Reviewer: fitz
Date: 08/18/2012 - 11:11 pm
Title: Everything About You
iFor the love of Pete!, Finish this...please
Reviewer: kim
Date: 11/06/2005 - 03:54 am
Title: Everything About You
So, is Buffy on the next plane? Funny stuff from Spike. Since she's truly admitted her feelings to herself, I don't think Angel being human is going to be much of an issue. He should go find Nina. Illyria died a little easily, but I guess there isn't much room for her here.
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 11/05/2005 - 07:41 am
Title: Everything About You
So at last Andrew did surrender and did spill the truth out - Spike being alive. And back there Angel and Spike survived the last battle - and now Angel thinks he is gonna get Buffy for himself. Uh-huh.. I hope Spike won't be dust in days! Looking forward for more :)
Reviewer: Tamara
Date: 11/05/2005 - 04:16 am
Title: Everything About You
Is it evil that I want Spike to reject her initially when she finds him and maybe blame her for the Immortal coming after him?
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 08/26/2005 - 04:20 pm
Title: Everything I Own
But now the song fits perfectly! Thanks for the update! At lastdid the spell something good - Buffy was able to tell what she feels about Spike :)
Reviewer: Cordykitten Signed
Date: 07/24/2005 - 08:24 am
Title: Prologue - The Spell
A new story from you? Definitely reading :) Interesting start - and I like the way the relationship is between Buffy and the immortal - Buffy is still missing Spike I would guess :))
Author's Response: She is, LOL! Hope you like the forst chapter when i can get to post :)
Reviewer: Brat
Date: 07/22/2005 - 09:08 am
Title: Prologue - The Spell
Very interesting. I'm liking it! Definitely should continue :)
Author's Response: Thank you! Hope you continue to like it when I post the first chapter :)
Reviewer: spufette
Date: 07/22/2005 - 07:16 am
Title: Prologue - The Spell
I really like this. I hope you continue because I always felt Joss left out alot of explanation in this matter.
Author's Response: Thanks, spuf, I hope you like where I'm going to go with it. Going to be alot of background first though.
Reviewer: Bree
Date: 07/22/2005 - 07:00 am
Title: Prologue - The Spell
This is wonderful! I definitely think you should continue. Can't wait for more!
Author's Response: Thanks Bree. When the submission feature is back online I'll get the first chapter up :)