place between "Wrecked" and "Gone" in season 6. "Wrecked" is the last episode aired before Christmas that year and "Gone" was aired after the New Year. A kinder S6 Spuffy moment.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: Yes Word count: 6581
Published: 11/28/2006 Updated: 11/29/2006
Summary: It was the Tuesday before Christmas and Buffy hoped after a quick patrol she’d finally be earning a much-needed break. However, this was still the Hellmouth, which is the perfect place for a few of Santa’s disgruntled elves to stir up a little trouble.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Parody Warnings: Adult Language, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3011
Published: 12/18/2012 Updated: 12/18/2012
Summary: Cast out from the demon world, a desperate and dying Spike turns to the Slayer for help. Buffy agrees to help cure him, if he takes a Blood Oath to never again harm a living being ... and so begins a strange friendship.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst Warnings: Buffy/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 4354
Published: 02/24/2009 Updated: 02/21/2010
Summary: [ALTERNATE ENDING Ch. 4 and on (with no character death... and a lot less angst)] Buffy's known Spike for most of her life, but why is it that she never realized she loved him until he was getting married to someone else? The wedding date's closing in and she finally feels the need to tell him how she feels... and maybe, just maybe... things might work out. ** Warning** character death, rape (not very graphic)....
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Angst Warnings: Violence, Adult Language, Spike/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 7872
Published: 08/23/2006 Updated: 02/17/2007
A Little Light Reading by Bluebell Rated: AO-AdultsOnly Liked [Reviews - 21]
Summary: It's Buffy's first day in a new school. The only thing she didn't count on was being trapped in a room with all the forbidden books...and Spike!
Categories: Porn w/o Plot fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 3519
Published: 09/13/2006 Updated: 09/13/2006
Summary: What happens after the screen fades to black in 'Not Fade Away'?
Categories: Serial Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst, None Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: No Word count: 35556
Published: 04/26/2005 Updated: 01/17/2007
Summary: Spike's got a surprise for Buffy on their first Christmas together and he's got an audience for it too!
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2859
Published: 12/23/2005 Updated: 12/23/2005
Summary: Total AU, based on the novel “High Fidelity”. William Spike Giles is a down-and-out record store owner who’s just lost the love of his life, Buffy Summers. Share his manic journey as he tries to win her back.
Categories: General Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Completed: No Word count: 18119
Published: 05/17/2008 Updated: 06/04/2008
Summary: Buffy Summers has had her eye on Spike for a while but she's too shy to approach him. Now her car won't start and he's the only one around to help. Will she finally get over her nerves and take a chance?
Categories: NC-17 Fics Characters: None
Genres: Romance Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 8476
Published: 09/22/2012 Updated: 09/30/2012